
package core

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait Cow extends AnyRef
  2. sealed abstract class CowAction extends EnumEntry
  3. case class CowCommand(action: CowAction, cow: Cow, face: CowFace, wrap: StrictPositiveInt, message: String) extends Product with Serializable
  4. sealed trait CowError extends AnyRef
  5. case class CowFace(eyes: Eyes, tongue: Tongue) extends Product with Serializable
  6. sealed abstract class CowMode extends EnumEntry
  7. final case class CustomCow(cowValue: String) extends Cow with Product with Serializable
  8. sealed abstract class DefaultCow extends EnumEntry with Cow
  9. final case class StrictPositiveInt extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object CowAction extends Enum[CowAction]
  2. object CowCommand extends Serializable
  3. object CowError
  4. object CowFace extends Serializable
  5. object CowMode extends Enum[CowMode]
  6. object CowSay
  7. object DefaultCow extends Enum[DefaultCow]
  8. object StrictPositiveInt extends Serializable
