


package planning

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AutoSetHook[INSTANCE, BINDING] extends PlanningHook

    A hook that will collect all implementations with types that are

    A hook that will collect all implementations with types that are

    _ <: T

    into a Set[T] set binding available for summoning


    val collectCloseables = new AutoSetHook[AutoCloseable, AutoCloseable](identity)
    val injector = Injector(new BootstrapModuleDef {

    Then, in any class created from injector:

    class App(allCloseables: Set[AutoCloseable]) {

    These Auto-Sets can be used to implement custom lifetimes:

    val locator = injector.produce(modules)
    val closeables = locator.get[Set[AutoCloseable]]
    try { locator.get[App].runMain() } finally {
      // reverse closeables list, Auto-Sets preserve order, in the order of *initialization*
      // Therefore resources should closed in the *opposite order*
      // e.g. if C depends on B depends on A, create: A -> B -> C, close: C -> B -> A

    Auto-Sets are NOT subject to Garbage Collection, they are assembled *after* garbage collection is done, as such they can't contain garbage by construction and they cannot be designated as GC root keys.

    _ <: T }}} available for summoning


    val collectCloseables = new AutoSetHook[AutoCloseable, AutoCloseable](identity)
    val injector = Injector(new BootstrapModuleDef {

    Then, in any class created from injector:

    class App(allCloseables: Set[AutoCloseable]) {

    These Auto-Sets can be used to implement custom lifetimes:

    val locator = injector.produce(modules)
    val closeables = locator.get[Set[AutoCloseable]]
    try { locator.get[App].runMain() } finally {
      // reverse closeables list, Auto-Sets preserve order, in the order of *initialization*
      // Therefore resources should closed in the *opposite order*
      // e.g. if C depends on B depends on A, create: A -> B -> C, close: C -> B -> A

    Auto-Sets are NOT subject to Garbage Collection, they are assembled *after* garbage collection is done, as such they can't contain garbage by construction and they cannot be designated as GC root keys.

  2. abstract class AutoSetModule extends BootstrapModuleDef

    Auto-Sets collect all bindings with static types of _implementations_ that are _ <: T into a summonable Set[T]

    Auto-Sets collect all bindings with static types of _implementations_ that are _ <: T into a summonable Set[T]

    See also


    same concept in MacWire: https://github.com/softwaremill/macwire#multi-wiring-wireset

  3. trait BindingTranslator extends AnyRef
  4. class ForwardingRefResolverDefaultImpl extends ForwardingRefResolver
  5. class PlanAnalyzerDefaultImpl extends PlanAnalyzer
  6. final class PlannerDefaultImpl extends Planner
  7. final class PlanningHookAggregate extends PlanningHook
  8. final class PlanningObserverAggregate extends PlanningObserver
  9. class PruningPlanMergingPolicyDefaultImpl extends PlanMergingPolicyDefaultImpl
  10. class SanityCheckerDefaultImpl extends SanityChecker
