
package typeclass

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Type Members

  1. class BIO2InstancesModule[F[+_, +_]] extends ModuleDef

    Adds bio typeclass instances for any effect type F[+_, +_] with an available make[Async2[F] binding

    Adds bio typeclass instances for any effect type F[+_, +_] with an available make[Async2[F] binding

    Depends on Async2[F]

    See also

  2. class BIO3InstancesModule[F[-_, +_, +_]] extends ModuleDef

    Adds bio typeclass instances for any effect type F[-_, +_, +_] with an available make[Async3[F] binding

    Adds bio typeclass instances for any effect type F[-_, +_, +_] with an available make[Async3[F] binding

    Depends on Async3[F] and Local3[F]


    doesn't add bifunctor variants from BIO2InstancesModule

    See also

  3. class CatsEffectInstancesModule[F[_]] extends ModuleDef

    Adds cats-effect typeclass instances for any effect type F[_] with an available make[ConcurrentEffect[F] binding

    Adds cats-effect typeclass instances for any effect type F[_] with an available make[ConcurrentEffect[F] binding

    Depends on ConcurrentEffect[F].

  4. class ZIOCatsEffectInstancesModule[R] extends distage.ModuleDef

    Adds cats-effect typeclass instances for ZIO

    Adds cats-effect typeclass instances for ZIO

    Depends on zio.Runtime[Any] and ThreadPoolExecutor @Id("io") (both can be found in

    Will also add the following components:

    • cats.effect.Blocker by using ThreadPoolExecutor @Id("io")
