

From interop-cats https://github.com/zio/interop-cats/blob/b120f74c36f7de40d425e715674b2f4279402627/zio-interop-cats/shared/src/main/scala/zio/interop/cats.scala#L372 compatibility with race without the "supervision" semantics that break uninterruptible races.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Concise view

Value members

Concrete methods

final def raceFirst[R, E, A](self: ZIO[R, E, A], that: => ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, A]

An implementation of raceFirst that forks the left and right fibers in the global scope instead of the scope of the parent fiber.

An implementation of raceFirst that forks the left and right fibers in the global scope instead of the scope of the parent fiber.


final def raceWith[R, E, E2, E3, A, B, C](left: ZIO[R, E, A], right: => ZIO[R, E2, B])(leftDone: (Exit[E, A], Fiber[E2, B]) => ZIO[R, E3, C], rightDone: (Exit[E2, B], Fiber[E, A]) => ZIO[R, E3, C])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E3, C]

An implementation of raceWith that forks the left and right fibers in the global scope instead of the scope of the parent fiber.

An implementation of raceWith that forks the left and right fibers in the global scope instead of the scope of the parent fiber.
