Class StatefulContainerFactory

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ContainerFactory, org.glassfish.hk2.api.PostConstruct

    public class StatefulContainerFactory
    extends BaseContainerFactory
    implements org.glassfish.hk2.api.PostConstruct, ContainerFactory
    A builder for StatefulSessionContainer. Takes care of building / initializing the StatefulSessionContainer with the following classes: a) Cache (LRU / NRU / FIFO / UnBounded) b) SFSBStoreManager (Using PersistenceStrategyBuilder) c) Cache passivation task (if idle-timeout is greater than 0) d) Passivated sessions removal task (if removal-timeout is greater than 0) e) CheckpointPolicy (if ha enabled) f) SFSBUUIDUtil g) BeanLifecycleManager
    Mahesh Kannan
    • Field Detail

      • _logger

        protected static final Logger _logger
    • Constructor Detail

      • StatefulContainerFactory

        public StatefulContainerFactory()