
inline fun <AA, C> traverse(fa: (B) -> Validated<AA, C>): Validated<AA, Either<A, C>>

inline fun <C> traverse(fa: (B) -> Iterable<C>): List<Either<A, C>>


This API is niche and will be removed in the future. If this method is crucial for you, please let us know on the Arrow Github. Thanks! Prefer using the Either DSL, or explicit fold or when

Replace with

fold({ emptyList() }, { fa(it).map(::Right) })

inline fun <C> traverse(fa: (B) -> Option<C>): Option<Either<A, C>>


This API is niche and will be removed in the future. If this method is crucial for you, please let us know on the Arrow Github. Thanks! Prefer using the Either DSL, or explicit fold or when

Replace with

fold({ None }, { right -> fa(right).map(::Right) })