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A - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermSuiteConstants
AbstractEditDistance - Class in eu.project.ttc.metrics
AbstractEditDistance() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.metrics.AbstractEditDistance
AbstractSimilarityDistance - Class in eu.project.ttc.metrics
An abstract implementation of SimilarityDistance that manages the similarity explanation.
AbstractSimilarityDistance() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.metrics.AbstractSimilarityDistance
AbstractTermIndexCleaner - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner
An abstract AE for TermIndex post-processing cleaning based on a property.
AbstractTermIndexCleaner() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.AbstractTermIndexCleaner
AbstractTermIndexExporter - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines
Exports a TermIndex in TSV format
AbstractTermIndexExporter() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.AbstractTermIndexExporter
AbstractTermSelector - Class in eu.project.ttc.models.index.selectors
AbstractTermSelector(boolean) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.models.index.selectors.AbstractTermSelector
AbstractTermSuiteCollectionReader - Class in eu.project.ttc.readers
An abstract CollectionException implementation for TermSuite that recursively load all selected files from an input directory, with customizable file filter and document text parser.
AbstractTermSuiteCollectionReader() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.readers.AbstractTermSuiteCollectionReader
AbstractTermValueProvider - Class in eu.project.ttc.models.index
AbstractTermValueProvider(String) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.models.index.AbstractTermValueProvider
AbstractToTxtSaxHandler - Class in eu.project.ttc.readers
Parses xml files from an xml corpus based on a list of two lists of tag names: - the list of dropped tags (not interesting tags) : their contents are skipped - the list of txt tags : tags whose content is kept in the out put txt file
AbstractToTxtSaxHandler(String[], String[]) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.readers.AbstractToTxtSaxHandler
AbstractTSVBuilder - Class in
Base class for implementing TSV file, builders.
AbstractTSVBuilder(Writer, char, String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance using the specified parameters.
AbstractTSVBuilder(Writer) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance using the specified output using '\t' and "\n" as value and line separators.
accept(RegexOccurrence) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.CharacterFootprintTermFilter
accept(RegexOccurrence) - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.resources.OccurrenceFilter
accept(RegexOccurrence) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.TrueFilter
accept(Term) - Method in interface
Accepts a term depending on an implementation dependent condition.
acceptTerm(Term) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.MaxSizeThresholdCleaner
acceptTerm(Term) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.TermIndexThresholdCleaner
add(String, String) - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.resources.Dictionary
add(String, String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.DictionaryResource
ADD_MODE - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.models.Context
addAll(Collection<TermOccurrence>) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
addAllCooccurrences(Iterator<TermOccurrence>) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.ContextVector
addAllOccurrences(Term, Collection<TermOccurrence>) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.occstore.MemoryOccurrenceStore
addAllOccurrences(Term, Collection<TermOccurrence>) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.occstore.MongoDBOccurrenceStore
addAllOccurrences(Term, Collection<TermOccurrence>) - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.OccurrenceStore
addComponent(int, int, String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.WordBuilder
addCooccurrence(TermOccurrence) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.ContextVector
addDicoWord(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.CompostIndex
addDocument(CollectionDocument) - Method in class
addEntry(Term, int, double) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.ContextVector
addExplanation(Term, double) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.metrics.Explanation
addExtension(Term) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
addInCorpus(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.CompostIndex
addNeoclassicalPrefix(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.CompostIndex
addOccurrence(Term, TermOccurrence) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.occstore.MemoryOccurrenceStore
addOccurrence(Term, TermOccurrence) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.occstore.MongoDBOccurrenceStore
addOccurrence(Term, TermOccurrence) - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.OccurrenceStore
addOccurrence(TermOccurrence, boolean) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
Increments the frequency, updates the inner list of source documents of this term and optionnaly updates the inner list of occurrences of this term if param keepOccurrence is set to true.
addOccurrence(TermOccurrence) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
Adds the parameter occurrence and stores it to the inner occurrence list.
addOccurrence(int, int, Document, String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermBuilder
addPipelineListener(PipelineListener) - Method in class
Registers a pipeline listener.
addSourcePattern(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.variant.VariantRuleBuilder
addTargetPattern(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.variant.VariantRuleBuilder
addTerm(Term) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.MemoryTermIndex
addTerm(Term) - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.TermIndex
addTerm(TermIndex, Term, String) - Method in class
Adds a term, increment id and return it
addTermOccurrence(TermOccAnnotation, String, boolean) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.MemoryTermIndex
addTermOccurrence(TermOccAnnotation, String, boolean) - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.TermIndex
addTermVariation(Term, VariationType, Object) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
Builds a TermVariation object and add it to Term.variations and variantTerm.bases.
addTermVariation(TermVariation) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
Adds the TermVariation object to Term.variations and variantTerm.bases.
addTermVariation(TermVariation) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.VariationPath
addVariant(TermIndex, Term, String) - Method in class
addWatchedTerms(Iterable<String>) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.history.TermHistory
addWatchedTerms(String[]) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.history.TermHistory
addWord(Word) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.MemoryTermIndex
addWord(WordAnnotation) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.MemoryTermIndex
addWord(Word, String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermBuilder
addWord(String, String, String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermBuilder
addWord(Word) - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.TermIndex
ADJ - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermSuiteConstants
ADV - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermSuiteConstants
aeChineseTokenizer() - Method in class
Tokenizer for chinese collections.
aeCompostSplitter() - Method in class
aeContextualizer(int, boolean) - Method in class
Computes the Contextualizer vector of all single-word terms in the term index.
aeDocumentLogger(long) - Method in class
aeExtensionDetector() - Method in class
Detects all inclusion/extension relation between terms that have size >= 2.
aeFixedExpressionSpotter() - Method in class
Spots fixed expressions in the CAS an creates FixedExpression annotation whenever one is found.
aeFixedExpressionTermMarker() - Method in class
Iterates over the TermIndex and mark terms as "fixed expressions" when their lemmas are found in the FixedExpressionResource.
aeGraphicalVariantGatherer() - Method in class
aeMateTaggerLemmatizer() - Method in class
aeMaxSizeThresholdCleaner(TermProperty, int) - Method in class
aeMerger() - Method in class
Merges the variants (only those who are extensions of the base term) of a terms by graphical variation.
aePrefixSplitter() - Method in class
Naive morphological analysis of prefix compounds based on a prefix dictionary resource
aePrimaryOccurrenceDetector(int) - Method in class
aeRanker(TermProperty, boolean) - Method in class
Sets the Term.setRank(int) of all terms of the TermIndex given a TermProperty.
aeRegexSpotter() - Method in class
The single-word and multi-word term spotter AE base on UIMA Tokens Regex.
aeScorer() - Method in class
Transforms the TermIndex into a flat one-n scored model.
aeSpecificityComputer() - Method in class
Computes TermProperty.WR values (and additional term properties of type TermProperty in the future).
aeStemmer() - Method in class
aeStopWordsFilter() - Method in class
Removes from the term index any term having a stop word at its boundaries.
aeSuffixDerivationDetector() - Method in class
aeSyntacticVariantGatherer() - Method in class
Gathers terms according to their syntactic structures.
aeTermClassifier(TermProperty) - Method in class
aeTermOccAnnotationImporter() - Method in class
An AE thats imports all TermOccAnnotation in CAS to a TermIndex.
aeThresholdCleaner(TermProperty, float, boolean, int, int) - Method in class
aeThresholdCleaner(TermProperty, float) - Method in class
aeThresholdCleanerPeriodic(TermProperty, float, int) - Method in class
aeThresholdCleanerSizeTrigger(TermProperty, float, int) - Method in class
aeTopNCleaner(TermProperty, int) - Method in class
aeTopNCleanerPeriodic(TermProperty, int, boolean, int) - Method in class
aeTreeTagger() - Method in class
aeUrlFilter() - Method in class
Filters out URLs from CAS.
aeWordTokenizer() - Method in class
afterExecute(Runnable, Throwable) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.occstore.BlockingThreadPoolExecutor
afterRuleProcessing(JCas) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.RegexSpotter
AggregateAnalysisEngine - Class in
AggregateAnalysisEngine(String) - Constructor for class
align(Term, int, int) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.BilingualAligner
alignDistributional(Term, int, int) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.BilingualAligner
Translates the source term with the help of the dictionary and computes the list of contextSize closest candidate terms in the target terminology.
AlignerUtils - Class in eu.project.ttc.utils
AlignerUtils() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.utils.AlignerUtils
allRulesFailed(JCas) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.RegexSpotter
allSizeComponents(Word) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CompoundUtils
Returns all possible components for a compound word by combining its atomic components.
ALPHA - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CompostAE
alphanumComparator - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.utils.StringUtils
alphanumFileComparator - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.utils.StringUtils
append(String, String...) - Method in class
Appends a line to the writer.
areOffsetsOverlapping(TermOccurrence, TermOccurrence) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermOccurrenceUtils
True if two TermOccurrence offsets overlap strictly.
areOverlapping(TermOccurrence, TermOccurrence) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermOccurrenceUtils
Returns true if two occurrences are in the same document and their offsets overlap.
arrayToString(StringArray) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.JCasUtils
ASCENDING_TEXT_ORDER - Static variable in class
A comparator that imposes an ascending covered text order on Terms.
asGroovyComponent(Component) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.GroovyAdapter
asGroovyTerm(Term) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.GroovyAdapter
asGroovyWord(TermWord) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.GroovyAdapter
asLemmaPairs(Word) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CompoundUtils
WARNING: This method does not behave as CompoundUtils.innerComponentPairs(Word).
asList() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.ReferenceTermList
asScoredTerm() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredTermOrVariant
asScoredVariation() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredTermOrVariant
ASSOCIATION_RATE - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.Contextualizer
AssociationRate - Interface in eu.project.ttc.metrics


beforeRuleProcessing(JCas) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.RegexSpotter
BETA - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CompostAE
BilingualAligner - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines
BilingualAligner(BilingualDictionary, TermIndex, TermIndex, SimilarityDistance) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.BilingualAligner
BilingualAligner.AlignmentMethod - Enum in eu.project.ttc.engines
BilingualAligner.RequiresSize2Exception - Exception in eu.project.ttc.engines
BilingualAligner.TranslationCandidate - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines
BilingualDictionary - Class in eu.project.ttc.resources
BlockingThreadPoolExecutor - Class in eu.project.ttc.models.occstore
A blocking ThreadPoolExecutor.
BlockingThreadPoolExecutor(int, int, long, TimeUnit, int) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.models.occstore.BlockingThreadPoolExecutor
bufferize(RegexOccurrence) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.OccurrenceBuffer
by(TermProperty) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TerminoFilterConfig
by(String) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.api.Traverser
by(Iterator<Traverser.Ordering>) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.api.Traverser
by(List<Traverser.Ordering>) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.api.Traverser
by(Traverser.Ordering...) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.api.Traverser


canApplyTo(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.CompostInflectionRules.InflectionRule
CARD_MATE - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermSuiteConstants
CARD_TAG - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermSuiteConstants
CasConsumer - Interface in
CasExporter - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter
CasExporter() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.CasExporter
CasStatCounter - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines
Compiles and logs CAS stats.
CasStatCounter() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.CasStatCounter
center(String, String) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.JCasUtils
CHARACTER_FOOTPRINT_TERM_FILTER - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.RegexSpotter
CharacterFootprintTermFilter - Class in eu.project.ttc.resources
CharacterFootprintTermFilter() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.resources.CharacterFootprintTermFilter
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.AbstractToTxtSaxHandler
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.TeiToTxtSaxHandler
CHART_AXIS_POINTS - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.EvalEngine
CHECK_IF_MORPHO_EXTENSION_IS_IN_CORPUS - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.PrefixSplitter
checkLang(String) - Static method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.desc.Lang
ChineseNormalizer - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines
ChineseNormalizer() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.ChineseNormalizer
CLASSIFYING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.TermClassifier
classifyTerms(Term, Iterable<Term>) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.MemoryTermIndex
classifyTerms(Term, Iterable<Term>) - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.TermIndex
ClasspathURLHandler - Class in eu.project.ttc.utils.protocols
ClasspathURLHandler() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.utils.protocols.ClasspathURLHandler
ClasspathURLHandler(ClassLoader) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.utils.protocols.ClasspathURLHandler
classpathURLHandler() - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.URLUtils
clean() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.AbstractTermIndexCleaner
cleanBuffer() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.OccurrenceBuffer
cleanEntriesByMaxSize(int) - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.index.CustomTermIndex
For each entry of this index, increase the frequency threshhold and remove all terms under the frequency threshold until there are less than maxSize terms left in the enrty.
cleanEntriesByMaxSize(int) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.CustomTermIndexImpl
CLEANING_PERIOD - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.AbstractTermIndexCleaner
CLEANING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.AbstractTermIndexCleaner
CLEANING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.MaxSizeThresholdCleaner
cleaningPeriod - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.AbstractTermIndexCleaner
cleanOrphanWords() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.MemoryTermIndex
cleanOrphanWords() - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.TermIndex
cleanSingletonKeys() - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.index.CustomTermIndex
cleanSingletonKeys() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.CustomTermIndexImpl
clear() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.GroovyAdapter
clear() - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.EvalTrace
Remove all evaluation traces.
clear() - Method in class
clear() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.OccurrenceBuffer
clearAdapterCache() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.YamlVariantRules
clearContext() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
clearOccurrenceIndex() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Document
Nullifies the inner occurrence list so as to frees memory.
clearOccurrenceIndex() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.MemoryTermIndex
clearOccurrenceIndex() - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.TermIndex
close() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.occstore.MemoryOccurrenceStore
close() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.occstore.MongoDBOccurrenceStore
close() - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.OccurrenceStore
close() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.AbstractTermSuiteCollectionReader
close() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.EmptyCollectionReader
close() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.IstexCollectionReader
close() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.StreamingCollectionReader
close() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.StringCollectionReader
close() - Method in class
Closes the underlying Writer, flushing it first.
closedEntryCandidateIterator(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.CompostIndex
closeQuietly(InputStream) - Static method in class
Unconditionally close an InputStream.
closeQuietly(OutputStream) - Static method in class
Unconditionally close an OutputStream.
CO_TERMS_TYPE - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.Contextualizer
collapseText(String) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermUtils
CollectionDocument - Interface in eu.project.ttc.readers
An interface of input documents sent to collection readers
collectionProcessComplete() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.CasStatCounter
collectionProcessComplete() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.AbstractTermIndexCleaner
collectionProcessComplete() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.CompoundSplitter
collectionProcessComplete() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.Contextualizer
collectionProcessComplete() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.EvalEngine
collectionProcessComplete() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.CompoundExporterAE
collectionProcessComplete() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.EvalExporterAE
collectionProcessComplete() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.ExportVariationRuleExamplesAE
collectionProcessComplete() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.JsonExporterAE
collectionProcessComplete() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.TbxExporterAE
collectionProcessComplete() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.TSVExporterAE
collectionProcessComplete() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.VariantEvalExporterAE
collectionProcessComplete() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.VariationExporterAE
collectionProcessComplete() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.ExtensionDetecter
collectionProcessComplete() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.FixedExpressionSpotter
collectionProcessComplete() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.FixedExpressionTermMarker
collectionProcessComplete() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.GraphicalVariantGatherer
collectionProcessComplete() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.Merger
collectionProcessComplete() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CompostAE
collectionProcessComplete() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.ManualCompositionSetter
collectionProcessComplete() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.ManualPrefixSetter
collectionProcessComplete() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.PrefixSplitter
collectionProcessComplete() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.SuffixDerivationDetecter
collectionProcessComplete() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.SuffixDerivationExceptionSetter
collectionProcessComplete() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.PipelineObserver
collectionProcessComplete() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.PrimaryOccurrenceDetector
collectionProcessComplete() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.Ranker
collectionProcessComplete() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.ScorerAE
collectionProcessComplete() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.StringRegexFilter
collectionProcessComplete() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.SyntacticTermGatherer
collectionProcessComplete() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.TermClassifier
collectionProcessComplete() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.TermIndexBlacklistWordFilterAE
collectionProcessComplete() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.TermSpecificityComputer
collectionType - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.AbstractTermSuiteCollectionReader
CollectionUtils - Class in eu.project.ttc.utils
CollectionUtils() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.utils.CollectionUtils
COLONS - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermSuiteConstants
combineAndProduct(List<? extends Set<? extends T>>) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.CollectionUtils
Transforms a list of sets into a set of element pairs, which is the union of all cartesian products of all pairs of sets.
COMMA - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermSuiteConstants
comparator - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.models.Context
compare(TermIndex, Term, Term) - Method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.TermProperty
The "compare" method that can apply on property measures.
compare(Term, Term) - Method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.TermProperty
compare(String, String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Context.ContextComparator
compareTo(BilingualAligner.TranslationCandidate) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.BilingualAligner.TranslationCandidate
compareTo(CuttingPoint) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CuttingPoint
compareTo(Segment) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.Segment
compareTo(Explanation.ExplanationFeature) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.metrics.Explanation.ExplanationFeature
compareTo(Component) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Component
compareTo(ContextVector.Entry) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.ContextVector.Entry
compareTo(TermPair) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermPair
compareTo(Term) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
compareTo(TermOccurrence) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermOccurrence
compareTo(TermVariation) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermVariation
Component - Class in eu.project.ttc.models
Component(String, int, int) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.models.Component
components - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.models.GroovyWord
CompostAE - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho
CompostAE() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CompostAE
CompostDicoEntry - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho
CompostDicoEntry() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CompostDicoEntry
CompostIndex - Class in eu.project.ttc.resources
CompostIndex(IndexingKey<String, String>) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.resources.CompostIndex
CompostIndexEntry - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho
CompostIndexEntry() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CompostIndexEntry
CompostInflectionRules - Class in eu.project.ttc.resources
CompostInflectionRules() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.resources.CompostInflectionRules
CompostInflectionRules.InflectionRule - Class in eu.project.ttc.resources
compound - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.models.GroovyTerm
compound - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.models.GroovyWord
COMPOUND_CHAR - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermSuiteConstants
COMPOUND_REGEX - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.variant.VariantRuleYamlIO
CompoundExporter - Class in eu.project.ttc.termino.export
CompoundExporterAE - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter
CompoundExporterAE() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.CompoundExporterAE
CompoundSplitter - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines
CompoundSplitter() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.CompoundSplitter
CompoundType - Enum in eu.project.ttc.models
CompoundUtils - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho
A set of helper methods for compound words and for iteration over word components (see TermValueProviders).
CompoundUtils() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CompoundUtils
compoundWordTermIterator() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.MemoryTermIndex
compoundWordTermIterator() - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.TermIndex
compute(String, String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.metrics.DiacriticInsensitiveLevenshtein
compute(String, String) - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.metrics.EditDistance
compute(String, String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.metrics.Levenshtein
compute(String, String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.metrics.LongestCommonSubsequence
compute() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermMeasure
COMPUTE_CONTEXTS_FOR_ALL_TERMS - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.Contextualizer
computeContextVector(OccurrenceType, int, int, boolean) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
Regenerate the single-word contextVector of this term and returns it.
computeNormalized(String, String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.metrics.AbstractEditDistance
computeNormalized(String, String) - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.metrics.EditDistance
computeRate(AssociationRate, Term, Term) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.CrossTable
Computes coefficients a, b, c and d (available) and computes the association rate based on these coefficients.
configure(TerminoFilterConfig) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TerminoFilterer
consume(TermSuiteCas) - Method in interface
ConsumerRegistry - Class in
A registry for CasConsumers.
contains(Object) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermClass
contains(Object) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.SimpleWordSet
contains(String) - Method in class
contains(Annotation, Annotation) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.JCasUtils
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.SimpleWordSet
containsLemma(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.FixedExpressionResource
containsStrictly(Annotation, Annotation) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.JCasUtils
containsWhiteSpace(String) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.StringUtils
Context - Class in eu.project.ttc.models
Context() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.models.Context
Context.ContextComparator - Class in eu.project.ttc.models
ContextComparator() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.models.Context.ContextComparator
contextIterator(OccurrenceType, int) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
contextIterator(OccurrenceType, int) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermOccurrence
CONTEXTUALIZE - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.RegexSpotter
Contextualizer - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines
An AE that index TermOccurrences within Documents so as to make method TermOccurrenceAnalysisComponent_ImplBase.getContext() invokable.
Contextualizer() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.Contextualizer
ContextVector - Class in eu.project.ttc.models
A sorted Term/Frequency map used as a context vector during alignment operations.
ContextVector() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.models.ContextVector
Default constructor for ContextVector.
ContextVector(Term, boolean) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.models.ContextVector
Construct a context vector with a back reference to its owner term.
ContextVector(Term) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.models.ContextVector
Construct a context vector with a back reference to its owner term.
ContextVector.Entry - Class in eu.project.ttc.models
ControlFilesGenerator - Class in
A tool that generates all control files required for functional tests from a TermIndex.
ControlFilesGenerator(TermIndex) - Constructor for class
CORPUS_FORMAT - Static variable in class
CORPUS_FORMAT_TEI - Static variable in class
CORPUS_FORMAT_TXT - Static variable in class
Cosine - Class in eu.project.ttc.metrics
Cosine() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.metrics.Cosine
count(Iterable<?>) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.IteratorUtils
count(Iterator<?>) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.IteratorUtils
countType(JCas, int) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.JCasUtils
COVERED_TEXT - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.models.occstore.MongoDBOccurrenceStore
create(TermIndex) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TerminoFilterer
create() - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.api.Traverser
create() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.variant.VariantRuleBuilder
create(String, Class<?>, String) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.history.PipelineEvent
create(String...) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.history.TermHistory
create() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermBuilder
create(String, String) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermWord
create() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.WordBuilder
create(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.termino.engines.VariantScorerConfig
create() - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.termino.engines.VariantScorerConfig
create(Lang, Path) - Static method in class
create() - Method in class
Creates the bilingual single-word aligner.
create(String) - Static method in class
Starts a chaining TermSuitePipeline builder.
create(TermIndex) - Static method in class
createAndAddToIndex() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermBuilder
createAndPredicate(TermPredicate, TermPredicate) - Static method in class
Returns a TermPredicate that accepts a term that is accepted by pred1 and pred2.
createContainsPredicate(Collection<Term>) - Static method in class
Creates a TermPredicate that accepts only terms contained in the specified collection
createCustomIndex(String, TermValueProvider) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.MemoryTermIndex
createCustomIndex(String, TermValueProvider) - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.TermIndex
createDescription() - Method in class
createFromParentString(int, int, String) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.Segment
createMeasurePredicate(double, TermMeasure) - Static method in class
Returns a TermPredicate the accepts terms whose measure is bigger than the specified threshold.
createNounAdjectivePredicate() - Static method in class
Returns a TermPredicate that accepts terms whose grammatical categories are noun or adjective.
createOccurrenceIndex() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.MemoryTermIndex
createOccurrenceIndex() - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.TermIndex
createOccurrencesPredicate(int) - Static method in class
Returns a TermPredicate the accepts terms whose occurrences are bigger than the specified threshold.
createOption(String, String, boolean, String, boolean) - Static method in class
Creates a mandatory Option using the specified arguments.
createOrPredicate(TermPredicate, TermPredicate) - Static method in class
Returns a TermPredicate that accepts a term that is accepted by pred1 or pred2.
createTask(String, int) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.ObserverResource
createTopNByOccurrencesPredicate(int) - Static method in class
Returns a TermPredicate that accepts terms in sorted occurrence order up to the specified cutoffRank.
createTopNByTermMeasurePredicate(int, TermMeasure) - Static method in class
Returns a TermPredicate that accepts terms in sorted measure order up to the specified cutoffRank.
createVerbAdverbPredicate() - Static method in class
Returns a TermPredicate that accepts terms whose grammatical categories are verb or adverb.
CrossTable - Class in eu.project.ttc.models
An index (often called cross table) that helps to compute the association rate of two terms, i.e. their amount of co-occurrency in the corpus.
CrossTable(TermIndex) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.models.CrossTable
Constructs this cross table with a term index and inits the table with all co-occurrences of the term index's terms.
CUSTOM_LOG_HEADER_STRING - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.EvalEngine
customAE(AnalysisEngineDescription, String) - Method in class
Aggregates an AE to the TS pipeline.
CustomIndexStats - Class in eu.project.ttc.models.index
CustomIndexStats(CustomTermIndex) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.models.index.CustomIndexStats
CustomTermIndex - Interface in eu.project.ttc.models.index
CustomTermIndexImpl - Class in eu.project.ttc.models.index
CuttingPoint - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho


DEFAULT_QUEUE_NAME - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.StreamingCollectionReader
DEFAULT_RESOURCE_URL_PREFIX - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermSuiteConstants
DEL_MODE - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.models.Context
deleteMany(TermSelector) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.MemoryTermIndex
deleteMany(TermSelector) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.occstore.MemoryOccurrenceStore
deleteMany(TermSelector) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.occstore.MongoDBOccurrenceStore
deleteMany(TermSelector) - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.OccurrenceStore
deleteMany(TermSelector) - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.TermIndex
DELTA - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CompostAE
derivesInto(String, GroovyWord, GroovyWord) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.variant.VariantHelper
DESC - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.Ranker
DESCENDING_OCCURRENCE_ORDER - Static variable in class
A comparator that imposes a descending occurrence order on Terms.
deserialize(InputStream, CAS) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.TermSuiteJsonCasDeserializer
deserialize(InputStream, CAS, String) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.TermSuiteJsonCasDeserializer
destroy() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.AbstractTermIndexExporter
diacriticInsensitiveEquals(char, char) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.metrics.DiacriticInsensitiveLevenshtein
Determines whether char1 and char2 are equals independent of the presence of diacritic marks.
DiacriticInsensitiveLevenshtein - Class in eu.project.ttc.metrics
The Levenshtein EditDistance insensitive to diacritics, i.e.
DiacriticInsensitiveLevenshtein(Locale) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.metrics.DiacriticInsensitiveLevenshtein
DICO_CANDIDATE_BONUS_FACTOR - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.BilingualAligner
The bonus factor applied to dictionary candidates when they are merged with distributional candidates
DICTIONARY - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.CompoundSplitter
Dictionary - Interface in eu.project.ttc.resources
DictionaryResource - Class in eu.project.ttc.resources
DictionaryResource() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.resources.DictionaryResource
DIESE - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermSuiteConstants
directoryFile - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.CasExporter
directoryFile - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.XmiCasExporter
directoryPath - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.CasExporter
directoryPath - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.XmiCasExporter
disableLogging() - Static method in class
doCleaningPartition(Set<Term>, Set<Term>) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.AbstractTermIndexCleaner
Does the specialized cleaning job (on which the logic for variant keeping will apply)
doCleaningPartition(Set<Term>, Set<Term>) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.TermIndexThresholdCleaner
doCleaningPartition(Set<Term>, Set<Term>) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.TermIndexTopNCleaner
Document - Class in eu.project.ttc.api
Document(Lang, String, String) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.api.Document
Document - Class in eu.project.ttc.models
A data model class that represents a document in a corpus.
Document(int, String) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.models.Document
DOCUMENT_PERIOD - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.CasStatCounter
DocumentFactory - Class in
DocumentFactory() - Constructor for class
DocumentLogger - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines
Logs a message indicating which document is being processed.
DocumentLogger() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.DocumentLogger
DocumentProvider - Interface in
DocumentStream - Class in
DocumentStream(Thread, DocumentProvider, CasConsumer, String) - Constructor for class
doExport() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.termino.export.VariationExporter
doKeyValue(int, String, String, String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.ManualSegmentationResource
doRow(int, String, String[]) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.SuffixDerivationList
DOUBLE_FEATURES - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.JsonCasExporter
DoubleMutator - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.models.Context
dropBiggerEntries(int, boolean) - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.index.CustomTermIndex
dropBiggerEntries(int, boolean) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.CustomTermIndexImpl
dropCustomIndex(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.MemoryTermIndex
dropCustomIndex(String) - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.TermIndex
droppedTags - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.AbstractTermSuiteCollectionReader
dynamicMaxSizeFilter(int) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TerminoExtractor
Filters the TermIndex dynamically during the term spotting phase (RegexSpotter) of terminology extraction by cleaning by frequency whenever the number of terms in-memory exceeds a max number of terms allowed.


EditDistance - Interface in eu.project.ttc.metrics
embedOccurrences(boolean) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.JsonOptions
EMPTY_STRING - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermSuiteConstants
emptyCollection() - Method in class
EmptyCollectionReader - Class in eu.project.ttc.readers
EmptyCollectionReader() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.readers.EmptyCollectionReader
emptyExplanation() - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.metrics.Explanation
An empty explanation.
emptyTermIndex(String) - Method in class
Creates a new in-memory TermIndex on which this piepline with run.
enableSyntacticLabels() - Method in class
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.AbstractToTxtSaxHandler
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.TeiToTxtSaxHandler
Entry(String, String, int) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.resources.GeneralLanguageResource.Entry
equals(Object) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.BilingualAligner.TranslationCandidate
equals(Object) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.variant.VariantRule
equals(Object) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Component
equals(Object) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.ContextVector.Entry
equals(Object) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.ContextVector
equals(Object) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Document
equals(Object) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.GroovyComponent
equals(Object) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.GroovyWord
equals(Object) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermPair
equals(Object) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredTerm
equals(Object) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredVariation
equals(Object) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
equals(Object) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermClass
equals(Object) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermOccurrence
equals(Object) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermVariation
equals(Object) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermWord
equals(Object) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Word
equals(Object) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.GeneralLanguageResource.Entry
equals(Object) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.ObserverResource.SubTaskObserver
equals(Object) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.ReferenceTermList.RTLTerm
equals(Object) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.SuffixDerivation
equals(Object) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.SuffixDerivationList.SuffixDerivationEntry
equals(Object) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.Pair
ERR_SHOULD_START_WITH_HYPHEN - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.resources.SuffixDerivationList
eu.project.ttc.api - package eu.project.ttc.api
eu.project.ttc.engines - package eu.project.ttc.engines
eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner - package eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner
eu.project.ttc.engines.desc - package eu.project.ttc.engines.desc
eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter - package eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter
eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho - package eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho
eu.project.ttc.engines.variant - package eu.project.ttc.engines.variant
eu.project.ttc.history - package eu.project.ttc.history - package
eu.project.ttc.metrics - package eu.project.ttc.metrics
eu.project.ttc.models - package eu.project.ttc.models
eu.project.ttc.models.index - package eu.project.ttc.models.index
eu.project.ttc.models.index.selectors - package eu.project.ttc.models.index.selectors
eu.project.ttc.models.occstore - package eu.project.ttc.models.occstore
eu.project.ttc.models.scored - package eu.project.ttc.models.scored
eu.project.ttc.readers - package eu.project.ttc.readers
eu.project.ttc.resources - package eu.project.ttc.resources - package
eu.project.ttc.termino.engines - package eu.project.ttc.termino.engines
eu.project.ttc.termino.export - package eu.project.ttc.termino.export - package - package - package - package
eu.project.ttc.utils - package eu.project.ttc.utils
eu.project.ttc.utils.protocols - package eu.project.ttc.utils.protocols
EVAL_TRACE - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.EvalEngine
EvalEngine - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines
An engine for the measurement of precision and recall of an extracted termino against a reference list.
EvalEngine() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.EvalEngine
EvalExporter - Class in eu.project.ttc.termino.export
EvalExporterAE - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter
Exports a TermIndex in the tsv evaluation format.
EvalExporterAE() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.EvalExporterAE
EvalTrace - Class in eu.project.ttc.resources
A list of evaluation EvalTrace.RecPoint for precision/recall metrics against against a reference list.
EvalTrace() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.resources.EvalTrace
EvalTrace.RecPoint - Class in eu.project.ttc.resources
execute() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TerminoExtractor
execute() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TerminoFilterer
execute() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TermSuitePreprocessor
execute(Runnable) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.occstore.BlockingThreadPoolExecutor
exists(Lang) - Method in enum
existsInClasspath(Lang, Tagger) - Method in enum
exitWithErrorMessage(String) - Static method in class
Prints an error message to the log and exits.
ExplainedValue - Class in eu.project.ttc.metrics
ExplainedValue(double, Explanation) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.metrics.ExplainedValue
Explanation - Class in eu.project.ttc.metrics
An object storing information about what can explains the value returned by a SimilarityDistance object for two ContextVectors.
Explanation(int) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.metrics.Explanation
Builds an explanation object.
Explanation.ExplanationFeature - Class in eu.project.ttc.metrics
ExplanationFeature(Term, double) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.metrics.Explanation.ExplanationFeature
export(TermIndex, Writer) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.termino.export.CompoundExporter
export(TermIndex, Writer, boolean) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.termino.export.EvalExporter
export(TermIndex, Writer) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.termino.export.JsonExporter
export(TermIndex, Writer, JsonOptions) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.termino.export.JsonExporter
export(TermIndex, Writer) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.termino.export.TbxExporter
export(TermIndex, Writer, Traverser) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.termino.export.TbxExporter
export(TermIndex, Writer) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.termino.export.TsvExporter
export(TermIndex, Writer, TsvOptions) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.termino.export.TsvExporter
export(TermIndex, Writer, Traverser, TsvOptions) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.termino.export.TsvExporter
export(TermIndex, Writer, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.termino.export.VariantEvalExporter
export(TermIndex, Writer, VariationType...) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.termino.export.VariationExporter
export(TermIndex, Writer, List<VariationType>) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.termino.export.VariationExporter
export(TermIndex, Writer, YamlVariantRules) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.termino.export.VariationRuleExamplesExporter
exportTo(Path) - Method in class
ExportVariationRuleExamplesAE - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter
ExportVariationRuleExamplesAE() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.ExportVariationRuleExamplesAE
ExtensionDetecter - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines
ExtensionDetecter() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.ExtensionDetecter


F_BEGIN - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.JsonCasConstants
F_CASE - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.JsonCasConstants
F_CATEGORY - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.JsonCasConstants
F_CORPUS_SIZE - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.JsonCasConstants
F_CUMULATED_DOCUMENT_SIZE - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.JsonCasConstants
F_DEGREE - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.JsonCasConstants
F_DOCUMENT_INDEX - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.JsonCasConstants
F_DOCUMENT_SIZE - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.JsonCasConstants
F_END - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.JsonCasConstants
F_FIXED_EXPRESSIONS - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.JsonCasConstants
F_FORMATION - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.JsonCasConstants
F_GENDER - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.JsonCasConstants
F_LABELS - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.JsonCasConstants
F_LAST_SEGMENT - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.JsonCasConstants
F_LEMMA - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.JsonCasConstants
F_MOOD - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.JsonCasConstants
F_NB_DOCUMENTS - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.JsonCasConstants
F_NUMBER - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.JsonCasConstants
F_OFFSET_IN_SOURCE - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.JsonCasConstants
F_PATTERN - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.JsonCasConstants
F_PERSON - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.JsonCasConstants
F_REGEX_LABEL - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.JsonCasConstants
F_SDI - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.JsonCasConstants
F_SPOTTING_RULE_NAME - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.JsonCasConstants
F_STEM - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.JsonCasConstants
F_SUB_CATEGORY - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.JsonCasConstants
F_TAG - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.JsonCasConstants
F_TENSE - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.JsonCasConstants
F_TERM_KEY - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.JsonCasConstants
F_TERM_OCC_ANNOTATIONS - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.JsonCasConstants
F_TEXT - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.JsonCasConstants
F_URI - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.JsonCasConstants
F_WORD_ANNOTATIONS - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.JsonCasConstants
F_WORDS - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.JsonCasConstants
FastFailures - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.metrics.DiacriticInsensitiveLevenshtein
featOkTst - Static variable in class org.apache.uima.examples.SourceDocumentInformation_Type
FileSystemUtils - Class in
FileSystemUtils() - Constructor for class
FileUtils - Class in eu.project.ttc.utils
FileUtils() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.utils.FileUtils
fillCas(CAS, File) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.AbstractTermSuiteCollectionReader
fillCas(CAS, File) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.JsonCollectionReader
fillCas(CAS, File) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.XmiCollectionReader
filter(TermSuitePipeline, TerminoFilterConfig) - Static method in class
FilterRules - Enum in eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner
finalize() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.CasStatCounter
findBiggestPrefix(TermIndex, List<TermWord>) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermUtils
Finds in a TermIndex the biggest prefix of a sequence of TermWords that exists as a term.
findBiggestSuffix(TermIndex, List<TermWord>) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermUtils
Finds in a TermIndex the biggest suffix of a sequence of TermWords that exists as a term.
findDuplicates() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.OccurrenceBuffer
Finds duplicated occurrences in this buffer and returns them as a collection of dups lists.
findSingleWord(String) - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.resources.GeneralLanguage
findSingleWord(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.GeneralLanguageResource
finish() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.ObserverResource.SubTaskObserver
firstWord() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
FIXED_EXPRESSION_MAX_SIZE - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.FixedExpressionSpotter
FIXED_EXPRESSION_RESOURCE - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.resources.FixedExpressionResource
fixedExpressionResource - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.FixedExpressionSpotter
fixedExpressionResource - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.FixedExpressionTermMarker
FixedExpressionResource - Class in eu.project.ttc.resources
FixedExpressionResource() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.resources.FixedExpressionResource
FixedExpressionSpotter - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines
FixedExpressionSpotter() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.FixedExpressionSpotter
FixedExpressionTermMarker - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines
FixedExpressionTermMarker() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.FixedExpressionTermMarker
flush() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.occstore.MemoryOccurrenceStore
flush() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.occstore.MongoDBOccurrenceStore
flush() - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.OccurrenceStore
flush() - Method in class
forFileName(String) - Static method in enum
formGetter(TermIndex, boolean) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermUtils
forName(String) - Static method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.TermProperty
forName(String) - Static method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.desc.Lang
frequency - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredTermOrVariant
frequencyComparator - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermUtils
Most frequent first
FrequencyMeasure - Class in eu.project.ttc.models.index
FrequencyMeasure(TermIndex) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.models.index.FrequencyMeasure
FrequencyUnderThreshholdSelector - Class in eu.project.ttc.models.index.selectors
FrequencyUnderThreshholdSelector(int) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.models.index.selectors.FrequencyUnderThreshholdSelector
fromClasspath(Lang) - Method in enum
fromClasspath(Lang, Tagger) - Method in enum
fromClassPathUnchecked(Lang) - Method in enum
fromClassPathUnchecked(Lang, Tagger) - Method in enum
fromCode(String) - Static method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.desc.Lang
fromDocumentCollection(Lang, Collection<Document>) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TerminoExtractor
fromDocumentCollection(Lang, Collection<Document>) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TermSuitePreprocessor
fromDocumentStream(Lang, Stream<Document>, long) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TerminoExtractor
fromDocumentStream(Lang, Stream<Document>, long) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TermSuitePreprocessor
fromJson(String, JsonOptions) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TermIndexIO
fromJson(String) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TermIndexIO
fromJson(Path) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TermIndexIO
fromJson(Path, JsonOptions) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TermIndexIO
fromJson(URL) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TermIndexIO
fromJson(URL, JsonOptions) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TermIndexIO
fromName(String) - Static method in enum eu.project.ttc.models.CompoundType
fromPreprocessedDocumentStream(Lang, Stream<JCas>, long) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TerminoExtractor
fromPreprocessedJsonFiles(Lang, String) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TerminoExtractor
fromPreprocessedJsonFiles(Lang, String, String) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TerminoExtractor
fromPreprocessedXmiFiles(Lang, String) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TerminoExtractor
WARNING : encoding of XMI file must be UTF-8.
fromShortName(String) - Static method in enum eu.project.ttc.models.CompoundType
fromShortName(String) - Static method in enum eu.project.ttc.models.VariationType
fromSingleDocument(Lang, Document) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TerminoExtractor
fromSingleDocument(Lang, Document) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TermSuitePreprocessor
fromSinglePreprocessedDocument(Lang, JCas) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TerminoExtractor
fromString(String) - Static method in enum eu.project.ttc.api.Traverser.Direction
fromString(String) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.api.Traverser.Ordering
fromString(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Context
fromTextString(Lang, String) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TerminoExtractor
fromTextString(Lang, String) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TermSuitePreprocessor
fromTxtCorpus(Lang, String, String) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TerminoExtractor
fromTxtCorpus(Lang, String, String, String) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TerminoExtractor
fromTxtCorpus(Lang, String) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TermSuitePreprocessor
fromTxtCorpus(Lang, String, String) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TermSuitePreprocessor
Example: "**\/*.
fromTxtCorpus(Lang, String, String, String) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TermSuitePreprocessor
fromUrlPrefix(URL, Lang) - Method in enum
fromUrlPrefix(URL, Lang, Tagger) - Method in enum
fromYaml(String) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.variant.VariantRuleYamlIO


GAMMA - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CompostAE
GENERAL_LANGUAGE_FREQUENCIES - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.TermSpecificityComputer
GeneralLanguage - Interface in eu.project.ttc.resources
GeneralLanguageResource - Class in eu.project.ttc.resources
GeneralLanguageResource() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.resources.GeneralLanguageResource
GeneralLanguageResource.Entry - Class in eu.project.ttc.resources
generate(File) - Method in class
GenericXMLToTxtCollectionReader - Class in eu.project.ttc.readers
GenericXMLToTxtCollectionReader() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.readers.GenericXMLToTxtCollectionReader
get(String) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermValueProviders
get(String, TermIndex) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermValueProviders
get() - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.resources.Dictionary
get() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.DictionaryResource
get(String) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.EvalTrace
get(String) - Method in class
getAbstract() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.IstexDocument
getAdapter(Term) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredModel
getAnalysisEngineDescription() - Method in class
getAssocRate() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.ContextVector.Entry
getAssocRate(Term) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.ContextVector
getAt(int) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.GroovyTerm
getAt(int) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.GroovyWord
getAtRank(int) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.EvalTrace
Get the EvalTrace.RecPoint for rank number of extracted indexes.
getAtRecall(double) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.EvalTrace
Get the first EvalTrace.RecPoint whose recall exceeds the parameter precisionThreshorld.
getAvg() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermMeasure
getBase() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredVariation
getBase() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermVariation
getBase() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.VariationPath
getBaseForm(TermWord) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.SuffixDerivation
getBases() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
getBases(VariationType...) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
Get all bases of given VariationTypes
getBaseTerm() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.ReferenceTermList.RTLTerm
getBegin() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.Segment
getBegin() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Component
getBegin() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermOccurrence
getBiggestClass() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.CustomIndexStats
getBiggestSize() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.CustomIndexStats
getCharset() - Method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.desc.TermSuiteCollection
getChartAxisPoints(boolean) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.EvalTrace
getClass(TermIndex, Term) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermSingleValueProvider
getClasses(TermIndex, Term) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermSingleValueProvider
getClasses(TermIndex, Term) - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermValueProvider
getCode() - Method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.desc.Lang
getComparator(boolean) - Method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.TermProperty
getComparator(TermIndex, boolean) - Method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.TermProperty
getComponents() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Word
getCompostAlpha() - Method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.desc.Lang
getCompostBeta() - Method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.desc.Lang
getCompostDelta() - Method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.desc.Lang
getCompostGamma() - Method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.desc.Lang
getCompostMaxComponentNumber() - Method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.desc.Lang
getCompostMinComponentSize() - Method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.desc.Lang
getCompostScoreThreshold() - Method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.desc.Lang
getCompoundsFileName() - Static method in class
getCompoundType() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Word
getConsumer(String) - Method in class
getConsumer() - Method in class
getContextVector() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
Returns the context vector of this term.
getCoocurringTerms() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Context
getCorpusId() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.MemoryTermIndex
getCorpusId() - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.TermIndex
getCoTerm() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.metrics.Explanation.ExplanationFeature
getCoTerm() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.ContextVector.Entry
getCounters(Iterable<T>) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermSuiteUtils
getCoveredText() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermOccurrence
getCurrentState() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.occstore.MemoryOccurrenceStore
getCurrentState() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.occstore.MongoDBOccurrenceStore
getCurrentState() - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.OccurrenceStore
getCustomIndex(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.MemoryTermIndex
getCustomIndex(String) - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.TermIndex
getDate() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.history.PipelineEvent
getDerivatesFileName() - Static method in class
getDerivateSuffix() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.SuffixDerivation
getDerivations() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.SuffixDerivationList
getDerivationsFromDerivateForm(String, String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.SuffixDerivationList
getDerivationsFromDerivateForm(TermWord) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.SuffixDerivationList
getDescription() - Method in enum
getDico() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.BilingualAligner
getDicoEntry() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.SegmentScoreEntry
getDocument(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.MemoryTermIndex
getDocument(String) - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.TermIndex
Returns the document identified by this url or creates a new one.
getDocumentFrequency() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
getDocuments() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.MemoryTermIndex
getDocuments() - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.TermIndex
getDocumentSize() - Method in class org.apache.uima.examples.SourceDocumentInformation
getter for documentSize - gets Size of original document in bytes before processing by CAS Initializer.
getDocumentSize(int) - Method in class org.apache.uima.examples.SourceDocumentInformation_Type
getDocumentText(String, String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.AbstractTermSuiteCollectionReader
Gives the document text to set from the input file URI.
getDocumentText(String, String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.GenericXMLToTxtCollectionReader
getDocumentText(String, String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.JsonCollectionReader
getDocumentText(String, String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.TeiCollectionReader
getDocumentText(String, String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.TxtCollectionReader
getDocumentText(String, String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.XmiCollectionReader
getDoubleValue(TermIndex, Term) - Method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.TermProperty
getDoubleValue(Term) - Method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.TermProperty
getElement1() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.Pair
getElement2() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.Pair
getElements() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.SimpleWordSet
getEnd() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.Segment
getEnd() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Component
getEnd() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermOccurrence
getEngine() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.MateModel
getEntries() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.ContextVector
Gives the list of terms in this context vector sorted by frequency (most frequent first)
getEntry(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.CompostIndex
getEntry(String, String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.GeneralLanguageResource
getErrors() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.GroovyVariantRules
getEvents(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.history.TermHistory
getExplainedValue(ContextVector, ContextVector) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.metrics.AbstractSimilarityDistance
getExplainedValue(ContextVector, ContextVector) - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.metrics.SimilarityDistance
Computes the value of the similarity distance between two ContextVectors and produces an explanation of the distance value, i.e. a list of vectors' component contributing the most to the final distance value.
getExplanation() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.BilingualAligner.TranslationCandidate
getExplanation() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.metrics.ExplainedValue
getExportFilePath(JCas, String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.CasExporter
getExportFilePath(JCas) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.XmiCasExporter
getExpression() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.variant.VariantRule
getExtensionAffix() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredVariation
getExtensionAffix(TermIndex, Term, Term) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermUtils
Finds in a TermIndex the biggest extension affix term of a term depending on a base term.
getExtensionBases() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
getExtensionGain(Term, Term) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermUtils
getExtensionGainScore() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredVariation
getExtensionGainTh() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.termino.engines.VariantScorerConfig
getExtensionOrthographicScore() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredVariation
getExtensions() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
getExtensionScore() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredVariation
getExtensionSpecScore() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredVariation
getExtensionSpecTh() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.termino.engines.VariantScorerConfig
getFactory() - Method in class
getFile() - Method in class
getFileExtension() - Method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.desc.TermSuiteCollection
getFileFilter() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.AbstractTermSuiteCollectionReader
The FilenameFilter for selecting input files to read.
getFileFilter() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.GenericXMLToTxtCollectionReader
getFileFilter() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.TeiCollectionReader
getFileName(String) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.FileUtils
getFiles() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.AbstractTermSuiteCollectionReader
getFilterProperty() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TerminoFilterConfig
getFilterType() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TerminoFilterConfig
getFixedExpressionLemmas() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.FixedExpressionResource
getFlow() - Method in class
getForm() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermOccurrence
getForm(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermFormGetter
getFormCounts(Term) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermFormGetter
getForms() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
getForms(Term) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermFormGetter
getFrequency() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredTermOrVariant
getFrequency() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
getFrequency() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermClass
getFrequency(String, String) - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.resources.GeneralLanguage
getFrequency() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.GeneralLanguageResource.Entry
getFrequency(String, String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.GeneralLanguageResource
getFrequencyMeasure() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.MemoryTermIndex
getFrequencyMeasure() - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.TermIndex
getFrequencyNorm() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
The average number of occurrences of this term in the corpus for each slice of 1000 words.
getFrequencyScore() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredVariation
getFromPattern() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.SuffixDerivation
getFScore(double) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.EvalTrace.RecPoint
getFSGenerator() - Method in class org.apache.uima.examples.SourceDocumentInformation_Type
getGeneralFrequency(Lang, Term) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermUtils
getGeneralFrequencyNorm() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
The average number of occurrences of this term in the general language corpus for each slice of 1000 words.
getGroupingKey() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
getGroupingKey() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermBuilder
getGroupingKey(TermOccAnnotation) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermSuiteUtils
getGroupingKey(TermWord...) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermSuiteUtils
getGroupingKey(Collection<TermWord>) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermSuiteUtils
getHead() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermClass
getHistory() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.history.TermHistoryResource
getHistoryResourceName() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Document
getId() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
getId() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.ReferenceTermList.RTLTerm
getIndex() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CuttingPoint
getIndex() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.variant.VariantRule
getIndexes() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.EvalTrace
getIndexingKeys(List<String>) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.variant.VariantRule
getIndexKey(O) - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.utils.IndexingKey
getInflections(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.CompostInflectionRules
getInfo() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermVariation
getInstance() - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.QueueRegistry
Returns the registry singleton.
getInstance() - Static method in class
Returns the registry singleton.
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstance(Class<?>) - Static method in class
getInstance() - Static method in class
getLabel() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredTerm
getLabel() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredVariation
getLabel() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermVariation
getLabel() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.SuffixDerivationList.SuffixDerivationEntry
getLang() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.Document
getLang() - Method in exception eu.project.ttc.engines.desc.LanguageException
getLang() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.MemoryTermIndex
getLang() - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.TermIndex
The language of the pipeline
getLanguage() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.IstexDocument
getLast() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.EvalTrace
getLastA() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.CrossTable
The number of times coTerm id a co-occurrence of term WARNING : not thread safe !
getLastB() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.CrossTable
The number of times a co-occurrence of term is not coTerm WARNING : not thread safe !
getLastC() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.CrossTable
The number of times coTerm is a co-occurrence of another term than term.
getLastD() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.CrossTable
The number of times neither term nor coTerm is a co-occurrence of something else WARNING : not thread safe !
getLastSegment() - Method in class org.apache.uima.examples.SourceDocumentInformation
getter for lastSegment - gets For a CAS that represents a segment of a larger source document, this flag indicates whether this CAS is the final segment of the source document.
getLastSegment(int) - Method in class org.apache.uima.examples.SourceDocumentInformation_Type
getLcTermsFound() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.EvalTrace.RecPoint
getLemma() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.Segment
getLemma() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.SegmentScoreEntry
getLemma() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.LemmaStemHolder
getLemma() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
Returns the concatenation of inner words' lemmas.
getLemma() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.WordBuilder
getLemma() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.GeneralLanguageResource.Entry
getLevel(String) - Static method in class
getLocale() - Method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.desc.Lang
getLongName() - Method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.BilingualAligner.AlignmentMethod
getMatchingRule(Object, Object) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.GroovyVariantRules
getMatchingRule(VariantRuleIndex, Term, Term) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.YamlVariantRules
getMax() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermMeasure
getMaxExtensionAffixWRLog() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredTerm
getMaxRecall() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.EvalTrace
getMaxVariationFrequency() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredTerm
getMeasures() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.MemoryTermIndex
getMeasures() - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.TermIndex
getMessage() - Method in exception eu.project.ttc.engines.BilingualAligner.RequiresSize2Exception
getMessage() - Method in exception eu.project.ttc.engines.desc.LanguageException
getMessage() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.history.PipelineEvent
getMethod() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.BilingualAligner.TranslationCandidate
getMin() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermMeasure
getMongoDBOccStore() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.JsonOptions
getName() - Method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.desc.Lang
getName() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.variant.VariantRule
getName() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.AbstractTermValueProvider
getName() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.MemoryTermIndex
getName() - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermValueProvider
getName() - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.TermIndex
The term index id name
getName() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.EvalTrace
getName() - Method in enum
getName() - Method in class
getNameUC() - Method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.desc.Lang
getNameValuePairs() - Method in class
getNbCooccs() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.ContextVector.Entry
getNbCooccs(Term) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.ContextVector
getNbCorpusWords() - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.resources.GeneralLanguage
getNbCorpusWords() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.GeneralLanguageResource
getNext(CAS) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.AbstractTermSuiteCollectionReader
getNext(CAS) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.EmptyCollectionReader
getNext(CAS) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.IstexCollectionReader
getNext(CAS) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.StreamingCollectionReader
getNext(CAS) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.StringCollectionReader
getNFirstLetterIndexingKey(int) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermSuiteUtils
getNormalizedFrequency(String) - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.resources.GeneralLanguage
getNormalizedFrequency(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.GeneralLanguageResource
getNormalizedLemma() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Word
getNormalizedStem() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Word
getOccurrenceComparator(boolean) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermMeasure
getOccurrenceContext(TermOccurrence, OccurrenceType, int) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Document
Produce an iterator over all single-word term occurrences in the scope of a given occurrence.
getOccurrences(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Context
getOccurrences() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Document
getOccurrences(Term) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.occstore.MemoryOccurrenceStore
getOccurrences(Term) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.occstore.MongoDBOccurrenceStore
getOccurrences(Term) - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.OccurrenceStore
getOccurrences() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredTermOrVariant
getOccurrences() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
getOccurrences() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermClass
Returns the set of non-overlapping term occurrences of all terms in this TermClass, sorted by begin inc - end desc.
getOccurrenceStore() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.MemoryTermIndex
getOccurrenceStore() - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.TermIndex
The occurrence store
getOccurrenceVector() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Context
getOffset() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CuttingPoint
getOffsetInSource() - Method in class org.apache.uima.examples.SourceDocumentInformation
getter for offsetInSource - gets Byte offset of the start of document content within original source file or other input source.
getOffsetInSource(int) - Method in class org.apache.uima.examples.SourceDocumentInformation_Type
getOptionKey(Option) - Static method in class
Returns the key of the given option
getOrder() - Method in enum eu.project.ttc.models.VariationType
getOrthographicScore() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredTermOrVariant
getOrthographicScore(String) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.StringUtils
getOrthographicScoreTh() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.termino.engines.VariantScorerConfig
getPath() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.ReferenceTermList
getPath(Lang) - Method in enum
getPath(Lang, Tagger) - Method in enum
getPathPattern() - Method in enum
getPattern() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
Turns the term into a list LemmaStemHolder where each word of the term is given as itself if not compound, or as a list of its components if compound.
getPattern() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.GeneralLanguageResource.Entry
getPilot() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
getPilot() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermClass
getPilot(Term) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermFormGetter
getPoints() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.EvalTrace
getPosition(Term, Term) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermUtils
Finds the index of appearance of a term's sub-term.
getPrecision() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.EvalTrace.RecPoint
getPrefix(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.PrefixTree
getPrefixFileName() - Static method in class
getProgress() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.AbstractTermSuiteCollectionReader
getProgress() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.EmptyCollectionReader
getProgress() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.IstexCollectionReader
getProgress() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.StreamingCollectionReader
getProgress() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.StringCollectionReader
getPropertyName() - Method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.TermProperty
getQueue(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.QueueRegistry
Retrieves and returns a registered queue by name.
getQueueName() - Method in class
getRange() - Method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.TermProperty
getRank() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.BilingualAligner.TranslationCandidate
getRank() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredTerm
getRank() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
getRank() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.EvalTrace.RecPoint
getRecall() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.EvalTrace.RecPoint
getRegexPostProcessingStrategy() - Method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.desc.Lang
getRegularSuffix() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.SuffixDerivation
getScore() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.BilingualAligner.TranslationCandidate
getScore() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.SegmentScoreEntry
getScore() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermVariation
getScorerConfig() - Method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.desc.Lang
getSegmentation(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.ManualSegmentationResource
getSegmentations(String, int, int) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.Segmentation
getSegments() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.Segmentation
getSegmentString() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.SegmentScoreEntry
getShortName() - Method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.BilingualAligner.AlignmentMethod
getShortName() - Method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.TermProperty
getShortName() - Method in enum eu.project.ttc.models.CompoundType
getShortName() - Method in enum eu.project.ttc.models.VariationType
getShortName() - Method in enum
getSingleWordTermId(WordAnnotation) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermSuiteUtils
getSingleWordTerms(TermIndex, Term) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermUtils
Finds in an input term all single-word terms it is made off.
getSizeCounters() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.CustomIndexStats
getSource() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.history.PipelineEvent
getSourceDocument() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermOccurrence
getSourceDocumentAnnotation(JCas) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.JCasUtils
getSourceDocumentInformation() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermSuiteCas
getSourcePatterns() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.variant.VariantRule
getSpecificity() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
getSpottedTermsNum() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.MemoryTermIndex
getSpottedTermsNum() - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.TermIndex
The number of terms added to this TermIndex by invoking TermIndex.addTermOccurrence(TermOccAnnotation, String, boolean)
getSpottingRule() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
getStandardDeviation() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermMeasure
getStem() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Word
getStoreType() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.occstore.MemoryOccurrenceStore
getStoreType() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.occstore.MongoDBOccurrenceStore
getStoreType() - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.OccurrenceStore
getStreamThread() - Method in class
getStreamThread() - Method in class
getStrictness(Term, Term) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermUtils
Returns the strictness of t1 based on t2, i.e. the ratio of appearance in an occurrence that do not overlap with t2.
getStrictnessScore() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredVariation
getString() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.Segmentation
getString() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.ReferenceTermList.RTLTerm
getSubstring() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.Segment
getSubTermOccAnnotations(TermOccAnnotation) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermSuiteCas
getSubWordAnnotations(TermOccAnnotation) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermSuiteCas
getSuffix() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.SuffixDerivationList.SuffixDerivationEntry
getSum() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermMeasure
getSyntacticLabel() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermWord
getSyntacticRuleFileName(String) - Static method in class
getTargetPatterns() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.variant.VariantRule
getTaskObserver(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.ObserverResource
getTerm() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.BilingualAligner.TranslationCandidate
getTerm() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.ContextVector
getTerm() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.GroovyTerm
getTerm() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredTermOrVariant
getTerm() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermOccurrence
getTerm1() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermPair
getTerm2() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermPair
getTermByGroupingKey(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.MemoryTermIndex
getTermByGroupingKey(String) - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.TermIndex
getTermById(int) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.MemoryTermIndex
getTermById(int) - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.TermIndex
getTermClass() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
getTermClasses() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.MemoryTermIndex
getTermClasses() - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.TermIndex
getTermComparator(boolean) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermMeasure
getTermIndependanceScore() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredTerm
The ratio of this term appearance without any of its variants
getTermIndependanceTh() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.termino.engines.VariantScorerConfig
getTermIndex() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredModel
getTermIndex() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.TermIndexResource
getTermIndex() - Method in class
Returns the term index produced (or last modified) by this pipeline.
getTermKey() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.history.PipelineEvent
getTermOccAnnotations() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermSuiteCas
getTerms(String) - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.index.CustomTermIndex
getTerms(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.CustomTermIndexImpl
getTerms() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.MemoryTermIndex
getTerms() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredModel
getTerms() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermClass
getTerms() - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.TermIndex
getTerms() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.ReferenceTermList
getTermSuiteCasFileName(JCas) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.JCasUtils
getTermVariation() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredVariation
getTermWord() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.GroovyWord
getText() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.Document
getText() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CompostDicoEntry
getText() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CompostIndexEntry
getText() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.metrics.Explanation
getText() - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.metrics.IExplanation
getText() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.metrics.TextExplanation
getText() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.AbstractToTxtSaxHandler
getText() - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.readers.CollectionDocument
The context of the text.
getText() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.TeiToTxtSaxHandler
getTextualContext(int) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermOccurrence
getThreshhold() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TerminoFilterConfig
getThreshhold() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.selectors.FrequencyUnderThreshholdSelector
getTitle() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.IstexDocument
getTitle() - Method in enum
getToPattern() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.SuffixDerivation
getTopN() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TerminoFilterConfig
getTopNFeatures() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.metrics.Explanation
Gives the top n important entries for this alignment process.
getTotalCoccurrences() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.ContextVector
getTotalSpottedTerms() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermMeasure
getTp() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.EvalTrace.RecPoint
getTranslations(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.BilingualDictionary
getTranslations(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.SimpleWordSet
getType() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.SuffixDerivation
getTypeIndexID() - Method in class org.apache.uima.examples.SourceDocumentInformation
getUimaCas() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermSuiteCas
getUncommentedLines(File, Charset) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.FileUtils
getUri() - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.readers.CollectionDocument
The unique identifier of the document.
getUri() - Method in class org.apache.uima.examples.SourceDocumentInformation
getter for uri - gets URI of document.
getUri(int) - Method in class org.apache.uima.examples.SourceDocumentInformation_Type
getUrl() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.Document
getUrl() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Document
getUrl() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.occstore.MemoryOccurrenceStore
getUrl() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.occstore.MongoDBOccurrenceStore
getUrl() - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.OccurrenceStore
Returns the path to access the occurrence store if this occurrence store is of type Type#FILE, null otherwise.
getValue(TermIndex, Term) - Method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.TermProperty
getValue(Term) - Method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.TermProperty
getValue(ContextVector, ContextVector) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.metrics.AbstractSimilarityDistance
getValue(ContextVector, ContextVector, Explanation) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.metrics.AbstractSimilarityDistance
getValue(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.metrics.AssociationRate
getValue(ContextVector, ContextVector, Explanation) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.metrics.Cosine
getValue() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.metrics.ExplainedValue
getValue() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.metrics.Explanation.ExplanationFeature
getValue(ContextVector, ContextVector, Explanation) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.metrics.Jaccard
getValue(int, int, int, int) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.metrics.LogLikelihood
getValue(int, int, int, int) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.metrics.MutualInformation
getValue(ContextVector, ContextVector) - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.metrics.SimilarityDistance
Computes the value of the similarity distance between two ContextVectors.
getValue(Term) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.FrequencyMeasure
getValue(Term) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermMeasure
getValue(Term) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.WRLogMeasure
getValue(Term) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.WRMeasure
getValue() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
getValue(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.EvalTrace.RecPoint
getValues(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.EvalTrace
getVariant() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredVariation
getVariant() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermVariation
getVariant() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.VariationPath
getVariantIndependanceScore() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredVariation
getVariantIndependanceTh() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.termino.engines.VariantScorerConfig
getVariantRules() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.variant.VariantRuleYamlIO
getVariantRules() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.YamlVariantRules
getVariantRules(VariantRuleIndex) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.YamlVariantRules
getVariants() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.ReferenceTermList.RTLTerm
getVariationPaths(int) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
getVariations() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredTerm
getVariations() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
getVariations(VariationType...) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
Get all variations of given VariationTypes
getVariations(TermIndex) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermIndexUtils
getVariationScore() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredVariation
getVariationScoreTh() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.termino.engines.VariantScorerConfig
getVariationType() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.selectors.HasSingleWordVariationSelector
getVariationType() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermVariation
getWord(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.MemoryTermIndex
getWord(String) - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.TermIndex
getWord() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermWord
getWordAnnotations() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermSuiteCas
getWordAnnotationsNum() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.MemoryTermIndex
getWordAnnotationsNum() - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.TermIndex
getWords() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.MemoryTermIndex
getWords() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
getWords() - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.TermIndex
getWords() - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.resources.GeneralLanguage
getWords() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.GeneralLanguageResource
getWR() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredTermOrVariant
getWRLog() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredTermOrVariant
getWRLogMeasure() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.MemoryTermIndex
getWRLogMeasure() - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.TermIndex
getWRMeasure() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.MemoryTermIndex
getWRMeasure() - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.TermIndex
getZScore(Term) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermMeasure
GraphicalVariantGatherer - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines
Gather terms whe their edit distances (ignoring diacritics) are under certain threshold (not normalized).
GraphicalVariantGatherer() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.GraphicalVariantGatherer
GroovyAdapter - Class in eu.project.ttc.models
GroovyAdapter() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.models.GroovyAdapter
GroovyComponent - Class in eu.project.ttc.models
GroovyComponent(Component) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.models.GroovyComponent
GroovyTerm - Class in eu.project.ttc.models
GroovyTerm(Term, GroovyAdapter) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.models.GroovyTerm
GroovyVariantRules - Class in eu.project.ttc.resources
GroovyVariantRules() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.resources.GroovyVariantRules
GroovyWord - Class in eu.project.ttc.models
GroovyWord(TermWord, GroovyAdapter) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.models.GroovyWord


haeCasStatCounter(String) - Method in class
haeCompoundExporter(String) - Method in class
Exports all compound words of the terminology to given file path.
haeEval(String, String, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class
haeEvalExporter(String, boolean) - Method in class
haeExportVariationRuleExamples(String) - Method in class
Exports examples of matching pairs for each variation rule.
haeJsonCasExporter(String) - Method in class
haeJsonExporter(String) - Method in class
haeLogOverlappingRules() - Method in class
haeSpotterTSVWriter(String) - Method in class
Export all CAS in TSV format to a given directory.
haeTbxExporter(String) - Method in class
haeTermsuiteJsonCasExporter(String) - Method in class
Exports all CAS as JSON files to a given directory.
haeTraceTimePerf(String) - Method in class
Exports time progress to TSV file.
haeTsvExporter(String) - Method in class
Exports the TermIndex in tsv format
haeVariantEvalExporter(String, int, int) - Method in class
Creates a tsv output with : - the occurrence list of each term and theirs in-text contexts
haeVariationExporter(String, VariationType...) - Method in class
haeXmiCasExporter(String) - Method in class
Exports all CAS as XMI files to a given directory.
hasDigits(String) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.StringUtils
hashBaseTerm() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.ReferenceTermList.RTLTerm
hashCode() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.BilingualAligner.TranslationCandidate
hashCode() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.SegmentScoreEntry
hashCode() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.variant.VariantRule
hashCode() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Component
hashCode() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.ContextVector.Entry
hashCode() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.ContextVector
hashCode() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Document
hashCode() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.GroovyComponent
hashCode() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.GroovyWord
hashCode() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.MemoryTermIndex
hashCode() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermPair
hashCode() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredTerm
hashCode() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
hashCode() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermClass
hashCode() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermOccurrence
hashCode() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermVariation
hashCode() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermWord
hashCode() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Word
hashCode() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.GeneralLanguageResource.Entry
hashCode() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.ObserverResource.SubTaskObserver
hashCode() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.ReferenceTermList.RTLTerm
hashCode() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.SuffixDerivation
hashCode() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.SuffixDerivationList.SuffixDerivationEntry
hashCode() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.Pair
hasNext() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.TildeTokenizer
hasNext() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.AbstractTermSuiteCollectionReader
hasNext() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.EmptyCollectionReader
hasNext() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.IstexCollectionReader
hasNext() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.StreamingCollectionReader
hasNext() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.StringCollectionReader
hasOverlappingOffsets(TermOccurrence, Collection<TermOccurrence>) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermOccurrenceUtils
True if an occurrence set contains any element overlapping with the param occurrence.
HasSingleWordVariationSelector - Class in eu.project.ttc.models.index.selectors
Selects a term if any of its single-word sub-terms has a variation or a base of given type.
HasSingleWordVariationSelector(VariationType) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.models.index.selectors.HasSingleWordVariationSelector
hasSpecialCharacters(String) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.StringUtils
HOOK - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.PipelineObserver
HORIZONTAL_RULE - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.EvalEngine
humanReadableByteCount(long, boolean) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.FileUtils
HYPHEN - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermSuiteConstants


IExplanation - Interface in eu.project.ttc.metrics
importCas(JCas, boolean) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.MemoryTermIndex
importCas(JCas, boolean) - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.TermIndex
importTermIndex(TermIndex) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredModel
IndexerTSVBuilder - Class in
Incrementally creates an indexer output TSV file.
IndexerTSVBuilder(Writer, List<TermProperty>, boolean) - Constructor for class
Initializes a new instance using the specified output
IndexingKey<T,O> - Interface in eu.project.ttc.utils
indexTerm(TermIndex, Term) - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.index.CustomTermIndex
Adds the param term to internal index.
indexTerm(TermIndex, Term) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.CustomTermIndexImpl
indexTermOccurrence(TermOccurrence) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Document
inflect(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.CompostInflectionRules.InflectionRule
INFLECTION_RULES - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CompostAE
initialize(UimaContext) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.AbstractTermIndexExporter
initialize(UimaContext) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.CasStatCounter
initialize(UimaContext) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.AbstractTermIndexCleaner
initialize(UimaContext) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.Contextualizer
initialize(UimaContext) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.CasExporter
initialize(UimaContext) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.JsonCasExporter
initialize(UimaContext) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.JsonExporterAE
initialize(UimaContext) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.TermsuiteJsonCasExporter
initialize(UimaContext) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.TSVExporterAE
initialize(UimaContext) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.VariationExporterAE
initialize(UimaContext) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.XmiCasExporter
initialize(UimaContext) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.GraphicalVariantGatherer
initialize(UimaContext) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.MateLemmaFixer
initialize(UimaContext) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CompostAE
initialize(UimaContext) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.PipelineObserver
initialize(UimaContext) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.ScorerAE
initialize(UimaContext) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.StringRegexFilter
initialize(UimaContext) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.SyntacticTermGatherer
initialize(UimaContext) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.TermClassifier
initialize(UimaContext) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.TermOccAnnotationImporter
initialize(UimaContext) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.TildeTokenizer
initialize(UimaContext) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.TreeTaggerLemmaFixer
initialize(TermIndex) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.variant.VariantRule
initialize() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.AbstractTermSuiteCollectionReader
initialize() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.GenericXMLToTxtCollectionReader
initialize() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.IstexCollectionReader
initialize() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.StreamingCollectionReader
initialize() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.StringCollectionReader
initialize(TermIndex) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.YamlVariantRules
initialize(UimaContext) - Method in class
initJCasSDI(JCas, String, String, String) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.JCasUtils
initProfilingWithZeroCount() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.GroovyVariantRules
innerComponentPairs(Word) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CompoundUtils
Produces the set of all pairs of non-overlapping components for a given word.
inspect(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Document
INSTANCE - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.resources.TrueFilter
instanciate(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.MateLemmatizerModel
instanciate(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.MateModel
instanciate(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.MateTaggerModel
INT_FEATURES - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.JsonCasExporter
isCompound() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
isCompound() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Word
isComputed() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermMeasure
isContextVectorComputed() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
True if the context vector of this term has been computed.
isCumulatedFrequencyMode() - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.resources.GeneralLanguage
isCumulatedFrequencyMode() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.GeneralLanguageResource
isCycle() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.VariationPath
isDecimalNumber() - Method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.TermProperty
isDirectional() - Method in enum eu.project.ttc.models.VariationType
isEmbeddedOccurrences() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.JsonOptions
isEmpty() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.OccurrenceBuffer
isFailFast() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.metrics.DiacriticInsensitiveLevenshtein
isFailFast() - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.metrics.EditDistance
isFailFast() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.metrics.Levenshtein
isFailFast() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.metrics.LongestCommonSubsequence
isFixedExpression() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
isHypen() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CuttingPoint
isIncludedIn() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermVariation
isIncludedIn(Term, Term) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermUtils
isInCorpus() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CompostDicoEntry
isInCorpus() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CompostIndexEntry
isInDico() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CompostDicoEntry
isInDico() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CompostIndexEntry
isInNeoClassicalPrefix() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CompostDicoEntry
isInNeoClassicalPrefix() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CompostIndexEntry
isJar(String) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.FileUtils
isKeepVariants() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TerminoFilterConfig
isKnownDerivate(TermWord) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.SuffixDerivation
isLanguageSupported(String) - Static method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.desc.Lang
isLemmaSet() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.LemmaStemHolder
isLoggable(Level) - Method in class
isMeasure() - Method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.TermProperty
isMetadataOnly() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.JsonOptions
isMongoDBOccStore() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.JsonOptions
isMultiWord() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
isNeoclassical() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.Segment
isNull(Properties, String) - Static method in class
Determines whether the specified property value is null.
isNumber() - Method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.TermProperty
isPrefixOf(GroovyWord, GroovyWord) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.variant.VariantHelper
isPrefixOf() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermVariation
isPrefixOf(Term, Term) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermUtils
isPrimaryOccurrence() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermOccurrence
True if this occurrence is marked as primary, i.e. if it can be considered as a true occurrence of term in a non-overlapping sequence of term occurrences
isScoredTerm() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredTermOrVariant
isScoredVariation() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredTermOrVariant
isShowRank() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TsvOptions
isShowScores() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TsvOptions
isShowVariants() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TsvOptions
isSingleWord - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.models.GroovyTerm
isSingleWord() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
isSourceCompound() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.variant.VariantRule
isSuffixOf() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermVariation
isSuffixOf(Term, Term) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermUtils
isSymetric() - Method in enum eu.project.ttc.models.VariationType
isTargetCompound() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.variant.VariantRule
IstexCollectionReader - Class in eu.project.ttc.readers
Reads collections from a ISTEX
IstexCollectionReader() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.readers.IstexCollectionReader
IstexDocument - Class in eu.project.ttc.readers
IstexDocument() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.readers.IstexDocument
IstexUtils - Class in eu.project.ttc.utils
IstexUtils() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.utils.IstexUtils
isVariant() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
isVariant() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.ReferenceTermList.RTLTerm
isWatched(Term) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.history.TermHistory
isWatched(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.history.TermHistory
isWithContexts() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.JsonOptions
isWithOccurrences() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.JsonOptions
iterator(TermIndex) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.Traverser
iterator() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermClass
iterator() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.VariationPath
iterator() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.OccurrenceBuffer
IteratorUtils - Class in eu.project.ttc.utils
IteratorUtils() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.utils.IteratorUtils


Jaccard - Class in eu.project.ttc.metrics
Jaccard() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.metrics.Jaccard
JCasUtils - Class in eu.project.ttc.utils
JCasUtils() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.utils.JCasUtils
join(URL, String) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.URLUtils
JsonCasConstants - Class in eu.project.ttc.readers
Created by smeoni on 27/05/16.
JsonCasConstants() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.readers.JsonCasConstants
JsonCasExporter - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter
Created by smeoni on 01/12/15.
JsonCasExporter() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.JsonCasExporter
JsonCollectionReader - Class in eu.project.ttc.readers
Created by smeoni on 26/05/16.
JsonCollectionReader() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.readers.JsonCollectionReader
JsonExporter - Class in eu.project.ttc.termino.export
JsonExporter() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.termino.export.JsonExporter
JsonExporterAE - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter
Exports a TermIndex in the tsv evaluation format.
JsonExporterAE() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.JsonExporterAE
JsonOptions - Class in eu.project.ttc.api
JsonOptions() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.api.JsonOptions
JsonTermIndexIO - Class in eu.project.ttc.models.index
JsonTermIndexIO() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.models.index.JsonTermIndexIO


KEEP_OCCURRENCES_IN_TERM_INDEX - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.TermOccAnnotationImporter
KEEP_PREFIXES - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.utils.OccurrenceBuffer
KEEP_SUFFIXES - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.utils.OccurrenceBuffer
KEEP_VARIANTS - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.AbstractTermIndexCleaner
keepIndexes(Collection<Integer>) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.EvalTrace
Filters this eval trace and keeps only the parameter indexes.
keepOverTh(double) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TerminoFilterConfig
keepTopN(int) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TerminoFilterConfig
keepVariants() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TerminoFilterConfig
keepVariants - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.AbstractTermIndexCleaner
KEY_ONE_FIRST_LETTERS - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermSuiteUtils
KEY_THREE_FIRST_LETTERS - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermSuiteUtils
KEY_TWO_FIRST_LETTERS - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermSuiteUtils
keySet() - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.index.CustomTermIndex
keySet() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.CustomTermIndexImpl


Lang - Enum in eu.project.ttc.engines.desc
LANG - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.GraphicalVariantGatherer
LANGUAGE - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.MateLemmaFixer
LANGUAGE - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.TreeTaggerLemmaFixer
LANGUAGE_DICO - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CompostAE
LanguageException - Exception in eu.project.ttc.engines.desc
LanguageException(String) - Constructor for exception eu.project.ttc.engines.desc.LanguageException
LAST_DOCUMENT - Static variable in interface eu.project.ttc.readers.CollectionDocument
The document sentinelle sent to the reader to stipulate that the stream is ended
lastFileRead() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.AbstractTermSuiteCollectionReader
A hook that is executed after the last input files has been read.
lastFileRead() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.GenericXMLToTxtCollectionReader
lastFileRead() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.TeiCollectionReader
LatvianTildeTagger - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines
Tagger for Latvian
LatvianTildeTagger() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.LatvianTildeTagger
lemma - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.models.GroovyComponent
lemma - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.models.GroovyTerm
lemma - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.models.GroovyWord
LEMMA - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermIndexes
lemma - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.models.LemmaStemHolder
LEMMA_LOWER_CASE - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermIndexes
LemmaStemHolder - Class in eu.project.ttc.models
LemmaStemHolder(String) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.models.LemmaStemHolder
LEMMATIZER - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.MateLemmatizerTagger
Levenshtein - Class in eu.project.ttc.metrics
Levenshtein() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.metrics.Levenshtein
LINE_BREAK - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermSuiteConstants
LINKED_MONGO_STORE - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.JsonExporterAE
linkMongoStore() - Method in class
Configures the JsonExporterAE to not embed the occurrences in the json file, but to link the mongodb occurrence store instead.
listClasspath() - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermSuiteUtils
listIterator() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.OccurrenceBuffer
load(DataResource) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.history.TermHistoryResource
load(Reader, JsonOptions) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.JsonTermIndexIO
Loads the json-serialized term index into the param TermIndex object.
load(String) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.BilingualDictionary
load(DataResource) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.CharacterFootprintTermFilter
load(DataResource) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.CompostInflectionRules
load(String, InputStream) - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.resources.Dictionary
load(URI) - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.resources.Dictionary
load(URI) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.DictionaryResource
load(String, InputStream) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.DictionaryResource
load(DataResource) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.DictionaryResource
load(DataResource) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.EvalTrace
load(DataResource) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.FixedExpressionResource
load(DataResource) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.GeneralLanguageResource
load(InputStream) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.GeneralLanguageResource
load(DataResource) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.GroovyVariantRules
load(DataResource) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.MateModel
load(DataResource) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.ObserverResource
load(DataResource) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.PrefixTree
load(DataResource) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.ReferenceTermList
load(DataResource) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.SimpleWordSet
load(DataResource) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.TermIndexResource
load(DataResource) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.YamlVariantRules
loadResource(InputStream) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.GroovyVariantRules
log() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.occstore.MongoDBOccurrenceStore.MyMonitorThread
log(String) - Method in class
log(String, String, Object[]) - Method in class
log(Level, String) - Method in class
log(Level, String, Object) - Method in class
log(Level, String, Object[]) - Method in class
log(Level, String, Throwable) - Method in class
log(String, Level, String, Throwable) - Method in class
LOG_OVERLAPPING_RULES - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.RegexSpotter
logCommandLineOptions(CommandLine) - Static method in class
Displays all command line options in log messages.
logException(Exception) - Method in class
LogLikelihood - Class in eu.project.ttc.metrics
LogLikelihood() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.metrics.LogLikelihood
logrb(Level, String, String, String, String) - Method in class
logrb(Level, String, String, String, String, Object) - Method in class
logrb(Level, String, String, String, String, Object[]) - Method in class
logrb(Level, String, String, String, String, Throwable) - Method in class
logToFile(String) - Static method in class
LongestCommonSubsequence - Class in eu.project.ttc.metrics
Longest Common Subsequence.
LongestCommonSubsequence() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.metrics.LongestCommonSubsequence


main(String[]) - Static method in class
Application entry point
main(String[]) - Static method in class
Application entry point
main(String[]) - Static method in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class
makeIndex() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.occstore.MemoryOccurrenceStore
makeIndex() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.occstore.MongoDBOccurrenceStore
makeIndex() - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.OccurrenceStore
MANUAL_COMPOSITION_LIST - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.ManualCompositionSetter
ManualCompositionSetter - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho
ManualCompositionSetter() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.ManualCompositionSetter
ManualPrefixSetter - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho
ManualPrefixSetter() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.ManualPrefixSetter
ManualSegmentationResource - Class in eu.project.ttc.resources
ManualSegmentationResource() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.resources.ManualSegmentationResource
markPrimaryOccurrence(Collection<TermOccurrence>, TermMeasure) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermOccurrenceUtils
Given a strategy, detects all primary occurrences in a collection of TermOccurrence.
matchExpression(Term, Term) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.variant.VariantRule
mateEngine - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.resources.MateModel
MateLemmaFixer - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines
Post-process the lemma found by Mate.
MateLemmaFixer() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.MateLemmaFixer
MateLemmatizerModel - Class in eu.project.ttc.resources
The Mate lemmatizer engine object.
MateLemmatizerModel() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.resources.MateLemmatizerModel
MateLemmatizerTagger - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines
Post-process the lemma found by TreeTagger
MateLemmatizerTagger() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.MateLemmatizerTagger
MateModel<T> - Class in eu.project.ttc.resources
A thread-safe mate engine.
MateModel() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.resources.MateModel
MateTaggerModel - Class in eu.project.ttc.resources
The Mate tagger engine object.
MateTaggerModel() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.resources.MateTaggerModel
MAX_MODE - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.models.Context
MAX_NUMBER_OF_COMPONENTS - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CompostAE
MAX_SIZE - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.MaxSizeThresholdCleaner
MaxSizeThresholdCleaner - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner
Removes terms from the TermIndex.
MaxSizeThresholdCleaner() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.MaxSizeThresholdCleaner
MemoryOccurrenceStore - Class in eu.project.ttc.models.occstore
MemoryOccurrenceStore() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.models.occstore.MemoryOccurrenceStore
MemoryTermIndex - Class in eu.project.ttc.models.index
The in-memory implementation of a TermIndex.
MemoryTermIndex(String, Lang, OccurrenceStore) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.models.index.MemoryTermIndex
merge(Word, Iterable<? extends Component>) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CompoundUtils
Merges n consecutive components of a compound word into a single Component object.
Merger - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines
Merger() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.Merger
metadataOnly(boolean) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.JsonOptions
MIN_COMPONENT_SIZE - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CompostAE
MIN_MODE - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.models.Context
MINIMUM_COOCC_FREQUENCY_THRESHOLD - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.Contextualizer
mongoDBOccStoreURI(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.JsonOptions
MongoDBOccurrenceStore - Class in eu.project.ttc.models.occstore
MongoDBOccurrenceStore(String) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.models.occstore.MongoDBOccurrenceStore
MongoDBOccurrenceStore(String, OccurrenceStore.State) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.models.occstore.MongoDBOccurrenceStore
MongoDBOccurrenceStore.MyMonitorThread - Class in eu.project.ttc.models.occstore
A monitor for Executor.
MSG_NO_SUCH_TERM - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.MemoryTermIndex
multiWordTermIterator() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.MemoryTermIndex
multiWordTermIterator() - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.TermIndex
MutualInformation - Class in eu.project.ttc.metrics
MutualInformation() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.metrics.MutualInformation
MyMonitorThread(BlockingThreadPoolExecutor, int) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.models.occstore.MongoDBOccurrenceStore.MyMonitorThread


N - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermSuiteConstants
NAME - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermSuiteConstants
NB_DOCUMENTS - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.DocumentLogger
NB_EXAMPLE_OCCURRENCES - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.VariantEvalExporterAE
NB_VARIANTS_PER_TERM - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.VariantEvalExporterAE
nbDigits(String) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.StringUtils
nbDigitSequences(String) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.StringUtils
nbSpecialCharacters(String) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.StringUtils
neoclassical - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.models.GroovyTerm
neoclassical - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.models.GroovyWord
NEOCLASSICAL_PREFIXES - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CompostAE
newId() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.MemoryTermIndex
newId() - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.TermIndex
next() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.TildeTokenizer
NO_CLEANING - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.utils.OccurrenceBuffer
NO_LEMMA - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.models.LemmaStemHolder
NO_LEMMA_SET - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermValueProviders
NORMALIZATION_WORD_FREQUENCY - Static variable in interface eu.project.ttc.resources.GeneralLanguage
normalize(int, String, String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.metrics.DiacriticInsensitiveLevenshtein
Normalizes the specified distance by max(|str|, |rst|).
normalize(int, String, String) - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.metrics.EditDistance
normalize(int, String, String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.metrics.Levenshtein
normalize(int, String, String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.metrics.LongestCommonSubsequence
normalize() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.ContextVector
Normalizes all assocRates so that their sum is 1
normalize(CrossTable) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
NORMALIZE_ASSOC_RATE - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.Contextualizer
NORMALIZED_HAPAX_FREQUENCY - Static variable in interface eu.project.ttc.resources.GeneralLanguage
NOUN - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermSuiteConstants
NUM_TERMS_CLEANING_TRIGGER - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.AbstractTermIndexCleaner
numTermsCleaningTrigger - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.AbstractTermIndexCleaner


OBSERVER - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.resources.ObserverResource
observerResource - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.GraphicalVariantGatherer
observerResource - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.Merger
observerResource - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CompostAE
observerResource - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.PipelineObserver
observerResource - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.Ranker
observerResource - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.ScorerAE
observerResource - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.SyntacticTermGatherer
ObserverResource - Class in eu.project.ttc.resources
An AE class intended to be placed in the pipeline before and after each AE's #process and #collectionCompleteProcess methods in order to report progress and status to listeners.
ObserverResource() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.resources.ObserverResource
ObserverResource.SubTaskObserver - Class in eu.project.ttc.resources
OCCURRENCE_CONTEXT_SIZE - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.VariantEvalExporterAE
OccurrenceBuffer - Class in eu.project.ttc.utils
A utility class that helps storing tk occurrence in a buffer and clean them according to a given strategy.
OccurrenceBuffer(String) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.utils.OccurrenceBuffer
occurrenceChunkIterator(Collection<TermOccurrence>) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermOccurrenceUtils
Returns a virtual iterator on chunks of an occurrence collection.
OccurrenceFilter - Interface in eu.project.ttc.resources
occurrenceIterator(Term) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.occstore.MemoryOccurrenceStore
occurrenceIterator(Term) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.occstore.MongoDBOccurrenceStore
occurrenceIterator(Term) - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.OccurrenceStore
OccurrenceStore - Interface in eu.project.ttc.models
OccurrenceStore.State - Enum in eu.project.ttc.models
OccurrenceStore.Type - Enum in eu.project.ttc.models
OccurrenceType - Enum in eu.project.ttc.models
openConnection(URL) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.protocols.ClasspathURLHandler
OPT_COMPOUND - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.variant.VariantRuleYamlIO
Ordering(TermProperty, Traverser.Direction) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.api.Traverser.Ordering
org.apache.uima.examples - package org.apache.uima.examples
OUTPUT_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.CasExporter
OUTPUT_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.TermsuiteJsonCasExporter
OUTPUT_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.XmiCasExporter
OUTPUT_LOG_FILE - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.EvalEngine
OUTPUT_R_FILE - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.EvalEngine
overlaps(TermOccurrence) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermOccurrence
True if both source documents are the same and if the offsets in the document overlaps.


P_ENCODING - Static variable in class
Name of the parameter that must be set to the input files' encoding
P_INPUT_DIR - Static variable in class
Name of the parameter that must be set to the input directory
P_LANGUAGE - Static variable in class
Name of the parameter that must be set to the input files' language
P_PROPERTIES_FILE - Static variable in class
Name of the parameter that must be set to the configuration file
P_RULE - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.variant.VariantRuleYamlIO
P_SOURCE - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.variant.VariantRuleYamlIO
P_TAGGER_HOME_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class
Name of the parameter that must be set to the tt dir
P_TARGET - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.variant.VariantRuleYamlIO
Pair<T extends java.lang.Comparable<? super T>> - Class in eu.project.ttc.utils
Pair(T, T) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.utils.Pair
PARAM_API_URL - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.IstexCollectionReader
PARAM_COLLECTION_TYPE - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.AbstractTermSuiteCollectionReader
PARAM_CONSUMER_NAME - Static variable in class
PARAM_DROPPED_TAGS - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.AbstractTermSuiteCollectionReader
PARAM_ENCODING - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.AbstractTermSuiteCollectionReader
PARAM_ID_LIST - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.IstexCollectionReader
PARAM_IGNORE_LANGUAGE_ERRORS - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.IstexCollectionReader
PARAM_INPUTDIR - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.AbstractTermSuiteCollectionReader
PARAM_LANGUAGE - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.AbstractTermSuiteCollectionReader
PARAM_LANGUAGE - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.IstexCollectionReader
PARAM_LANGUAGE - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.StreamingCollectionReader
PARAM_LANGUAGE - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.StringCollectionReader
PARAM_NAME - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.StreamingCollectionReader
PARAM_NB_CORPUS_WORDS - Static variable in interface eu.project.ttc.resources.GeneralLanguage
PARAM_QUEUE_NAME - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.StreamingCollectionReader
PARAM_TEXT - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.StringCollectionReader
PARAM_TXT_TAGS - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.AbstractTermSuiteCollectionReader
parse(String) - Method in class
pathDocumentCount(String, String) - Static method in class
pathToDocumentMapper(Lang, String) - Static method in class
pathWalker(String, String, Function<? super Path, T>) - Static method in class
pattern - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.models.GroovyTerm
PERIODIC_CAS_CLEAN_ON - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.AbstractTermIndexCleaner
periodicCasClean - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.AbstractTermIndexCleaner
PipelineEvent - Class in eu.project.ttc.history
PipelineListener - Interface in
PipelineObserver - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines
PipelineObserver() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.PipelineObserver
PipelineUtils - Class in
PipelineUtils() - Constructor for class
PLUS - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermSuiteConstants
POST_PROCESSING_STRATEGY - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.RegexSpotter
postFilter(TerminoFilterConfig) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TerminoExtractor
Filters the TermIndex at the end of the pipeline, i.e. after the term variant detection phase.
preFilter(TerminoFilterConfig) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TerminoExtractor
Filters the TermIndex before the term variant detection phase.
PREFIX_EXCEPTIONS - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.ManualPrefixSetter
PREFIX_TREE - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.resources.PrefixTree
PrefixSplitter - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho
PrefixSplitter() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.PrefixSplitter
PrefixTree - Class in eu.project.ttc.resources
PrefixTree() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.resources.PrefixTree
prepare(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.StringPreparator
Replaces unusual characters in the input string (unusual quotes, apostrophes, whitespaces, etc)
PreProcessor - Class in
PreProcessor(Lang, Path, Path, Path) - Constructor for class
PrimaryOccurrenceDetector - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines
PrimaryOccurrenceDetector() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.PrimaryOccurrenceDetector
printUsage(ParseException, String, Options) - Static method in class
Prints the command line usage to the std error output
process(JCas) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.AbstractTermIndexExporter
process(JCas) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.CasStatCounter
process(JCas) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.ChineseNormalizer
process(JCas) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.AbstractTermIndexCleaner
process(JCas) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.MaxSizeThresholdCleaner
process(JCas) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.CompoundSplitter
process(JCas) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.Contextualizer
process(JCas) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.DocumentLogger
process(JCas) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.EvalEngine
process(JCas) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.JsonCasExporter
process(JCas) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.JsonExporterAE
process(JCas) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.SpotterTSVWriter
process(JCas) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.TermsuiteJsonCasExporter
process(JCas) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.TSVExporterAE
process(JCas) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.XmiCasExporter
process(JCas) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.ExtensionDetecter
process(JCas) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.FixedExpressionSpotter
process(JCas) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.FixedExpressionTermMarker
process(JCas) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.GraphicalVariantGatherer
process(JCas) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.LatvianTildeTagger
process(JCas) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.MateLemmaFixer
process(JCas) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.MateLemmatizerTagger
process(JCas) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.Merger
process(JCas) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CompostAE
process(JCas) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.ManualCompositionSetter
process(JCas) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.ManualPrefixSetter
process(JCas) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.PrefixSplitter
process(JCas) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.SuffixDerivationDetecter
process(JCas) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.SuffixDerivationExceptionSetter
process(JCas) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.PipelineObserver
process(JCas) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.PrimaryOccurrenceDetector
process(JCas) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.Ranker
process(JCas) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.ScorerAE
process(JCas) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.StringRegexFilter
process(JCas) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.SyntacticTermGatherer
process(JCas) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.TermClassifier
process(JCas) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.TermIndexBlacklistWordFilterAE
process(JCas) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.TermOccAnnotationImporter
process(JCas) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.TermSpecificityComputer
process(JCas) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.TildeTokenizer
process(JCas) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.TreeTaggerLemmaFixer
process(JCas) - Method in class
properties(Iterable<TermProperty>) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TsvOptions
properties(TermProperty...) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TsvOptions
properties() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TsvOptions
property - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.AbstractTermIndexCleaner
property - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.MaxSizeThresholdCleaner
provide(CollectionDocument) - Method in interface


QueueRegistry - Class in eu.project.ttc.readers
A registry for queues of CollectionDocument, used in StreamingCollectionReader.


R - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermSuiteConstants
Ranker - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines
Ranker() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.Ranker
RANKING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.Ranker
rankingProperty - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.Ranker
readArguments(CommandLine, PrintStream) - Method in class
readArguments(CommandLine) - Method in class
readFile(String, Charset) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.FileUtils
readFile(String, Charset) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.StringUtils
Read a file to a string
readFileOption(CommandLine, String) - Static method in class
Reads a file path from a command line option if set and return the absolute file path as an optional, or exits with a log message if the file does not exist.
readIn(String) - Static method in class
Read the standard input as a string.
readPropertiesFileName(String) - Static method in class
Reads a list of Properties from the specified fileName in the user preferences folder.
REFERENCE_LIST - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.EvalEngine
ReferenceTermList - Class in eu.project.ttc.resources
ReferenceTermList() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.resources.ReferenceTermList
ReferenceTermList.RTLTerm - Class in eu.project.ttc.resources
RegexSpotter - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines
Adds all Token Regex Occurrences to the Cas and to the Term Index.
RegexSpotter() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.RegexSpotter
register(String, Object) - Method in class
registerConsumer(String, CasConsumer) - Method in class
registerListener(PipelineListener) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.TermSuitePipelineObserver
registerQueue(String, int) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.QueueRegistry
Creates and registers a new ArrayBlockingQueue with given initial capacity.
remove(String) - Method in class
REMOVE_TERM_OCC_ANNOTATIONS_FROM_CAS - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.FixedExpressionSpotter
REMOVE_WORD_ANNOTATIONS_FROM_CAS - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.FixedExpressionSpotter
removeCoterm(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Context
removeCoTerm(Term) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.ContextVector
removeListener(PipelineListener) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.TermSuitePipelineObserver
removeOverlappingOccurrences(Iterable<TermOccurrence>) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredTermOrVariant
removeOverlaps(Collection<TermOccurrence>, Collection<TermOccurrence>) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermOccurrenceUtils
Removes from an occurrence set all occurrences that overlap at least one occurrence in a reference occurrence set.
removeTerm(TermIndex, Term) - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.index.CustomTermIndex
removeTerm(TermIndex, Term) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.CustomTermIndexImpl
removeTerm(Term) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.MemoryTermIndex
removeTerm(Term) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.occstore.MemoryOccurrenceStore
removeTerm(Term) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.occstore.MongoDBOccurrenceStore
removeTerm(Term) - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.OccurrenceStore
Removes all occurrences of the term
removeTerm(Term) - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.TermIndex
removeTerms(Set<ScoredTerm>) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredModel
removeTermVariation(TermVariation) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
Removes the param variation from thisTerm.variations and from variant's Term.bases.
replaceAccents(String) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.StringUtils
replaceExtensionWith(String, String) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.FileUtils
replaceLast(String, String, String) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.StringUtils
replaceRootDir(String, File, File) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.FileUtils
replaceRootDir(String, String, String) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.FileUtils
report(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.ObserverResource.SubTaskObserver
RequiresSize2Exception(Term, List<Term>) - Constructor for exception eu.project.ttc.engines.BilingualAligner.RequiresSize2Exception
reset() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredTerm
reset() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredTermOrVariant
resetComposition() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Word
resHistory() - Method in class
resObserver() - Method in class
ResourceExporter - Class in
Export the built-in resources to an external directory.
ResourceExporter() - Constructor for class
resSyntacticVariantRules() - Method in class
resTermIndex() - Method in class
reverse - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.Ranker
RTL_WITH_VARIANTS - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.EvalEngine
RTLTerm(int, int, String, boolean) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.resources.ReferenceTermList.RTLTerm
rule(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.variant.VariantRuleBuilder
ruleMatched(JCas, RegexOccurrence) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.RegexSpotter
ruleNametoFileName(String) - Static method in class
run() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.occstore.MongoDBOccurrenceStore.MyMonitorThread
run(String[], PrintStream) - Method in class
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class
Runs the pipeline with SimplePipeline on the CollectionReader that must have been defined.
run(JCas) - Method in class
Runs the pipeline with SimplePipeline without requiring a CollectionReader to be defined.


sameIndexes(Annotation, Annotation) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.JCasUtils
save(Writer, TermIndex, JsonOptions) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.JsonTermIndexIO
saveEvent(String, Class<?>, String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.history.TermHistory
SCOPE - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.Contextualizer
score(TermIndex) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.termino.engines.TermVariationScorer
SCORE_THRESHOLD - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CompostAE
SCORE_ZERO - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.SegmentScoreEntry
ScoredModel - Class in eu.project.ttc.models.scored
ScoredModel() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredModel
scoredModel - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredTermOrVariant
ScoredTerm - Class in eu.project.ttc.models.scored
ScoredTerm(ScoredModel, Term) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredTerm
ScoredTermOrVariant - Class in eu.project.ttc.models.scored
ScoredTermOrVariant(ScoredModel, Term) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredTermOrVariant
ScoredVariation - Class in eu.project.ttc.models.scored
ScoredVariation(ScoredModel, TermVariation) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredVariation
ScorerAE - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines
ScorerAE() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.ScorerAE
Segment - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho
Segment(int, int) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.Segment
SEGMENT_SIMILARITY_THRESHOLD - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CompostAE
Segmentation - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho
Segmentation(String, Segment...) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.Segmentation
SegmentationParser - Class in
SegmentationParser() - Constructor for class
SegmentScoreEntry - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho
SegmentScoreEntry(String, String, float, CompostIndexEntry) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.SegmentScoreEntry
select(Term) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.selectors.AbstractTermSelector
select(TermIndex, Term) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.selectors.AbstractTermSelector
select(TermIndex, Term) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.selectors.FrequencyUnderThreshholdSelector
select(TermIndex, Term) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.selectors.HasSingleWordVariationSelector
select(Term) - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.index.selectors.TermSelector
select(TermIndex, Term) - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.index.selectors.TermSelector
selectCompounds(TermIndex) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermIndexUtils
selectTermVariations(TermIndex, VariationType, String) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermIndexUtils
selectTermVariations(TermIndex, VariationType...) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermIndexUtils
selectTermVariationsByInfo(TermIndex, String) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermIndexUtils
serialize(Writer, JCas) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.TermSuiteJsonCasSerializer
setAbstract(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.IstexDocument
setAddSpottedAnnoToTermIndex(boolean) - Method in class
Configures RegexSpotter.
setAssocRate(double) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.ContextVector.Entry
setBases(SortedSet<TermVariation>) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
setCharset(Charset) - Method in class
setCollection(TermSuiteCollection, String, String) - Method in class
Creates a collection reader for this pipeline.
setCollection(TermSuiteCollection, String, String, String, String) - Method in class
Creates a collection reader of type GenericXMLToTxtCollectionReader for this pipeline.
setComposition(CompoundType, List<Component>) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Word
setCompostCoeffs(float, float, float, float) - Method in class
setCompostMaxComponentNum(int) - Method in class
setCompostMinComponentSize(int) - Method in class
setCompostScoreThreshold(float) - Method in class
setCompostSegmentSimilarityThreshold(float) - Method in class
setCompoundType(CompoundType) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.WordBuilder
setConfigurationParameterDeclarations() - Method in class
setContextAssocRateMeasure(String) - Method in class
setContextualizeCoTermsType(OccurrenceType) - Method in class
setContextualizeWithCoOccurrenceFrequencyThreshhold(int) - Method in class
setContextualizeWithTermClasses(boolean) - Method in class
setContextVector(ContextVector) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
setContextVector(ContextVector) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermBuilder
setCoOccurrences(String, double, int) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Context
setCorpusId(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.MemoryTermIndex
setCorpusId(String) - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.TermIndex
setDicoPath(String) - Method in class
setDistance(SimilarityDistance) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.BilingualAligner
Overrides the default distance measure.
setDistance(SimilarityDistance) - Method in class
setDistanceCosine() - Method in class
setDistanceJaccard() - Method in class
setDocumentSize(int) - Method in class org.apache.uima.examples.SourceDocumentInformation
setter for documentSize - sets Size of original document in bytes before processing by CAS Initializer.
setDocumentSize(int, int) - Method in class org.apache.uima.examples.SourceDocumentInformation_Type
setExportJsonWithContext(boolean) - Method in class
setExportJsonWithOccurrences(boolean) - Method in class
setExtensionGainTh(double) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.termino.engines.VariantScorerConfig
setExtensionSpecTh(double) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.termino.engines.VariantScorerConfig
setExternalResources() - Method in class
setFailThreshold(double) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.metrics.DiacriticInsensitiveLevenshtein
setFailThreshold(double) - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.metrics.EditDistance
setFailThreshold(double) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.metrics.Levenshtein
setFailThreshold(double) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.metrics.LongestCommonSubsequence
setFixedExpression(boolean) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
setFlowController() - Method in class
setFrequency(int) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
setFrequency(int) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermBuilder
setFrequencyNorm(double) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
setFrequencyNorm(double) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermBuilder
setGeneralFrequencyNorm(double) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
setGeneralFrequencyNorm(double) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermBuilder
setGlobalLogLevel(String) - Static method in class
setGlobalLogLevel(Level) - Static method in class
setGraphicalVariantSimilarityThreshold(float) - Method in class
setGroovyAdapter(GroovyAdapter) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.variant.VariantRule
setGroovyAdapter(GroovyAdapter) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.variant.VariantRuleBuilder
setGroupingKey(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermBuilder
setHistory(TermHistory) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.termino.engines.TermVariationScorer
setHistory(TermHistory) - Method in class
setId(int) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermBuilder
setInCorpus(boolean) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CompostDicoEntry
setInCorpus(boolean) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CompostIndexEntry
setInDico(boolean) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CompostDicoEntry
setInDico(boolean) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CompostIndexEntry
setInlineString(String) - Method in class
setInNeoClassicalPrefix(boolean) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CompostDicoEntry
setInNeoClassicalPrefix(boolean) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CompostIndexEntry
setIstexCollection(String, List<String>) - Method in class
setKeepVariantsWhileCleaning(boolean) - Method in class
setLanguage(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.IstexDocument
setLastSegment(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.uima.examples.SourceDocumentInformation
setter for lastSegment - sets For a CAS that represents a segment of a larger source document, this flag indicates whether this CAS is the final segment of the source document.
setLastSegment(int, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.uima.examples.SourceDocumentInformation_Type
setLemma(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.Segment
setLemma(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.LemmaStemHolder
setLemma(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.WordBuilder
setLevel(Level) - Method in class
setLogLevel(Object...) - Static method in class
setMateModelPath(String) - Method in class
setMongoDBOccurrenceStore(String) - Method in class
Stores occurrences to MongoDB
setNeoclassical(boolean) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.Segment
setOffsetInSource(int) - Method in class org.apache.uima.examples.SourceDocumentInformation
setter for offsetInSource - sets Byte offset of the start of document content within original source file or other input source.
setOffsetInSource(int, int) - Method in class org.apache.uima.examples.SourceDocumentInformation_Type
setOrthographicScoreTh(double) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.termino.engines.VariantScorerConfig
setOutputStream(PrintStream) - Method in class
setOutputStream(OutputStream) - Method in class
setParameter(String, String) - Method in class
setPattern(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
setPostProcessingStrategy(String) - Method in class
Sets the post processing strategy for RegexSpotter analysis engine
setPrimaryOccurrence(boolean) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermOccurrence
setRank(int) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.BilingualAligner.TranslationCandidate
setRank(int) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredTerm
setRank(int) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
setRank(int) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermBuilder
setResourceDir(String) - Method in class
Invoke this method if TermSuite resources are accessible via a "file:/path/to/res/" url, i.e. they can be found locally.
setResourceJar(String) - Method in class
setResourceManager(ResourceManager) - Method in class
setResourceUrlPrefix(String) - Method in class
setRtlSize(int) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.EvalTrace
setScore(double) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.BilingualAligner.TranslationCandidate
setScore(double) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermVariation
setShowVariants(boolean) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TsvOptions
setSourceTerminology(TermIndex) - Method in class
setSpecificity(double) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
setSpecificity(double) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermBuilder
setSpottedTermsNum(int) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.MemoryTermIndex
setSpottedTermsNum(int) - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.TermIndex
setSpottingRule(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermBuilder
setSpotWithOccurrences(boolean) - Method in class
Use TermSuitePipeline#setOccurrenceStoreMode instead.
setStem(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Word
setStem(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.WordBuilder
setSubstring(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.Segment
setTaggerPath(Path) - Method in class
setTargetTerminology(TermIndex) - Method in class
setTaskFinished(ObserverResource.SubTaskObserver) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.ObserverResource
setTerm(Term) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermOccurrence
setTermClass(TermClass) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
setTermIndependanceTh(double) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.termino.engines.VariantScorerConfig
setTermIndex(TermIndex) - Method in class
Sets the term index on which this pipeline will run.
setText(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CompostDicoEntry
setText(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CompostIndexEntry
setTitle(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.IstexDocument
setTotalTaskWork(long) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.ObserverResource.SubTaskObserver
setToValueIfNotExists(Properties, String, String) - Static method in class
Sets the value of the specified property if no value exists for it in the given properties.
setTreeTaggerHome(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TerminoExtractor
setTreeTaggerHome(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TermSuitePreprocessor
setTreeTaggerHome(String) - Method in class
setTsvExportProperties(TermProperty...) - Method in class
Defines the term properties that appear in tsv export file
setTsvShowHeaders(boolean) - Method in class
Configures tsvExporter to (not) show headers on the first line.
setTsvShowScores(boolean) - Method in class
Configures tsvExporter to (not) show variant scores with the "V" label
setUri(String) - Method in class org.apache.uima.examples.SourceDocumentInformation
setter for uri - sets URI of document.
setUri(int, String) - Method in class org.apache.uima.examples.SourceDocumentInformation_Type
setVariantIndependanceTh(double) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.termino.engines.VariantScorerConfig
setVariations(Iterable<ScoredVariation>) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredTerm
setVariations(SortedSet<TermVariation>) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
setVariationScoreTh(double) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.termino.engines.VariantScorerConfig
setWatcher(TermHistory) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TerminoExtractor
setWordAnnotationsNum(int) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.MemoryTermIndex
setWordAnnotationsNum(int) - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.TermIndex
SHOW_HEADERS - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.TSVExporterAE
SHOW_SCORES - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.TSVExporterAE
showAEConfig(AnalysisEngine) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.JCasUtils
showCompounds(TermIndex, PrintStream, int) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermUtils
showContextVector(ContextVector, int) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermUtils
showHeaders() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TsvOptions
showHeaders(boolean) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TsvOptions
showIndex(TermIndex, PrintStream) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermUtils
showIndex(TermIndex, PrintStream, Optional<Pattern>) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermUtils
showJCas(JCas) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.JCasUtils
showRank(boolean) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TsvOptions
showScores(boolean) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TsvOptions
showSdiWithCategory(JCas) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.JCasUtils
showSdiWithCategory2(JCas) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.JCasUtils
showTermFreq(JCas, int) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.JCasUtils
showTopNTermsBy(TermIndex, TermMeasure, PrintStream, int) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermUtils
shutdown() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.occstore.MongoDBOccurrenceStore.MyMonitorThread
SIMILARITY_THRESHOLD - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.GraphicalVariantGatherer
SIMILARITY_THRESHOLD - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.Merger
SimilarityDistance - Interface in eu.project.ttc.metrics
An interface for similarity distance measure between two ContextVectors.
SimpleWordSet - Class in eu.project.ttc.resources
A simple list of words (one per line), but also provides a dictionary API if ","-separated strings are associated (translations) with the word after a tab.
SimpleWordSet() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.resources.SimpleWordSet
SINGLE_WORD_LEMMA - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermIndexes
singleWordTermIterator() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.MemoryTermIndex
singleWordTermIterator() - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.TermIndex
size() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.Segmentation
size() - Method in interface eu.project.ttc.models.index.CustomTermIndex
size() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.CustomTermIndexImpl
size() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermClass
size() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.VariationPath
size() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.CompostIndex
sort() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Context
sort(Comparator<ScoredTerm>) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredModel
source() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.DictionaryResource
sourceCompound() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.variant.VariantRuleBuilder
SourceDocumentInformation - Class in org.apache.uima.examples
Stores detailed information about the original source document from which the current CAS was initialized.
SourceDocumentInformation() - Constructor for class org.apache.uima.examples.SourceDocumentInformation
Never called.
SourceDocumentInformation(int, TOP_Type) - Constructor for class org.apache.uima.examples.SourceDocumentInformation
Internal - constructor used by generator
SourceDocumentInformation(JCas) - Constructor for class org.apache.uima.examples.SourceDocumentInformation
SourceDocumentInformation(JCas, int, int) - Constructor for class org.apache.uima.examples.SourceDocumentInformation
SourceDocumentInformation_Type - Class in org.apache.uima.examples
Stores detailed information about the original source document from which the current CAS was initialized.
SourceDocumentInformation_Type(JCas, Type) - Constructor for class org.apache.uima.examples.SourceDocumentInformation_Type
initialize variables to correspond with Cas Type and Features
SpotterTSVWriter - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter
Writes spotter cases as TSV.
SpotterTSVWriter() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.SpotterTSVWriter
start(String) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.variant.VariantRuleBuilder
start(TermIndex) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermBuilder
start() - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermBuilder
start() - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.models.WordBuilder
start() - Static method in class
startChrono() - Static method in class
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.AbstractToTxtSaxHandler
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.TeiToTxtSaxHandler
startTerm(TermIndex, Term, String) - Method in class
STAT_NAME - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.CasStatCounter
status(double, double, String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.TermSuitePipelineObserver
statusProcessProgress(JCas) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.ObserverResource
statusUpdated(double, String) - Method in interface
stem - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.models.GroovyTerm
stem - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.models.GroovyWord
STOP_LIST - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CompostAE
STOP_WORD_FILTER - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.RegexSpotter
stopChrono() - Static method in class
stream() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TermSuitePreprocessor
stream(TermIndex) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.Traverser
stream(CasConsumer) - Method in class
StreamingCasConsumer - Class in
An output AE for streaming collection readers.
StreamingCasConsumer() - Constructor for class
StreamingCollectionReader - Class in eu.project.ttc.readers
StreamingCollectionReader() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.readers.StreamingCollectionReader
STRING_FEATURES - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.JsonCasExporter
StringCollectionReader - Class in eu.project.ttc.readers
StringCollectionReader() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.readers.StringCollectionReader
StringPreparator - Class in eu.project.ttc.readers
StringPreparator() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.readers.StringPreparator
StringRegexFilter - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines
StringRegexFilter() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.StringRegexFilter
StringUtils - Class in eu.project.ttc.utils
StringUtils() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.utils.StringUtils
subTask(String, int) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.ObserverResource
SubTaskObserver(String, int) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.resources.ObserverResource.SubTaskObserver
SUFFIX_DERIVATION_EXCEPTION - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.SuffixDerivationExceptionSetter
SUFFIX_DERIVATIONS - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.resources.SuffixDerivationList
SuffixDerivation - Class in eu.project.ttc.resources
SuffixDerivation(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.resources.SuffixDerivation
SuffixDerivationDetecter - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho
SuffixDerivationDetecter() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.SuffixDerivationDetecter
SuffixDerivationEntry(String, String) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.resources.SuffixDerivationList.SuffixDerivationEntry
SuffixDerivationExceptionSetter - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho
SuffixDerivationExceptionSetter() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.SuffixDerivationExceptionSetter
SuffixDerivationList - Class in eu.project.ttc.resources
SuffixDerivationList() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.resources.SuffixDerivationList
SuffixDerivationList.SuffixDerivationEntry - Class in eu.project.ttc.resources
sync() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.occstore.BlockingThreadPoolExecutor
Waits for all queued thread to execute.
syntacticLabel - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.models.GroovyWord
SyntacticTermGatherer - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines
SyntacticTermGatherer() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.SyntacticTermGatherer


TAB - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermSuiteConstants
tagFound(String[], String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.AbstractToTxtSaxHandler
tagFound(String[], String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.TeiToTxtSaxHandler
TAGGER - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.MateLemmatizerTagger
Tagger - Enum in
target() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.DictionaryResource
targetCompound() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.variant.VariantRuleBuilder
TASK_ENDED - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.PipelineObserver
TASK_NAME - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.GraphicalVariantGatherer
TASK_NAME - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.Merger
TASK_NAME - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CompostAE
TASK_NAME - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.PrefixSplitter
TASK_NAME - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.SuffixDerivationDetecter
TASK_NAME - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.PipelineObserver
TASK_NAME - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.Ranker
TASK_NAME - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.ScorerAE
TASK_NAME - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.SyntacticTermGatherer
TASK_STARTED - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.PipelineObserver
TbxExporter - Class in eu.project.ttc.termino.export
TbxExporterAE - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter
Exports a TermIndex in TSV format
TbxExporterAE() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.TbxExporterAE
TeiCollectionReader - Class in eu.project.ttc.readers
TeiCollectionReader() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.readers.TeiCollectionReader
TeiToTxtSaxHandler - Class in eu.project.ttc.readers
Parses tei input files into a String where offsets are the same, but all tags replaced with whitspaces.
TeiToTxtSaxHandler() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.readers.TeiToTxtSaxHandler
term - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredTermOrVariant
Term - Class in eu.project.ttc.models
TERM_CATEGORIES - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermSuiteConstants
TERM_HAS_DERIVATES_LEMMA - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermIndexes
TERM_HAS_PREFIX_LEMMA - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermIndexes
TERM_HISTORY - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.history.TermHistoryResource
TERM_INDEX - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.resources.TermIndexResource
The name of the Term Index as UIMA resource
TERM_LEMMA_LOWER_CASE_PROVIDER - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermValueProviders
TERM_MATCHER_LABELS - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermSuiteConstants
The UIMA Tokens Regex labels that are considered to define single word terms
TERM_NOCLASS - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermIndexes
TERM_NOCLASS_PROVIDER - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermValueProviders
TERM_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.TSVExporterAE
TERM_SINGLE_WORD_LEMMA_PROVIDER - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermValueProviders
TermBuilder - Class in eu.project.ttc.models
TermClass - Class in eu.project.ttc.models
A group of terms, often gathered by syntactical, graphical or semantical variation.
TermClass(Term, Iterable<Term>) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.models.TermClass
TermClassifier - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines
Group all terms in a term index into TermClass objects.
TermClassifier() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.TermClassifier
TermFormGetter - Class in eu.project.ttc.utils
Computes the form of a term depending on its Lang.
TermHistory - Class in eu.project.ttc.history
TermHistory() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.history.TermHistory
TermHistoryResource - Class in eu.project.ttc.history
TermHistoryResource() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.history.TermHistoryResource
TermIndex - Interface in eu.project.ttc.models
TermIndexBlacklistWordFilterAE - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines
An AE that filters TermIndex based on a word black list.
TermIndexBlacklistWordFilterAE() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.TermIndexBlacklistWordFilterAE
TermIndexes - Class in eu.project.ttc.models.index
TermIndexes() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermIndexes
TermIndexIO - Class in eu.project.ttc.api
TermIndexIO() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.api.TermIndexIO
termIndexResource - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.AbstractTermIndexExporter
termIndexResource - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.AbstractTermIndexCleaner
termIndexResource - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.MaxSizeThresholdCleaner
TermIndexResource - Class in eu.project.ttc.resources
TermIndexResource() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.resources.TermIndexResource
TermIndexThresholdCleaner - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner
Removes terms from the TermIndex according to a custom property threshhold.
TermIndexThresholdCleaner() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.TermIndexThresholdCleaner
TermIndexTopNCleaner - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner
Keeps only top n terms in a TermIndex after having ranked them according to a parameter term property.
TermIndexTopNCleaner() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.TermIndexTopNCleaner
TermIndexUtils - Class in eu.project.ttc.utils
TermIndexUtils() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermIndexUtils
TerminoExtractor - Class in eu.project.ttc.api
A builder and launcher class for execute a terminology extraction pipeline from raw text files or from TermSuite preprocessed files.
TerminoExtractor() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.api.TerminoExtractor
TerminoExtractor.ContextualizerMode - Enum in eu.project.ttc.api
TerminoFilterConfig - Class in eu.project.ttc.api
TerminoFilterConfig() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.api.TerminoFilterConfig
TerminoFilterConfig.FilterType - Enum in eu.project.ttc.api
TerminoFilterer - Class in eu.project.ttc.api
TermMeasure - Class in eu.project.ttc.models.index
TermMeasure(TermIndex) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermMeasure
TermOccAnnotationImporter - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines
Imports all TermOccAnnotation to a TermIndex.
TermOccAnnotationImporter() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.TermOccAnnotationImporter
termOccAnnotationIt() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermSuiteCas
TermOccurrence - Class in eu.project.ttc.models
TermOccurrence(Term, String, Document, int, int) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.models.TermOccurrence
TermOccurrenceUtils - Class in eu.project.ttc.utils
A utililty class for TermOccurrence objects and collections.
TermOccurrenceUtils() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermOccurrenceUtils
TermPair - Class in eu.project.ttc.models.index
A term pair (order of term1 and term2 does not matter)
TermPair(Term, Term) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermPair
TermPredicate - Interface in
A predicate for filtering terms.
TermPredicates - Class in
Consists exclusively of terms that operate or create TermPredicates.
TermProperty - Enum in eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner
Available term properties that can be used for AE and script configuration (especially in term index cleaning sorting and exporting operations)
terms() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.ContextVector
TermSelector - Interface in eu.project.ttc.models.index.selectors
TermSingleValueProvider - Class in eu.project.ttc.models.index
TermSpecificityComputer - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines
TermSpecificityComputer() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.TermSpecificityComputer
TermSuiteAlignerBuilder - Class in
TermSuiteAlignerCLI - Class in
Command line interface for the Terminology extraction (Spotter+Indexer) engines.
TermSuiteAlignerCLI() - Constructor for class
TermSuiteCas - Class in eu.project.ttc.models
A wrapper for a JCas aiming at providing an easy access API to TermSuite annotations for end-users.
TermSuiteCas(JCas) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.models.TermSuiteCas
TermSuiteCLIUtils - Class in
This class consists of static methods used by the CLI.
TermSuiteCollection - Enum in eu.project.ttc.engines.desc
TermSuiteConstants - Class in eu.project.ttc.utils
TermSuiteConstants() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermSuiteConstants
TermSuiteException - Exception in eu.project.ttc.api
TermSuiteException() - Constructor for exception eu.project.ttc.api.TermSuiteException
TermSuiteException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception eu.project.ttc.api.TermSuiteException
TermSuiteException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception eu.project.ttc.api.TermSuiteException
TermSuiteException(String) - Constructor for exception eu.project.ttc.api.TermSuiteException
TermSuiteException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception eu.project.ttc.api.TermSuiteException
TermSuiteJsonCasDeserializer - Class in eu.project.ttc.readers
Created by smeoni on 27/05/16.
TermSuiteJsonCasDeserializer() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.readers.TermSuiteJsonCasDeserializer
TermsuiteJsonCasExporter - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter
Created by Simon Meoni on 02/06/16.
TermsuiteJsonCasExporter() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.TermsuiteJsonCasExporter
TermSuiteJsonCasSerializer - Class in eu.project.ttc.readers
Created by smeoni on 27/05/16.
TermSuiteJsonCasSerializer() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.readers.TermSuiteJsonCasSerializer
TermSuitePipeline - Class in
A collection reader and ae aggregator (builder pattern) that creates and runs a full pipeline.
TermSuitePipelineException - Exception in eu.project.ttc.engines.desc
TermSuitePipelineException() - Constructor for exception eu.project.ttc.engines.desc.TermSuitePipelineException
TermSuitePipelineException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception eu.project.ttc.engines.desc.TermSuitePipelineException
TermSuitePipelineException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception eu.project.ttc.engines.desc.TermSuitePipelineException
TermSuitePipelineException(String) - Constructor for exception eu.project.ttc.engines.desc.TermSuitePipelineException
TermSuitePipelineException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception eu.project.ttc.engines.desc.TermSuitePipelineException
TermSuitePipelineObserver - Class in eu.project.ttc.resources
TermSuitePipelineObserver(int, int) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.resources.TermSuitePipelineObserver
TermSuitePreprocessor - Class in eu.project.ttc.api
TermSuitePreprocessor.OutputFormat - Enum in eu.project.ttc.api
TermSuiteResource - Enum in
A meta-type for TermSuite linguistic resources.
TermSuiteResourceException - Exception in eu.project.ttc.engines.desc
TermSuiteResourceException() - Constructor for exception eu.project.ttc.engines.desc.TermSuiteResourceException
TermSuiteResourceException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception eu.project.ttc.engines.desc.TermSuiteResourceException
TermSuiteResourceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception eu.project.ttc.engines.desc.TermSuiteResourceException
TermSuiteResourceException(String) - Constructor for exception eu.project.ttc.engines.desc.TermSuiteResourceException
TermSuiteResourceException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception eu.project.ttc.engines.desc.TermSuiteResourceException
TermSuiteResourceManager - Class in
TermSuiteTerminoCLI - Class in
Command line interface for the Terminology extraction (Spotter+Indexer) engines.
TermSuiteTerminoCLI() - Constructor for class
TermSuiteUtils - Class in eu.project.ttc.utils
TermSuiteUtils() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermSuiteUtils
TermUtils - Class in eu.project.ttc.utils
TermUtils() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermUtils
TermValueProvider - Interface in eu.project.ttc.models.index
The root class of any object that can get values from a term.
TermValueProviders - Class in eu.project.ttc.models.index
TermValueProviders() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermValueProviders
TermVariation - Class in eu.project.ttc.models
TermVariation(VariationType, Term, Term, Object) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.models.TermVariation
TermVariationScorer - Class in eu.project.ttc.termino.engines
TermVariationScorer(VariantScorerConfig) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.termino.engines.TermVariationScorer
TermWord - Class in eu.project.ttc.models
TextExplanation - Class in eu.project.ttc.metrics
TextExplanation(String) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.metrics.TextExplanation
THRESHOLD - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.TermIndexThresholdCleaner
TildeTokenizer - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines
TildeTokenizer() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.TildeTokenizer
TO_FILE_PATH - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.AbstractTermIndexExporter
TO_FILE_PATH - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.TSVExporterAE
TO_TRACE_FILE - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.CasStatCounter
toArray() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.VariationPath
toAssocRateVector(CrossTable, AssociationRate, boolean) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.ContextVector
Normalize this vector according to a cross table and an association rate measure.
toComparator(TermIndex) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.Traverser
toComponentSets(Iterable<Word>) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermUtils
Transforms a term into a list of component sets.
toCompoundString(Term) - Static method in class
toDisplayable() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.EvalTrace
Creates a clone of this trace with only points that are meant to be displayed on a chart (these points are EvalEngine.CHART_AXIS_POINTS)
toFile - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.AbstractTermIndexExporter
The destination file
toFilePath - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.AbstractTermIndexExporter
toFilePath - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.TSVExporterAE
toGroupingKey() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermWord
toGroupingKey(RegexOccurrence) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermSuiteUtils
toGroupingKey(TermWord) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermUtils
toIndexString(Pair<Component>) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CompoundUtils
toIterable(Iterator<T>) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.IteratorUtils
toJson(TermIndex, Writer) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TermIndexIO
toJson(TermIndex, Writer, JsonOptions) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TermIndexIO
toJson(String, String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TermSuitePreprocessor
toList(TermIndex) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.Traverser
toList() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.Pair
toOnelineSentences(String) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.StringUtils
Collapse all sequences of line breaks into one single line break.
TOP_N - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.TermIndexTopNCleaner
TOP_N - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.VariantEvalExporterAE
toString() - Method in enum eu.project.ttc.api.Traverser.Direction
toString() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.Traverser.Ordering
toString() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.Traverser
toString() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.BilingualAligner.TranslationCandidate
toString() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.TermIndexThresholdCleaner
toString() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.TermIndexTopNCleaner
toString() - Method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.desc.Lang
toString() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CompostAE
toString() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CompostIndexEntry
toString() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CuttingPoint
toString() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.Segment
toString() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.Segmentation
toString() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.SegmentScoreEntry
toString(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.history.TermHistory
toString() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.history.TermHistory
toString() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.metrics.Explanation.ExplanationFeature
toString() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.metrics.Explanation
toString() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.metrics.TextExplanation
toString() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Component
toString() - Method in enum eu.project.ttc.models.CompoundType
toString() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Context
toString() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.ContextVector.Entry
toString() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.ContextVector
toString() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Document
toString() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.GroovyComponent
toString() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.GroovyTerm
toString() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.GroovyWord
toString() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.MemoryTermIndex
toString() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermMeasure
toString() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.scored.ScoredTermOrVariant
toString() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Term
toString() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermClass
toString() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermOccurrence
toString() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermVariation
toString() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermWord
toString() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.Word
toString() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.readers.StringPreparator
toString() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.EvalTrace.RecPoint
toString() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.EvalTrace
toString() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.ReferenceTermList.RTLTerm
toString() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.SuffixDerivation
toString() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.Pair
toStringWithVar() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.ReferenceTermList.RTLTerm
toTermSuiteLang(String) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.IstexUtils
toTSVString() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.ReferenceTermList.RTLTerm
trace(int, int, List<ReferenceTermList.RTLTerm>) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.EvalTrace
TRANSFORMATION_RULES - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.morpho.CompostAE
translateVector(ContextVector, BilingualDictionary, int, TermIndex) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.AlignerUtils
Translates all ContextVector components (i.e. its coTerms) into the target language of this aligner by the mean of one of the available strategy : - AlignerUtils.TRANSLATION_STRATEGY_MOST_FREQUENT - AlignerUtils.TRANSLATION_STRATEGY_PRORATA - AlignerUtils.TRANSLATION_STRATEGY_EQUI_REPARTITION - AlignerUtils.TRANSLATION_STRATEGY_MOST_SPECIFIC
translateWithDico(Term, int) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.engines.BilingualAligner
TRANSLATION_STRATEGY_MOST_FREQUENT - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.utils.AlignerUtils
TRANSLATION_STRATEGY_MOST_SPECIFIC - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.utils.AlignerUtils
TRANSLATION_STRATEGY_PRORATA - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.utils.AlignerUtils
Traverser - Class in eu.project.ttc.api
Traverser(List<Traverser.Ordering>) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.api.Traverser
traverser - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.AbstractTermIndexExporter
Traverser.Direction - Enum in eu.project.ttc.api
Traverser.Ordering - Class in eu.project.ttc.api
traverserString - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.AbstractTermIndexExporter
TRAVSER_STRING - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.AbstractTermIndexExporter
TreeTaggerLemmaFixer - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines
Post-process the lemma found by TreeTagger
TreeTaggerLemmaFixer() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.TreeTaggerLemmaFixer
trimInside(String) - Static method in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermSuiteUtils
TRIVIAL_ACCEPTOR - Static variable in class
A predicate that accepts every term
TrueFilter - Class in eu.project.ttc.resources
TrueFilter() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.resources.TrueFilter
TsvExporter - Class in eu.project.ttc.termino.export
TSVExporterAE - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter
Exports a TermIndex in TSV format.
TSVExporterAE() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.TSVExporterAE
TsvOptions - Class in eu.project.ttc.api
TsvOptions() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.api.TsvOptions
TxtCollectionReader - Class in eu.project.ttc.readers
TxtCollectionReader() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.readers.TxtCollectionReader
txtTags - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.readers.AbstractTermSuiteCollectionReader
type - Static variable in class org.apache.uima.examples.SourceDocumentInformation
typeIndexID - Static variable in class org.apache.uima.examples.SourceDocumentInformation
typeIndexID - Static variable in class org.apache.uima.examples.SourceDocumentInformation_Type


uimaNaturalOrder - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermOccurrenceUtils
UIMASlf4jWrapperLogger - Class in
URLUtils - Class in eu.project.ttc.utils
URLUtils() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.utils.URLUtils
USE_TERM_CLASSES - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.Contextualizer
useContextualizer(int, TerminoExtractor.ContextualizerMode) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TerminoExtractor
usingCustomResources(String) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.TerminoExtractor


V - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermSuiteConstants
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum eu.project.ttc.api.TerminoExtractor.ContextualizerMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum eu.project.ttc.api.TerminoFilterConfig.FilterType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum eu.project.ttc.api.TermSuitePreprocessor.OutputFormat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum eu.project.ttc.api.Traverser.Direction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.BilingualAligner.AlignmentMethod
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.FilterRules
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.TermProperty
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.desc.Lang
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.desc.TermSuiteCollection
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.variant.VariantRuleIndex
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum eu.project.ttc.models.CompoundType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum eu.project.ttc.models.OccurrenceStore.State
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum eu.project.ttc.models.OccurrenceStore.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum eu.project.ttc.models.OccurrenceType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum eu.project.ttc.models.VariationType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum eu.project.ttc.api.TerminoExtractor.ContextualizerMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum eu.project.ttc.api.TerminoFilterConfig.FilterType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum eu.project.ttc.api.TermSuitePreprocessor.OutputFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum eu.project.ttc.api.Traverser.Direction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.BilingualAligner.AlignmentMethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.FilterRules
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.cleaner.TermProperty
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.desc.Lang
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.desc.TermSuiteCollection
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum eu.project.ttc.engines.variant.VariantRuleIndex
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum eu.project.ttc.models.CompoundType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum eu.project.ttc.models.OccurrenceStore.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum eu.project.ttc.models.OccurrenceStore.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum eu.project.ttc.models.OccurrenceType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum eu.project.ttc.models.VariationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VariantEvalExporter - Class in eu.project.ttc.termino.export
VariantEvalExporterAE - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter
Exports a TermIndex in the tsv evaluation format.
VariantEvalExporterAE() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.VariantEvalExporterAE
VariantHelper - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines.variant
VariantHelper() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.variant.VariantHelper
VariantRule - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines.variant
A syntactic variant rule that is expressed and matched using Groovy.
VariantRule(String) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.variant.VariantRule
VariantRuleBuilder - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines.variant
VariantRuleIndex - Enum in eu.project.ttc.engines.variant
VariantRuleYamlIO - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines.variant
VariantScorerConfig - Class in eu.project.ttc.termino.engines
VARIATION_TYPES - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.VariationExporterAE
VariationExporter - Class in eu.project.ttc.termino.export
VariationExporterAE - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter
VariationExporterAE() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.VariationExporterAE
VariationPath - Class in eu.project.ttc.models
VariationPath(TermVariation, TermVariation...) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.models.VariationPath
VariationPath(List<TermVariation>) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.models.VariationPath
VariationRuleExamplesExporter - Class in eu.project.ttc.termino.export
VariationType - Enum in eu.project.ttc.models
variationTypes - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.VariationExporterAE
VERB - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermSuiteConstants


watch(String...) - Method in class
WEIGHT - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.PipelineObserver
WHITESPACE - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermSuiteConstants
WHITESPACE_PATTERN_STRING - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermSuiteConstants
WHITESPACE_STRING - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.utils.TermSuiteConstants
WITH_CONTEXTS - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.JsonExporterAE
WITH_OCCURRENCE - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.JsonExporterAE
WITH_VARIANTS - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.EvalExporterAE
withContexts(boolean) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.JsonOptions
withOccurrences(boolean) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.JsonOptions
withOccurrences() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.api.JsonOptions
Word - Class in eu.project.ttc.models
Word(String, String) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.models.Word
WORD_COUPLE_LEMMA_LEMMA - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermIndexes
WORD_COUPLE_LEMMA_STEM - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermIndexes
WORD_LEMMA - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermIndexes
WORD_LEMMA_IF_SWT - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermIndexes
WORD_LEMMA_IF_SWT_PROVIDER - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermValueProviders
WORD_LEMMA_LEMMA_PROVIDER - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermValueProviders
Provides all lemma-lemma pairs found in the term.
WORD_LEMMA_LOWER_CASE - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermIndexes
WORD_LEMMA_PROVIDER - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermValueProviders
Provides all lemmas of the terms
WORD_LEMMA_STEM_PROVIDER - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.models.index.TermValueProviders
wordAnnotationIt() - Method in class eu.project.ttc.models.TermSuiteCas
WordBuilder - Class in eu.project.ttc.models
WordBuilder(Word) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.models.WordBuilder
words - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.models.GroovyTerm
work(long) - Method in class eu.project.ttc.resources.ObserverResource.SubTaskObserver
write(String) - Method in class
Writes the specified line as is to the writer, i.e. without appending the new line character.
writeHeaders() - Method in class
writer - Variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.AbstractTermIndexExporter
WRLogMeasure - Class in eu.project.ttc.models.index
WRLogMeasure(TermIndex) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.models.index.WRLogMeasure
WRMeasure - Class in eu.project.ttc.models.index
WRMeasure(TermIndex) - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.models.index.WRMeasure


XmiCasExporter - Class in eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter
XmiCasExporter() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.XmiCasExporter
XmiCollectionReader - Class in eu.project.ttc.readers
XmiCollectionReader() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.readers.XmiCollectionReader


YAML_VARIANT_RULES - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.exporter.ExportVariationRuleExamplesAE
YAML_VARIANT_RULES - Static variable in class eu.project.ttc.engines.SyntacticTermGatherer
YamlVariantRules - Class in eu.project.ttc.resources
YamlVariantRules() - Constructor for class eu.project.ttc.resources.YamlVariantRules