Interface Connector

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    Connector, PECoyoteConnector, WebConnector

    public interface Connector
    A Connector is a component responsible receiving requests from, and returning responses to, a client application. A Connector performs the following general logic:
    • Receive a request from the client application.
    • Create (or allocate from a pool) appropriate Request and Response instances, and populate their properties based on the contents of the received request, as described below.
      • For all Requests, the connector, protocol, remoteAddr, response, scheme, secure, serverName, serverPort and stream properties MUST be set. The contentLength and contentType properties are also generally set.
      • For HttpRequests, the method, queryString, requestedSessionCookie, requestedSessionId, requestedSessionURL, requestURI, and secure properties MUST be set. In addition, the various addXxx methods must be called to record the presence of cookies, headers, and locales in the original request.
      • For all Responses, the connector, request, and stream properties MUST be set.
      • No additional headers must be set by the Connector for HttpResponses.
    • Identify an appropriate Container to use for processing this request. For a stand alone Catalina installation, this will probably be a (singleton) Engine implementation. For a Connector attaching Catalina to a web server such as Apache, this step could take advantage of parsing already performed within the web server to identify the Context, and perhaps even the Wrapper, to utilize in satisfying this Request.
    • Call the invoke() method of the selected Container, passing the initialized Request and Response instances as arguments.
    • Return any response created by the Container to the client, or return an appropriate error message if an exception of any type was thrown.
    • If utilizing a pool of Request and Response objects, recycle the pair of instances that was just used.
    It is expected that the implementation details of various Connectors will vary widely, so the logic above should considered typical rather than normative.
    $Revision: 1.6 $ $Date: 2007/05/05 05:31:50 $
    Craig R. McClanahan
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      Request createRequest()
      Create (or allocate) and return a Request object suitable for specifying the contents of a Request to the responsible Container.
      Response createResponse()
      Create (or allocate) and return a Response object suitable for receiving the contents of a Response from the responsible Container.
      boolean getAuthPassthroughEnabled()
      Returns the value of this connector's authPassthroughEnabled flag.
      X509Certificate[] getCertificates​(Request request)
      Get the underlying WebContainer certificate for the request
      Container getContainer()
      Return the Container used for processing requests received by this Connector.
      String getDefaultHost()
      Gets the default host of this Connector.
      boolean getEnableLookups()
      Return the "enable DNS lookups" flag.
      ServerSocketFactory getFactory()
      Return the server socket factory used by this Container.
      org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.HttpHandler getHandler()
      Get the HttpHandler used by this connector.
      String getInfo()
      Return descriptive information about this Connector implementation.
      String getJvmRoute()
      Get the jvmRoute associated with this connector.
      int getMaxSavePostSize()
      Return the maximum size of a POST which will be saved by the container during authentication.
      String getName()
      Gets the name of this Connector.
      ProxyHandler getProxyHandler()
      Gets the ProxyHandler instance associated with this CoyoteConnector.
      int getRedirectPort()
      Return the port number to which a request should be redirected if it comes in on a non-SSL port and is subject to a security constraint with a transport guarantee that requires SSL.
      String getScheme()
      Return the scheme that will be assigned to requests received through this connector.
      boolean getSecure()
      Return the secure connection flag that will be assigned to requests received through this connector.
      Service getService()
      Return the Service with which we are associated (if any).
      String getURIEncoding()
      Get the encoding to be used for byte<-->char conversion for data sent/received via this Connector
      void initialize()
      Invoke a pre-startup initialization.
      void setAuthPassthroughEnabled​(boolean authPassthroughEnabled)
      Sets the value of this connector's authPassthroughEnabled flag.
      void setContainer​(Container container)
      Set the Container used for processing requests received by this Connector.
      void setDefaultHost​(String defaultHost)
      Sets the default host for this Connector.
      void setEnableLookups​(boolean enableLookups)
      Set the "enable DNS lookups" flag.
      void setFactory​(ServerSocketFactory factory)
      Set the server socket factory used by this Container.
      void setHandler​(org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.HttpHandler adapter)
      Set the Adapter used by this connector.
      void setJvmRoute​(String jvmRoute)
      Sets the jvmRoute associated with this connector.
      void setMaxPostSize​(int maxPostSize)
      Set the maximum size of a POST which will be automatically parsed by the container.
      void setProxyHandler​(ProxyHandler proxyHandler)
      Sets the ProxyHandler implementation for this CoyoteConnector to use.
      void setRedirectPort​(int redirectPort)
      Set the redirect port number.
      void setScheme​(String scheme)
      Set the scheme that will be assigned to requests received through this connector.
      void setSecure​(boolean secure)
      Set the secure connection flag that will be assigned to requests received through this connector.
      void setService​(Service service)
      Set the Service with which we are associated (if any).
      void setURIEncoding​(String encoding)
      Set the encoding to be used for byte<-->char conversion for data sent/received via this Connector
    • Method Detail

      • getContainer

        Container getContainer()
        Return the Container used for processing requests received by this Connector.
      • setContainer

        void setContainer​(Container container)
        Set the Container used for processing requests received by this Connector.
        container - The new Container to use
      • getEnableLookups

        boolean getEnableLookups()
        Return the "enable DNS lookups" flag.
      • setEnableLookups

        void setEnableLookups​(boolean enableLookups)
        Set the "enable DNS lookups" flag.
        enableLookups - The new "enable DNS lookups" flag value
      • getFactory

        ServerSocketFactory getFactory()
        Return the server socket factory used by this Container.
      • setFactory

        void setFactory​(ServerSocketFactory factory)
        Set the server socket factory used by this Container.
        factory - The new server socket factory
      • getInfo

        String getInfo()
        Return descriptive information about this Connector implementation.
      • getRedirectPort

        int getRedirectPort()
        Return the port number to which a request should be redirected if it comes in on a non-SSL port and is subject to a security constraint with a transport guarantee that requires SSL.
      • setRedirectPort

        void setRedirectPort​(int redirectPort)
        Set the redirect port number.
        redirectPort - The redirect port number (non-SSL to SSL)
      • getScheme

        String getScheme()
        Return the scheme that will be assigned to requests received through this connector. Default value is "http".
      • setScheme

        void setScheme​(String scheme)
        Set the scheme that will be assigned to requests received through this connector.
        scheme - The new scheme
      • getSecure

        boolean getSecure()
        Return the secure connection flag that will be assigned to requests received through this connector. Default value is "false".
      • setSecure

        void setSecure​(boolean secure)
        Set the secure connection flag that will be assigned to requests received through this connector.
        secure - The new secure connection flag
      • getService

        Service getService()
        Return the Service with which we are associated (if any).
      • setService

        void setService​(Service service)
        Set the Service with which we are associated (if any).
        service - The service that owns this Engine
      • setDefaultHost

        void setDefaultHost​(String defaultHost)
        Sets the default host for this Connector.
        defaultHost - The default host for this Connector
      • getDefaultHost

        String getDefaultHost()
        Gets the default host of this Connector.
        The default host of this Connector
      • getAuthPassthroughEnabled

        boolean getAuthPassthroughEnabled()
        Returns the value of this connector's authPassthroughEnabled flag.
        true if this connector is receiving its requests from a trusted intermediate server, false otherwise
      • setAuthPassthroughEnabled

        void setAuthPassthroughEnabled​(boolean authPassthroughEnabled)
        Sets the value of this connector's authPassthroughEnabled flag.
        authPassthroughEnabled - true if this connector is receiving its requests from a trusted intermediate server, false otherwise
      • getProxyHandler

        ProxyHandler getProxyHandler()
        Gets the ProxyHandler instance associated with this CoyoteConnector.
        ProxyHandler instance associated with this CoyoteConnector, or null
      • setProxyHandler

        void setProxyHandler​(ProxyHandler proxyHandler)
        Sets the ProxyHandler implementation for this CoyoteConnector to use.
        proxyHandler - ProxyHandler instance to use
      • getName

        String getName()
        Gets the name of this Connector.
      • setJvmRoute

        void setJvmRoute​(String jvmRoute)
        Sets the jvmRoute associated with this connector.
      • getJvmRoute

        String getJvmRoute()
        Get the jvmRoute associated with this connector.
      • createRequest

        Request createRequest()
        Create (or allocate) and return a Request object suitable for specifying the contents of a Request to the responsible Container.
      • createResponse

        Response createResponse()
        Create (or allocate) and return a Response object suitable for receiving the contents of a Response from the responsible Container.
      • initialize

        void initialize()
                 throws LifecycleException
        Invoke a pre-startup initialization. This is used to allow connectors to bind to restricted ports under Unix operating environments.
        LifecycleException - If this server was already initialized.
      • getCertificates

        X509Certificate[] getCertificates​(Request request)
        Get the underlying WebContainer certificate for the request
      • getURIEncoding

        String getURIEncoding()
        Get the encoding to be used for byte<-->char conversion for data sent/received via this Connector
      • setURIEncoding

        void setURIEncoding​(String encoding)
        Set the encoding to be used for byte<-->char conversion for data sent/received via this Connector
      • setHandler

        void setHandler​(org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.HttpHandler adapter)
        Set the Adapter used by this connector.
      • getHandler

        org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.HttpHandler getHandler()
        Get the HttpHandler used by this connector.
      • setMaxPostSize

        void setMaxPostSize​(int maxPostSize)
        Set the maximum size of a POST which will be automatically parsed by the container.
        maxPostSize - The new maximum size in bytes of a POST which will be automatically parsed by the container
      • getMaxSavePostSize

        int getMaxSavePostSize()
        Return the maximum size of a POST which will be saved by the container during authentication.