Interface DistributedReadOnlyBeanService

  • public interface DistributedReadOnlyBeanService
    DistributedReadOnlyBeanService defines the methods that can be used to implement a distributed ReadOnly beans. An instance of ReadOnlyBeanRefreshEventHandler is used to handle requests received from other server instances. An instance of DistributedReadOnlyBeanNotifier is used to notify other server instances.
    Mahesh Kannan
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • setDistributedReadOnlyBeanNotifier

        void setDistributedReadOnlyBeanNotifier​(DistributedReadOnlyBeanNotifier notifier)
        This is typically done during appserver startup time. One of the LifeCycle listeners will create an instance of DistributedReadOnlyBeanNotifier and register that instance with DistributedReadOnlyBeanService
        notifier - the notifier who is responsible for notifying refresh event(s) to other instances
      • addReadOnlyBeanRefreshEventHandler

        void addReadOnlyBeanRefreshEventHandler​(long ejbID,
                                                ClassLoader loader,
                                                ReadOnlyBeanRefreshEventHandler handler)
        Called from ReadOnlyBeanContainer to register itself as a ReadOnlyBeanRefreshEventHandler.
        ejbID - the ejbID that uniquely identifies the container
        loader - the class loader that will be used to serialize/de-serialize the primary key
        handler - The handler that is responsible for correctly refresing the state of a RO bean
      • removeReadOnlyBeanRefreshEventHandler

        void removeReadOnlyBeanRefreshEventHandler​(long ejbID)
        Called from ReadOnlyBeanContainer to unregister itself as a ReadOnlyBeanRefreshEventHandler. Typically called during undeployment.
        ejbID -
      • notifyRefresh

        void notifyRefresh​(long ejbID,
                           Object pk)
        Called by the container after it has refreshed the RO bean
        ejbID - the ejbID that uniquely identifies the container
        pk - the primary key to be refreshed
      • notifyRefreshAll

        void notifyRefreshAll​(long ejbID)
        Called by the container after it has refreshed all RO beans
        ejbID - the ejbID that uniquely identifies the container
      • handleRefreshRequest

        void handleRefreshRequest​(long ejbID,
                                  byte[] pkData)
        Called from the DistributedReadOnlyBeanNotifier when it receives a (remote) request to refresh a RO bean
        ejbID - the ejbID that uniquely identifies the container
        pk - the primary key to be refreshed
      • handleRefreshAllRequest

        void handleRefreshAllRequest​(long ejbID)
        Called from the DistributedReadOnlyBeanNotifier when it receives a (remote) request to refresh all RO beans
        ejbID - the ejbID that uniquely identifies the container