
expect open class ControlThrowable : Throwable

A Throwable class intended for control flow. Instance of ControlThrowable should not be caught, and arrow.core.NonFatal does not catch this Throwable. Thus by extension Either.catch and Validated.catch also don't catch ControlThrowable.

actual open class ControlThrowable : Throwable

A Throwable class intended for control flow. Instance of ControlThrowable.kt should not be caught, and arrow.core.NonFatal does not catch this Throwable. Thus by extension Either.catch and Validated.catch also don't catch ControlThrowable.kt.

actual open class ControlThrowable : Throwable

A Throwable class intended for control flow. Instance of ControlThrowable.kt should not be caught, and arrow.core.NonFatal does not catch this Throwable. Thus by extension Either.catch and Validated.catch also don't catch ControlThrowable.kt.

actual open class ControlThrowable : Throwable

A Throwable class intended for control flow. Instance of ControlThrowable should not be caught, and arrow.core.NonFatal does not catch this Throwable. Thus by extension Either.catch and Validated.catch also don't catch ControlThrowable.


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fun ControlThrowable()
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fun ControlThrowable()
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fun ControlThrowable()
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expect fun ControlThrowable()


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fun addSuppressed(p0: Throwable)
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open override fun fillInStackTrace(): Throwable
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open fun getLocalizedMessage(): String
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open fun getStackTrace(): Array<StackTraceElement>
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fun getSuppressed(): Array<Throwable>
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open fun initCause(p0: Throwable): Throwable
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open fun printStackTrace()
open fun printStackTrace(p0: PrintStream)
open fun printStackTrace(p0: PrintWriter)
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open fun setStackTrace(p0: Array<StackTraceElement>)


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open val cause: Throwable?
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open val cause: Throwable?
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open val cause: Throwable?
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open val cause: Throwable?
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open val message: String?
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open val message: String?
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open val message: String?
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open val message: String?


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