Interface ClusterRef

    • Method Detail

      • getRef

        @NotNull @Pattern(regexp="[A-Za-z0-9_][A-Za-z0-9\\-_\\.;]*") String getRef()
        Gets the value of the ref property.
        Specified by:
        getRef in interface Ref
        possible object is String
      • getLbPolicy

        String getLbPolicy()
        Gets the value of the lbPolicy property. load balancing policy to be used for this cluster. Possible values are round-robin , weighted-round-robin or user-defined. round-robin is the default. For weighted-round-robin, the weights of the instance are considered while load balancing. For user-defined, the policy is implemented by a shared library which is loaded by the load balancer and the instance selected is delegated to the loaded module.
        possible object is String
      • getLbPolicyModule

        String getLbPolicyModule()
        Gets the value of the lbPolicyModule property. Specifies the absolute path to the shared library implementing the user-defined policy. This should be specified only when the lb-policy is user-defined. The shared library should exist and be readable in the machine where load balancer is running.
        possible object is String
      • getHealthChecker

        HealthChecker getHealthChecker()
        Gets the value of the healthChecker property. Each cluster would be configured for a ping based health check mechanism.
        possible object is HealthChecker