Interface ReadOnlyBeanRefreshEventHandler

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ReadOnlyBeanRefreshEventHandler
    ReadOnlyBeanRefreshEventHandler defines the methods that can be used to implement a distributed ReadOnly beans. An instance of ReadOnlyBeanRefreshEventHandler is used to handle requests received from other server instances. An instance of DistributedReadOnlyBeanNotifier is used to notify other server instances.
    Mahesh Kannan
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • getClassLoader

        ClassLoader getClassLoader()
        Called from DistributedReadOnlyBeanServiceImpl before de-serializing the bean's pk
        the application class loader
      • handleRefreshRequest

        void handleRefreshRequest​(Object pk)
        Called from DistributedReadOnlyBeanServiceImpl when a refresh message arrives at this instance
        pk - the primary key that needs to be refreshed
      • handleRefreshAllRequest

        void handleRefreshAllRequest()
        Called from DistributedReadOnlyBeanServiceImpl when a refreshAll message arrives at this instance