Class ConnectorConfigProperty

    • Constructor Detail

      • ConnectorConfigProperty

        public ConnectorConfigProperty()
        Construct an connector config-property if type String and empty string value and no description.
      • ConnectorConfigProperty

        public ConnectorConfigProperty​(String name,
                                       String value,
                                       String description)
        Construct an connector config-property of given name value and description.
      • ConnectorConfigProperty

        public ConnectorConfigProperty​(String name,
                                       String value,
                                       String description,
                                       String type)
        Construct an connector config-property of given name value and description and type. Throws an IllegalArgumentException if bounds checking is true and the value cannot be reconciled with the given type.
      • ConnectorConfigProperty

        public ConnectorConfigProperty​(String name,
                                       String value,
                                       String description,
                                       String type,
                                       boolean ignore,
                                       boolean supportsDynamicUpdates,
                                       boolean confidential)
        Construct an connector config-property of given name value and description and type. Throws an IllegalArgumentException if bounds checking is true and the value cannot be reconciled with the given type.
    • Method Detail

      • isIgnore

        public boolean isIgnore()
      • setIgnore

        public void setIgnore​(boolean ignore)
      • isSupportsDynamicUpdates

        public boolean isSupportsDynamicUpdates()
      • setSupportsDynamicUpdates

        public void setSupportsDynamicUpdates​(boolean supportsDynamicUpdates)
      • isConfidential

        public boolean isConfidential()
      • setConfidential

        public void setConfidential​(boolean confidential)
      • isSetIgnoreCalled

        public boolean isSetIgnoreCalled()
      • setSetIgnoreCalled

        public void setSetIgnoreCalled​(boolean setIgnoreCalled)
      • isSetConfidentialCalled

        public boolean isSetConfidentialCalled()
      • setSetConfidentialCalled

        public void setSetConfidentialCalled​(boolean setConfidentialCalled)
      • isSetSupportsDynamicUpdatesCalled

        public boolean isSetSupportsDynamicUpdatesCalled()
      • setSetSupportsDynamicUpdatesCalled

        public void setSetSupportsDynamicUpdatesCalled​(boolean setSupportsDynamicUpdatesCalled)