



package priorityqueues

Type Members

  1. final class BinaryHeap[T <: Identified] extends PriorityQueue[T]

    Simple array-based, auto-expandable binary heap implementation.

    Simple array-based, auto-expandable binary heap implementation. Stores Identified objects. Each uniquely identified object can be present only once in the queue.

  2. final class BinomialHeap[T <: Identified] extends PriorityQueue[T]
  3. final class BitVectorPriorityQueue[T <: Identified] extends PriorityQueue[T]
  4. trait DLNode[A <: DLNode[A]] extends AnyRef
  5. final class FibonacciHeap[T <: Identified] extends PriorityQueue[T]

    This class implements a Fibonacci heap data structure.

    This class implements a Fibonacci heap data structure. Much of the code in this class is based on the algorithms in the "Introduction to Algorithms"by Cormen, Leiserson, and Rivest in Chapter 21. The amortized running time of most of these methods is O(1), making it a very fast data structure. Several have an actual running time of O(1). removeMin() and delete() have O(log n) amortized running times because they do the heap consolidation.

    Note that this implementation is not synchronized. If multiple threads access a set concurrently, and at least one of the threads modifies the set, it must be synchronized externally. This is typically accomplished by synchronizing on some object that naturally encapsulates the set.

    This class was originally developed by Nathan Fiedler for the GraphMaker project.

  6. final class HeadDLNode[T <: DLNode[T]] extends DLNode[T]
  7. trait Identified extends AnyRef

    Identified objects are object for which an unique integer identifier can be obtained quickly.

    Identified objects are object for which an unique integer identifier can be obtained quickly. Identifiers should be generated upon object construction, be consecutive and starting at 0. This is used to replace time-consuming hashes and maps by arrays.

  8. final class JavaNative[T <: PTag] extends PriorityQueue[T]
  9. trait PTag extends AnyRef
  10. class Presence extends AnyRef
  11. trait PriorityQueue[T] extends AnyRef
  12. final class QuickFifo[T <: PTag with DLNode[T]] extends PriorityQueue[T]

  13. final class QuickFifos[T <: PTag with DLNode[T]] extends PriorityQueue[T]

  14. final class ScalaBinomialHeap[T <: Identified] extends PriorityQueue[T]
  15. final class ScalaNative[T <: PTag] extends PriorityQueue[T]
  16. final class SimpleFifos[T <: PTag with DLNode[T]] extends PriorityQueue[T]
