Interface Response

  • All Known Subinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    DummyResponse, HttpResponseWrapper, PECoyoteResponse, Response

    public interface Response
    A Response is the Catalina-internal facade for a ServletResponse that is to be produced, based on the processing of a corresponding Request.
    $Revision: 1.2 $ $Date: 2005/12/08 01:27:19 $
    Craig R. McClanahan
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      jakarta.servlet.ServletOutputStream createOutputStream()
      Create and return a ServletOutputStream to write the content associated with this Response.
      String encode​(String url)
      Apply URL Encoding to the given URL without adding session identifier et al associated to this response.
      void finishResponse()
      Perform whatever actions are required to flush and close the output stream or writer, in a single operation.
      Connector getConnector()
      Return the Connector through which this Response is returned.
      int getContentCount()
      Return the number of bytes actually written to the output stream.
      int getContentLength()
      Return the content length that was set or calculated for this Response.
      String getContentType()
      Return the content type that was set or calculated for this response, or null if no content type was set.
      Context getContext()
      Return the Context with which this Response is associated.
      String getDetailMessage()
      Gets detail error message.
      boolean getIncluded()
      Return the "processing inside an include" flag.
      String getInfo()
      Return descriptive information about this Response implementation and the corresponding version number, in the format <description>/<version>.
      PrintWriter getReporter()
      Return a PrintWriter that can be used to render error messages, regardless of whether a stream or writer has already been acquired.
      Request getRequest()
      Return the Request with which this Response is associated.
      jakarta.servlet.ServletResponse getResponse()
      Return the ServletResponse for which this object is the facade.
      OutputStream getStream()
      Return the output stream associated with this Response.
      boolean isAppCommitted()
      Application commit flag accessor.
      boolean isError()
      Error flag accessor.
      boolean isSuspended()
      Suspended flag accessor.
      void recycle()
      Release all object references, and initialize instance variables, in preparation for reuse of this object.
      void resetBuffer()
      Reset the data buffer but not any status or header information.
      void resetBuffer​(boolean resetWriterStreamFlags)
      Reset the data buffer and the using Writer/Stream flags but not any status or header information.
      void sendAcknowledgement()
      Send an acknowledgment of a request.
      void setAppCommitted​(boolean appCommitted)
      Set the application commit flag.
      void setConnector​(Connector connector)
      Set the Connector through which this Response is returned.
      void setContext​(Context context)
      Set the Context with which this Response is associated.
      void setDetailMessage​(String message)
      Sets detail error message.
      void setError()
      Set the error flag.
      void setIncluded​(boolean included)
      Set the "processing inside an include" flag.
      void setRequest​(Request request)
      Set the Request with which this Response is associated.
      void setStream​(OutputStream stream)
      Set the output stream associated with this Response.
      void setSuspended​(boolean suspended)
      Set the suspended flag.
    • Method Detail

      • getConnector

        Connector getConnector()
        Return the Connector through which this Response is returned.
      • setConnector

        void setConnector​(Connector connector)
        Set the Connector through which this Response is returned.
        connector - The new connector
      • getContentCount

        int getContentCount()
        Return the number of bytes actually written to the output stream.
      • getContext

        Context getContext()
        Return the Context with which this Response is associated.
      • setContext

        void setContext​(Context context)
        Set the Context with which this Response is associated. This should be called as soon as the appropriate Context is identified.
        context - The associated Context
      • setAppCommitted

        void setAppCommitted​(boolean appCommitted)
        Set the application commit flag.
        appCommitted - The new application committed flag value
      • isAppCommitted

        boolean isAppCommitted()
        Application commit flag accessor.
      • getIncluded

        boolean getIncluded()
        Return the "processing inside an include" flag.
      • setIncluded

        void setIncluded​(boolean included)
        Set the "processing inside an include" flag.
        included - true if we are currently inside a RequestDispatcher.include(), else false
      • getInfo

        String getInfo()
        Return descriptive information about this Response implementation and the corresponding version number, in the format <description>/<version>.
      • getRequest

        Request getRequest()
        Return the Request with which this Response is associated.
      • setRequest

        void setRequest​(Request request)
        Set the Request with which this Response is associated.
        request - The new associated request
      • getResponse

        jakarta.servlet.ServletResponse getResponse()
        Return the ServletResponse for which this object is the facade.
      • getStream

        OutputStream getStream()
        Return the output stream associated with this Response.
      • setStream

        void setStream​(OutputStream stream)
        Set the output stream associated with this Response.
        stream - The new output stream
      • setSuspended

        void setSuspended​(boolean suspended)
        Set the suspended flag.
        suspended - The new suspended flag value
      • isSuspended

        boolean isSuspended()
        Suspended flag accessor.
      • setError

        void setError()
        Set the error flag.
      • isError

        boolean isError()
        Error flag accessor.
      • setDetailMessage

        void setDetailMessage​(String message)
        Sets detail error message.
        message - detail error message
      • getDetailMessage

        String getDetailMessage()
        Gets detail error message.
        the detail error message
      • createOutputStream

        jakarta.servlet.ServletOutputStream createOutputStream()
                                                        throws IOException
        Create and return a ServletOutputStream to write the content associated with this Response.
        IOException - if an input/output error occurs
      • finishResponse

        void finishResponse()
                     throws IOException
        Perform whatever actions are required to flush and close the output stream or writer, in a single operation.
        IOException - if an input/output error occurs
      • getContentLength

        int getContentLength()
        Return the content length that was set or calculated for this Response.
      • getContentType

        String getContentType()
        Return the content type that was set or calculated for this response, or null if no content type was set.
      • getReporter

        PrintWriter getReporter()
                         throws IOException
        Return a PrintWriter that can be used to render error messages, regardless of whether a stream or writer has already been acquired.
        Writer which can be used for error reports. If the response is not an error report returned using sendError or triggered by an unexpected exception thrown during the servlet processing (and only in that case), null will be returned if the response stream has already been used.
        IOException - if an input/output error occurs
      • recycle

        void recycle()
        Release all object references, and initialize instance variables, in preparation for reuse of this object.
      • resetBuffer

        void resetBuffer()
        Reset the data buffer but not any status or header information.
      • resetBuffer

        void resetBuffer​(boolean resetWriterStreamFlags)
        Reset the data buffer and the using Writer/Stream flags but not any status or header information.
      • sendAcknowledgement

        void sendAcknowledgement()
                          throws IOException
        Send an acknowledgment of a request.
        IOException - if an input/output error occurs
      • encode

        String encode​(String url)
        Apply URL Encoding to the given URL without adding session identifier et al associated to this response.
        url - URL to be encoded