
final implicit class AddFromZIOZEnv[T, AfterAdd](val dsl: SetDSLBase[T, AfterAdd, _]) extends AnyVal


class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def addZEnvResource[R1 <: Lifecycle[[_] =>> ZIO[Nothing, Any, _$36], T] : ClassConstructor](implicit evidence$1: ClassConstructor[R1], tag: ZIOEnvLifecycleTag[R1, T], pos: CodePositionMaterializer): AfterAdd

Adds set element binding to a Lifecycle class which has a ZIO effect type that specifies dependencies via zio environment.

Adds set element binding to a Lifecycle class which has a ZIO effect type that specifies dependencies via zio environment.

Warning: removes the precise subtype of Lifecycle because of Integration checks on mixed-in as a trait onto a Lifecycle value result here will be lost


def addZEnvResource[R : ZEnvConstructor, E >: DottyNothing : Tag, I <: T : Tag](resource: Lifecycle[[_] =>> ZIO[R, E, _$37], I])(implicit evidence$1: ZEnvConstructor[R], evidence$2: Tag[E], evidence$3: Tag[I], pos: CodePositionMaterializer): AfterAdd

Adds set element binding to a Lifecycle value which has a ZIO effect type that specifies dependencies via zio environment.

Adds set element binding to a Lifecycle value which has a ZIO effect type that specifies dependencies via zio environment.

Warning: removes the precise subtype of Lifecycle because of Integration checks on mixed-in as a trait onto a Lifecycle value result here will be lost


def addZEnvResource[R : ZEnvConstructor, E >: DottyNothing : Tag, I <: T : Tag](function: Functoid[Lifecycle[[_] =>> ZIO[R, E, _$40], I]])(implicit evidence$1: ZEnvConstructor[R], evidence$2: Tag[E], evidence$3: Tag[I], pos: CodePositionMaterializer): AfterAdd

Adds set element binding to a Lifecycle value which has a ZIO effect type that specifies dependencies via zio environment.

Adds set element binding to a Lifecycle value which has a ZIO effect type that specifies dependencies via zio environment.

Warning: removes the precise subtype of Lifecycle because of Integration checks on mixed-in as a trait onto a Lifecycle value result here will be lost


def addZIOEnv[R : ZEnvConstructor, E >: DottyNothing : Tag, I <: T : Tag](effect: ZIO[R, E, I])(implicit evidence$1: ZEnvConstructor[R], evidence$2: Tag[E], evidence$3: Tag[I], pos: CodePositionMaterializer): AfterAdd
def addZIOEnv[R : ZEnvConstructor, E >: DottyNothing : Tag, I <: T : Tag](function: Functoid[ZIO[R, E, I]])(implicit evidence$1: ZEnvConstructor[R], evidence$2: Tag[E], evidence$3: Tag[I], pos: CodePositionMaterializer): AfterAdd
def addZLayerEnv[R : ZEnvConstructor, E >: DottyNothing : Tag, I <: T : Tag](layer: ZLayer[R, E, I])(implicit evidence$1: ZEnvConstructor[R], evidence$2: Tag[E], evidence$3: Tag[I], pos: CodePositionMaterializer): AfterAdd
def addZLayerEnv[R : ZEnvConstructor, E >: DottyNothing : Tag, I <: T : Tag](function: Functoid[ZLayer[R, E, I]])(implicit evidence$1: ZEnvConstructor[R], evidence$2: Tag[E], evidence$3: Tag[I], pos: CodePositionMaterializer): AfterAdd
def addZManagedEnv[R : ZEnvConstructor, E >: DottyNothing : Tag, I <: T : Tag](resource: ZManaged[R, E, I])(implicit evidence$1: ZEnvConstructor[R], evidence$2: Tag[E], evidence$3: Tag[I], pos: CodePositionMaterializer): AfterAdd
def addZManagedEnv[R : ZEnvConstructor, E >: DottyNothing : Tag, I <: T : Tag](function: Functoid[ZManaged[R, E, I]])(implicit evidence$1: ZEnvConstructor[R], evidence$2: Tag[E], evidence$3: Tag[I], pos: CodePositionMaterializer): AfterAdd