


package xcsp

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final case class PredicateConstant(constant: Int) extends PredicateNode with Product with Serializable
  2. final case class PredicateConstraint(operator: String, arguments: Seq[PredicateNode]) extends PredicateNode with Product with Serializable
  3. sealed trait PredicateNode extends AnyRef
  4. final case class PredicateVariable(variableId: String) extends PredicateNode with Product with Serializable
  5. class XCSP3Callbacks extends XCSP3CallbacksObj with XCSP3CallbacksGeneric with XCSP3CallbacksLanguage with XCSP3CallbacksComparison with XCSP3CallbacksConnection with XCSP3CallbacksCountSum with XCSP3CallbacksPackSched
  6. trait XCSP3CallbacksComparison extends XCSP3CallbacksVars with XCSP3CallbacksGeneric

    Created by vion on 30/05/17.

  7. trait XCSP3CallbacksConnection extends XCSP3CallbacksVars

    Created by vion on 30/05/17.

  8. trait XCSP3CallbacksCountSum extends XCSP3CallbacksVars with XCSP3CallbacksGeneric with LazyLogging

    Created by vion on 30/05/17.

  9. trait XCSP3CallbacksGeneric extends XCSP3CallbacksVars with LazyLogging

    Created by vion on 30/05/17.

  10. trait XCSP3CallbacksLanguage extends XCSP3CallbacksVars

    Created by vion on 30/05/17.

  11. trait XCSP3CallbacksObj extends XCallbacks2 with XCSP3CallbacksVars with XCSP3CallbacksCountSum

    Created by vion on 30/05/17.

  12. trait XCSP3CallbacksPackSched extends XCSP3CallbacksVars

    Created by vion on 30/05/17.

  13. trait XCSP3CallbacksVars extends XCallbacks2

    Created by vion on 30/05/17.

  14. final class XCSPPredicate extends RegexParsers

    This class is used to represent XCSP predicates.

Value Members

  1. object ConstraintParser extends JavaTokenParsers
  2. object ValueType extends Enumeration

    An enumeration to represent various native types for CSP.

    An enumeration to represent various native types for CSP. For now, only integers are supported.

  3. object XCSP3Parser extends Parser with LazyLogging

    This class implements an XCSP 3.0 parser.

  4. object XCSPParser extends Parser

    This class implements an XCSP 2.0 parser.
