Interface ConfigBeanInterceptor<T>

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ConfigBeanInterceptor<T>
    Interceptor interface to be notified of read/write operations on a ConfigBean. Interceptor can be configured using the optional T interface.
    • Method Detail

      • getConfiguration

        T getConfiguration()
        Interceptor can usually be configured, allowing for customizing how the interceptor should behave or do.
        interface implementing the configuration capability of this interceptor
      • afterChange

        void afterChange​(PropertyChangeEvent evt,
                         long timestamp)
        Notification that an attribute has changed
        evt - information about the change
        timestamp - time of the change
      • readValue

        void readValue​(ConfigBean source,
                       String xmlName,
                       Object value)
        Notification of an attribute read
        source - object owning the attribute
        xmlName - name of the attribute
        value - value of the attribute