


package approximation

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. approximation
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. type Approximation = Tree[OracleApproximationContent]
  2. case class BlackBoxDomain(domain: Oracle) extends Domain with Product with Serializable
  3. sealed trait Domain extends AnyRef
  4. type Erosion[CONTENT] = (Tree[CONTENT], Random) ⇒ Tree[CONTENT]
  5. type Evaluator[CONTENT] = (Vector[Zone], Random) ⇒ Vector[CONTENT]
  6. type FindTrueLabel[CONTENT] = (NonEmptyTree[CONTENT], Random) ⇒ Tree[CONTENT]
  7. type Input[CONTENT] = Option[NonEmptyTree[CONTENT]]
  8. type LearnBoundary[CONTENT] = (NonEmptyTree[CONTENT], Evaluator[CONTENT], Random) ⇒ NonEmptyTree[CONTENT]
  9. type NeutralBoundary = Vector[NeutralBoundaryElement]
  10. sealed trait NeutralBoundaryElement extends AnyRef
  11. type Oracle = (Vector[Double]) ⇒ Boolean
  12. case class OracleApproximation(depth: Int, box: Zone, oracle: Oracle, domain: Domain = InfiniteDomain, point: Option[Vector[Double]] = None, neutralBoundary: NeutralBoundary = NeutralBoundary.empty) extends Product with Serializable
  13. case class OracleApproximationContent(testPoint: Vector[Double], label: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable
  14. implicit class OracleApproximationDecorator extends AnyRef
  15. trait Sampler extends AnyRef
  16. case class ZoneSide(dimension: Int, touch: Touch) extends NeutralBoundaryElement with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. def approximate(o: OracleApproximation)(implicit rng: Random): Try[Tree[OracleApproximationContent]]
  2. def approximateNoClean(o: OracleApproximation)(implicit rng: Random): Try[Tree[OracleApproximationContent]]
  3. def clean(tree: Tree[OracleApproximationContent]): Tree[OracleApproximationContent]
  4. def contentBuilder(oracle: Oracle)(p: Vector[Double]): OracleApproximationContent
  5. def dilate(o: OracleApproximation, tree: Tree[OracleApproximationContent])(implicit rng: Random): Tree[OracleApproximationContent]
  6. def erode(o: OracleApproximation, tree: Tree[OracleApproximationContent], n: Int = 1)(implicit rng: Random): Tree[OracleApproximationContent]
  7. def eval(o: OracleApproximation): (Vector[Zone], Random) ⇒ Vector[OracleApproximationContent]
  8. def learnBoundary(o: OracleApproximation): LearnBoundary[OracleApproximationContent]
  9. def learnIntersection[T1, T2](t1: Tree[T1], t2: Tree[T2])(implicit label1: ContainsLabel[T1], label2: ContainsLabel[T2], rng: Random): Tree[OracleApproximationContent]
  10. def leavesToRefine[T](t: NonEmptyTree[T], label: (T) ⇒ Boolean, neutralBoundary: NeutralBoundary): Vector[(Leaf[T], Int)]
  11. def sampler(o: OracleApproximation): Sampler { ... /* 3 definitions in type refinement */ }
  12. def volume(tree: Tree[OracleApproximationContent]): Double
  13. object Domain
  14. object InfiniteDomain extends Domain
  15. object KdTreeComputation
  16. object NeutralBoundary
  17. object OracleApproximationContent extends Serializable
  18. object Sampler
  19. object evaluator
  20. object input

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
