Class ClassFileSource

  • public class ClassFileSource
    extends Support
    ClassFileSource provides a mechanism for associating a class with the source of that class. The source is currently either an ordinary .class file or a zip file 1 or more class files.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ClassFileSource

        public ClassFileSource​(String className,
                               File classFile)
        className - The expected name of the class
        classFile - The file containing the class. This file should exist and be readable.
      • ClassFileSource

        public ClassFileSource​(String className,
                               ZipFile zipFile)
        className - The expected name of the class
        zipFile - The zip file containing the class. This file should exist and be readable.
      • ClassFileSource

        public ClassFileSource​(String className,
                               InputStream byteCodeStream)
        className - The expected name of the class
        byteCodeStream - containing the class file.
    • Method Detail

      • sameAs

        public boolean sameAs​(ClassFileSource other)
        Does the other class file source refer to the same source location?
      • isZipped

        public boolean isZipped()
        Does this class originate in a zip file?
      • isStreamed

        public boolean isStreamed()
        Does this class originate in a zip file?
      • expectedClassName

        public String expectedClassName()
        The expected name of the class contained in the class file. Returns null if the class name can not be intuited from the file name.
      • setExpectedClassName

        public void setExpectedClassName​(String name)
        Set the name of the class contained in the class file.
      • containingFilePath

        public String containingFilePath()
        Get the path of the File containing the class
      • nextSource

        public ClassFileSource nextSource​(String className)
        Attempt to find the next possible source of the class
      • friendSource

        public ClassFileSource friendSource​(String className)
        Build a "friend" source file specification for the class of the given name. That is, the new class file source should be in the same zip file if zipped or else the same directory. Restriction: containingFilePath() must be non-null.
      • modificationDate

        public long modificationDate()
                              throws FileNotFoundException
        Get the modification date of the class file. The date format is that used by java.util.Date. Restriction: containingFilePath() must be non-null.
      • setModificationDate

        public void setModificationDate​(long date)
        Set the cached modification date of the class file. This doesn't actually update the file.