
See theSetDSLBase companion object
trait SetDSLBase[T, AfterAdd, AfterMultiAdd] extends AnyKindShim


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
trait SetDSLMutBase[T]
class SetDSL[T]
class SetElementDSL[T]
class SetNamedDSL[T]

Members list

Concise view

Type members

Inherited types

type LifecycleF[_] = Any


Inherited from:

Value members

Concrete methods

final def add[I <: T : AnyConstructor](implicit evidence$28: Tag[I], evidence$29: AnyConstructor[I], pos: CodePositionMaterializer): AfterAdd
final def add[I <: T : Tag](function: => I)(implicit evidence$30: Tag[I], pos: CodePositionMaterializer): AfterAdd
final def add[I <: T](function: Functoid[I])(implicit pos: CodePositionMaterializer): AfterAdd
final def addEffect[F[_] : Tag, I <: T : Tag](instance: F[I])(implicit evidence$38: Tag[F], evidence$39: Tag[I], pos: CodePositionMaterializer): AfterAdd
final def addEffect[F[_] : Tag, I <: T : Tag](function: Functoid[F[I]])(implicit evidence$40: Tag[F], evidence$41: Tag[I], pos: CodePositionMaterializer): AfterAdd
final def addFactory[I <: T : FactoryConstructor](implicit evidence$32: Tag[I], evidence$33: FactoryConstructor[I], pos: CodePositionMaterializer): AfterAdd
def addHas[R : ZEnvConstructor, E : Tag, I <: T : Tag](effect: ZIO[R, E, I])(implicit evidence$71: ZEnvConstructor[R], evidence$72: Tag[E], evidence$73: Tag[I], pos: CodePositionMaterializer): AfterAdd
Implicitly added by AddFromZIOHas
def addHas[R : ZEnvConstructor, E : Tag, I <: T : Tag](function: Functoid[ZIO[R, E, I]])(implicit evidence$74: ZEnvConstructor[R], evidence$75: Tag[E], evidence$76: Tag[I], pos: CodePositionMaterializer): AfterAdd
Implicitly added by AddFromZIOHas
def addHas[R : ZEnvConstructor, E : Tag, I <: T : Tag](resource: ZManaged[R, E, I])(implicit evidence$77: ZEnvConstructor[R], evidence$78: Tag[E], evidence$79: Tag[I], pos: CodePositionMaterializer): AfterAdd
Implicitly added by AddFromZIOHas
def addHas[R : ZEnvConstructor, E : Tag, I <: T : Tag](function: Functoid[ZManaged[R, E, I]])(implicit evidence$80: ZEnvConstructor[R], evidence$81: Tag[E], evidence$82: Tag[I], pos: CodePositionMaterializer, d1: DummyImplicit): AfterAdd
Implicitly added by AddFromZIOHas
def addHas[R : ZEnvConstructor, E : Tag, I <: T : Tag](layer: ZLayer[R, E, I])(implicit evidence$83: ZEnvConstructor[R], evidence$84: Tag[E], evidence$85: Tag[I], pos: CodePositionMaterializer): AfterAdd
Implicitly added by AddFromZIOHas
def addHas[R : ZEnvConstructor, E : Tag, I <: T : Tag](function: Functoid[ZLayer[R, E, I]])(implicit evidence$86: ZEnvConstructor[R], evidence$87: Tag[E], evidence$88: Tag[I], pos: CodePositionMaterializer, d1: DummyImplicit, d2: DummyImplicit): AfterAdd
Implicitly added by AddFromZIOHas
final def addResource[R <: Lifecycle[LifecycleF, T] : AnyConstructor](implicit evidence$46: AnyConstructor[R], tag: LifecycleTag[R], pos: CodePositionMaterializer): AfterAdd
final def addResource[R](instance: R & Lifecycle[LifecycleF, T])(implicit tag: LifecycleTag[R], pos: CodePositionMaterializer): AfterAdd
final def addResource[R](function: Functoid[R & Lifecycle[LifecycleF, T]])(implicit tag: LifecycleTag[R], pos: CodePositionMaterializer): AfterAdd
final def addResource[R0, R <: Lifecycle[LifecycleF, T]](function: Functoid[R0])(implicit adapt: Aux[R0, R], tag: LifecycleTag[R], pos: CodePositionMaterializer): AfterAdd
final def addSet[I <: Set[_ <: T] : Tag](function: => I)(implicit evidence$47: Tag[I], pos: CodePositionMaterializer): AfterMultiAdd

Add multiple values into this set at once

Add multiple values into this set at once


 class T

 many[T].addSet(Set(new T, new T, new T))


final def addSet[I <: Set[_ <: T]](function: Functoid[I])(implicit pos: CodePositionMaterializer): AfterMultiAdd
final def addSetValue[I <: Set[_ <: T] : Tag](instance: I)(implicit evidence$48: Tag[I], pos: CodePositionMaterializer): AfterMultiAdd
final def addValue[I <: T : Tag](instance: I)(implicit evidence$31: Tag[I], pos: CodePositionMaterializer): AfterAdd
final def ref[I <: T : Tag](implicit evidence$34: Tag[I], pos: CodePositionMaterializer): AfterAdd

Bind by reference to another bound key

Bind by reference to another bound key


 trait T
 trait T1 extends T


Here, T1 will be created only once. A class that depends on Set[T] will receive a Set containing the same T1 instance as a class that depends on just a T1.


final def ref[I <: T : Tag](name: Identifier)(implicit evidence$35: Tag[I], pos: CodePositionMaterializer): AfterAdd
final def refEffect[F[_] : Tag, I <: T : Tag](implicit evidence$42: Tag[F], evidence$43: Tag[I], pos: CodePositionMaterializer): AfterAdd
final def refEffect[F[_] : Tag, I <: T : Tag](name: Identifier)(implicit evidence$44: Tag[F], evidence$45: Tag[I], pos: CodePositionMaterializer): AfterAdd
final def refResource[R <: Lifecycle[LifecycleF, T]](implicit tag: LifecycleTag[R], pos: CodePositionMaterializer): AfterAdd
final def refResource[R <: Lifecycle[LifecycleF, T]](name: Identifier)(implicit tag: LifecycleTag[R], pos: CodePositionMaterializer): AfterAdd
final def refSet[I <: Set[_ <: T] : Tag](implicit evidence$49: Tag[I], pos: CodePositionMaterializer): AfterAdd
final def refSet[I <: Set[_ <: T] : Tag](name: Identifier)(implicit evidence$50: Tag[I], pos: CodePositionMaterializer): AfterAdd
final def weak[I <: T : Tag](implicit evidence$36: Tag[I], pos: CodePositionMaterializer): AfterAdd

Add a Weak reference to I to the set

Add a Weak reference to I to the set

This set will contain the same object that is bound to make[I], but ONLY if some other - not garbage-collected - component in the object graph depends on I explicitly.


See also:
final def weak[I <: T : Tag](name: Identifier)(implicit evidence$37: Tag[I], pos: CodePositionMaterializer): AfterAdd
final def weakSet[I <: Set[_ <: T] : Tag](implicit evidence$51: Tag[I], pos: CodePositionMaterializer): AfterAdd

Add a Weak reference to Set[I] to the set

Add a Weak reference to Set[I] to the set

This set will contain all the elements of the Set bound at make[Set[I]], but ONLY if some other, not garbage-collected, component in the object graph depends on Set[I] explicitly.


See also:
final def weakSet[I <: Set[_ <: T] : Tag](name: Identifier)(implicit evidence$52: Tag[I], pos: CodePositionMaterializer): AfterAdd