Class EOS_EIntegratedPlatformManagementFlags

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class EOS_EIntegratedPlatformManagementFlags extends NativeMappedBitMask
These flags are used to determine how a specific Integrated Platform will be managed.
  • Field Details

    • EOS_IPMF_Disabled

      public static final int EOS_IPMF_Disabled
      The integrated platform library should be disabled. This is equivalent to providing no flags.
      See Also:
    • EOS_IPMF_LibraryManagedByApplication

      public static final int EOS_IPMF_LibraryManagedByApplication
      The integrated platform library is managed by the calling application. EOS SDK should only hook into an existing instance of the integrated platform library.
      See Also:
    • EOS_IPMF_LibraryManagedBySDK

      public static final int EOS_IPMF_LibraryManagedBySDK
      EOS SDK should fully manage the integrated platform library. It will do this by performing the load, initialize, tick and unload operations as necessary.
      See Also:
    • EOS_IPMF_DisablePresenceMirroring

      public static final int EOS_IPMF_DisablePresenceMirroring
      The EOS SDK should not mirror the EOS rich presence with the Integrated Platform. The default behavior is for EOS SDK to share local presence with the Integrated Platform.
      See Also:
    • EOS_IPMF_DisableSDKManagedSessions

      public static final int EOS_IPMF_DisableSDKManagedSessions
      EOS SDK should not perform any sessions management through the Integrated Platform. The default behavior is for EOS SDK to perform sessions management through the Integrated Platform.
      Sessions management includes:
      • sharing the lobby and session presence enabled games with the Integrated Platform.
      • handling Social Overlay invite button events which cannot be handled by normal processing of Epic Services.
      • handling startup requests from the Integrated Platform to immediately join a game due to in invite while offline.
      See Also:
    • EOS_IPMF_PreferEOSIdentity

      public static final int EOS_IPMF_PreferEOSIdentity
      Some features within the EOS SDK may wish to know a preference of Integrated Platform versus EOS. When determining an absolute platform preference those with this flag will be skipped. The IntegratedPlatforms list is provided via the EOS_Platform_Options during EOS_Platform_Create.

      The primary usage of the EOS_IPMF_PreferEOSIdentity and EOS_IPMF_PreferIntegratedIdentity flags is with game invites from the Social Overlay.

      For game invites from the Social Overlay the EOS SDK will follow these rules:

      • If the only account ID we can determine for the target player is an EAS ID then the EOS system will be used.
      • If the only account ID we can determine for the target player is an integrated platform ID then the integrated platform system will be used.
      • If both are available then the EOS SDK will operate in 1 of 3 modes:
        • no preference identified: use both the EOS and integrated platform systems.
        • PreferEOS: Use EOS if the target is an EAS friend and is either online in EAS or not online for the integrated platform.
        • PreferIntegrated: Use integrated platform if the target is an integrated platform friend and is either online in the integrated platform or not online for EAS.
      • If the integrated platform fails to send then try EAS if was not already used.
      See Also:
    • EOS_IPMF_PreferIntegratedIdentity

      public static final int EOS_IPMF_PreferIntegratedIdentity
      Some features within the EOS SDK may wish to know a preference of Integrated Platform versus EOS. For further explanation see EOS_IPMF_PreferEOSIdentity.
      See Also:
    • EOS_IPMF_ApplicationManagedIdentityLogin

      public static final int EOS_IPMF_ApplicationManagedIdentityLogin
      By default the EOS SDK will attempt to detect the login/logout events of local users and update local states accordingly. Setting this flag will disable this functionality, relying on the application to process login/logout events and notify EOS SDK. It is not possible for the EOS SDK to do this on all platforms, making this flag not always optional.

      This flag must be set to use the manual platform user login/logout functions, even on platforms where it is not possible for the EOS SDK to detect login/logout events, making this a required flag for correct Integrated Platform behavior on those platforms.

      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • EOS_EIntegratedPlatformManagementFlags

      public EOS_EIntegratedPlatformManagementFlags()
  • Method Details