package isabelle
Linear Supertypes
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- isabelle
- AnyRef
- Any
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- All
Type Members
- class AFP extends AnyRef
- final class Bytes extends CharSequence
- abstract class CI_Profile extends Body
- class Cache extends AnyRef
- final class Command extends AnyRef
- final class Completion extends AnyRef
- class Console_Progress extends Progress
- final class Consumer_Thread[A] extends AnyRef
- final class Counter extends AnyRef
- sealed case class Date(rep: ZonedDateTime) extends Product with Serializable
- class Debugger extends AnyRef
- abstract class Editor[Context] extends AnyRef
- class File_Logger extends Logger
- class File_Progress extends Progress
- class File_Watcher extends AnyRef
- trait Future[A] extends AnyRef
- class Getopts extends AnyRef
- final class Graph[Key, A] extends AnyRef
- class Invoke_Scala extends Protocol_Handler
- class Isabelle_Charset extends Charset
- class Isabelle_Charset_Provider extends CharsetProvider
- sealed case class Isabelle_Tool(name: String, description: String, body: (List[String]) ⇒ Unit, admin: Boolean = false) extends Product with Serializable
- final class Line extends AnyRef
- sealed case class Line_Structure(improper: Boolean = true, blank: Boolean = true, command: Boolean = false, depth: Int = 0, span_depth: Int = 0, after_span_depth: Int = 0, element_depth: Int = 0) extends Product with Serializable
- final class Linear_Set[A] extends Set[A] with GenericSetTemplate[A, Linear_Set] with SetLike[A, Linear_Set[A]]
- trait Logger extends AnyRef
- final class ML_Statistics extends AnyRef
- class Mailbox[A] extends AnyRef
- sealed case class Markup(name: String, properties: T) extends Product with Serializable
- final class Markup_Tree extends AnyRef
- final class Multi_Map[A, +B] extends Map[A, B] with MapLike[A, B, Multi_Map[A, B]]
- final class Options extends AnyRef
- class Options_Variable extends AnyRef
- class Other_Isabelle extends AnyRef
- final class Outer_Syntax extends AnyRef
- final class Path extends AnyRef
- final case class Process_Result(rc: Int, out_lines: List[String] = Nil, err_lines: List[String] = Nil, timeout: Boolean = false, timing: Timing = Timing.zero) extends Product with Serializable
- class Progress extends AnyRef
- trait Promise[A] extends Future[A]
- trait Protocol extends AnyRef
- class Protocol_Handlers extends AnyRef
- class Prover extends Protocol
- class Query_Operation[Editor_Context] extends AnyRef
- abstract class Rendering extends AnyRef
- class Resources extends AnyRef
- class Server extends AnyRef
- class Session extends isabelle.Document.Session
- class Spell_Checker extends AnyRef
- class Spell_Checker_Variable extends AnyRef
- final class Synchronized[A] extends AnyRef
- class System_Channel extends AnyRef
- class TTY_Loop extends AnyRef
- sealed case class Thy_Header(name: (String, T), imports: List[(String, T)], keywords: Keywords, abbrevs: Abbrevs) extends Product with Serializable
- class Thy_Resources extends Resources
- final class Time extends AnyVal
- sealed case class Timing(elapsed: Time, cpu: Time, gc: Time) extends Product with Serializable
- sealed case class Token(kind: Token.Kind.Value, source: String) extends Product with Serializable
- type UUID = java.util.UUID
Value Members
- val ERROR: isabelle.Exn.ERROR.type
- def UUID(): UUID
- def cat_error(msgs: String*): Nothing
- val cat_lines: (TraversableOnce[String]) ⇒ String
- val commas: (Iterable[String]) ⇒ String
- val commas_quote: (Iterable[String]) ⇒ String
- val error: (String) ⇒ Nothing
- def proper[A](x: A): Option[A]
- def proper_list[A](list: List[A]): Option[List[A]]
- val proper_string: (String) ⇒ Option[String]
- val quote: (String) ⇒ String
- val space_explode: (Char, String) ⇒ List[String]
- val split_lines: (String) ⇒ List[String]
- val terminate_lines: (TraversableOnce[String]) ⇒ String
- def using[A <: AnyRef { def close(): Unit }, B](x: A)(f: (A) ⇒ B): B
- object AFP
- object Antiquote
- object Bash
- object Bibtex
- object Build
- object Build_Cygwin
- object Build_Doc
- object Build_Docker
- object Build_History
- object Build_JDK
- object Build_Log
- object Build_PolyML
- object Build_Release
- object Build_Status
- object Bytes
- object CSV
- object Check_Keywords
- object Check_Sources
- object Codepoint
- object Command
- object Command_Line
- object Command_Span
- object Comment
- object Completion
- object Consumer_Thread
- object Counter
- object Cygwin
- object Date extends Serializable
- object Debugger
- object Distribution
- object Doc
- object Document
- object Document_ID
- object Document_Structure
- object Dump
- object Event_Timer
- object Exn
- object Export
- object Export_Theory
- object File
- object File_Watcher
- object Future
- object Getopts
- object Graph
- object Graph_Display
- object HTML
- object HTTP
- object Imports
- object Invoke_Scala
- object Isabelle_Charset
- object Isabelle_Cronjob
- object Isabelle_Devel
- object Isabelle_Process
- object Isabelle_System
- object Isabelle_Tool extends Serializable
- object JSON
- object Jenkins
- object Keyword
- object Latex
- object Library
- object Line
- object Line_Structure extends Serializable
- object Linear_Set extends SetFactory[Linear_Set]
- object Logger
- object Long_Name
- object ML_Console
- object ML_Lex
- object ML_Process
- object ML_Statistics
- object ML_Syntax
- object Mailbox
- object Markup extends Serializable
- object Markup_Tree
- object Mercurial
- object Mkroot
- object Multi_Map extends ImmutableMapFactory[Multi_Map]
- object NEWS
- object NUMA
- object No_Logger extends Logger
- object No_Progress extends Progress
- object Options
- object Other_Isabelle
- object Outer_Syntax
- object Output
- object POSIX_Interrupt
- object Par_List
- object Parse
- object Path
- object Platform
- object Position
PostgreSQL *
- object Present
- object Pretty
- object Print_Operation
- object Profiling_Report
- object Progress
- object Properties
- object Protocol
- object Protocol_Handlers
- object Protocol_Message
- object Prover
- object Query_Operation
- object Remote_DMG
- object Rendering
- object SHA1
- object SQL
SQLite *
- object SSH
- object Scan
- object Server
- object Server_Commands
- object Session
- object Sessions
- object Simplifier_Trace
- object Spell_Checker
- object Standard_Thread
- object Symbol
- object Synchronized
- object System_Channel
- object Term
- object Term_XML
- object Text
- object Thy_Header extends Parser with Serializable
- object Thy_Resources
- object Thy_Syntax
- object Time
- object Timing extends Serializable
- object Token extends Serializable
- object UTF8
- object Untyped
- object Update_Cartouches
- object Update_Comments
- object Update_Header
- object Update_Then
- object Update_Theorems
- object Url
- object Value
- object Word
- object XML
- object XZ
- object YXML
- object sys