
data class Valid<out A>(val value: A) : Validated<Nothing, A>


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fun <out A> Valid(value: A)


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object Companion


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inline fun all(predicate: (A) -> Boolean): Boolean
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inline fun <B> bifoldLeft(c: B, fe: (B, Nothing) -> B, fa: (B, A) -> B): B
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inline fun <B> bifoldMap(MN: Monoid<B>, g: (Nothing) -> B, f: (A) -> B): B
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inline fun <EE, B> bimap(fe: (Nothing) -> EE, fa: (A) -> B): Validated<EE, B>

From arrow.typeclasses.Bifunctor, maps both types of this Validated.

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inline fun <EE, B> bitraverse(fe: (Nothing) -> Iterable<EE>, fa: (A) -> Iterable<B>): List<Validated<EE, B>>
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inline fun <EE, B, C> bitraverseEither(fe: (Nothing) -> Either<EE, B>, fa: (A) -> Either<EE, C>): Either<EE, Validated<B, C>>
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inline fun <B, C> bitraverseNullable(fe: (Nothing) -> B?, fa: (A) -> C?): Validated<B, C>?
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inline fun <B, C> bitraverseOption(fe: (Nothing) -> Option<B>, fa: (A) -> Option<C>): Option<Validated<B, C>>
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inline fun exist(predicate: (A) -> Boolean): Boolean

Is this Valid and matching the given predicate

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inline fun findOrNull(predicate: (A) -> Boolean): A?
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inline fun <B> fold(fe: (Nothing) -> B, fa: (A) -> B): B
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inline fun <B> foldLeft(b: B, f: (B, A) -> B): B

apply the given function to the value with the given B when valid, otherwise return the given B

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inline fun <B> foldMap(MB: Monoid<B>, f: (A) -> B): B
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inline fun <B> map(f: (A) -> B): Validated<Nothing, B>

Apply a function to a Valid value, returning a new Valid value

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inline fun <EE> mapLeft(f: (Nothing) -> EE): Validated<EE, A>

Apply a function to an Invalid value, returning a new Invalid value. Or, if the original valid was Valid, return it.

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inline fun tap(f: (A) -> Unit): Validated<Nothing, A>

The given function is applied as a fire and forget effect if this is Valid. When applied the result is ignored and the original Validated value is returned

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inline fun tapInvalid(f: (Nothing) -> Unit): Validated<Nothing, A>

The given function is applied as a fire and forget effect if this is Invalid. When applied the result is ignored and the original Validated value is returned

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Converts the value to an Either

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fun toList(): List<A>

Convert this value to a single element List if it is Valid, otherwise return an empty List

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fun toOption(): Option<A>

Returns Valid values wrapped in Some, and None for Invalid values

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open override fun toString(): String
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Lift the Invalid value into a NonEmptyList.

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inline fun <EE, B> traverse(fa: (A) -> Either<EE, B>): Either<EE, Validated<Nothing, B>>
inline fun <B> traverse(fa: (A) -> Option<B>): Option<Validated<Nothing, B>>
inline fun <B> traverse(fa: (A) -> Iterable<B>): List<Validated<Nothing, B>>
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inline fun <EE, B> traverseEither(fa: (A) -> Either<EE, B>): Either<EE, Validated<Nothing, B>>
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inline fun <B> traverseNullable(fa: (A) -> B?): Validated<Nothing, B>?
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inline fun <B> traverseOption(fa: (A) -> Option<B>): Option<Validated<Nothing, B>>
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Discards the A value inside Validated signaling this container may be pointing to a noop or an effect whose return value is deliberately ignored. The singleton value Unit serves as signal.

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inline fun <EE, B> withEither(f: (Either<Nothing, A>) -> Either<EE, B>): Validated<EE, B>

Convert to an Either, apply a function, convert back. This is handy when you want to use the Monadic properties of the Either type.


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val value: A


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inline fun <E, A, B> Validated<E, A>.andThen(f: (A) -> Validated<E, B>): Validated<E, B>

Apply a function to a Valid value, returning a new Validation that may be valid or invalid

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fun <E, A> Validated<E, A>.combine(SE: Semigroup<E>, SA: Semigroup<A>, y: Validated<E, A>): Validated<E, A>
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fun <E, A> Validated<E, A>.combineAll(MA: Monoid<A>): A
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fun <E, A> Validated<E, A>.combineK(SE: Semigroup<E>, y: Validated<E, A>): Validated<E, A>
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operator fun <E : Comparable<E>, A : Comparable<A>> Validated<E, A>.compareTo(other: Validated<E, A>): Int
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inline fun <E, A> Validated<E, A>.findValid(SE: Semigroup<E>, that: () -> Validated<E, A>): Validated<E, A>

If this is valid return this, otherwise if that is valid return that, otherwise combine the failures. This is similar to orElse except that here failures are accumulated.

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fun <E, A> Validated<E, A>.fold(MA: Monoid<A>): A
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inline fun <E, A> Validated<E, A>.getOrElse(default: () -> A): A

Return the Valid value, or the default if Invalid

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inline fun <E, A> Validated<E, A>.handleError(f: (E) -> A): Validated<Nothing, A>
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inline fun <E, A> Validated<E, A>.handleErrorWith(f: (E) -> Validated<E, A>): Validated<E, A>
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fun <EE, E : EE, A> Validated<E, A>.leftWiden(): Validated<EE, A>
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inline fun <A> Validated<A, A>.merge(): A
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inline fun <E, A> Validated<E, A>.orElse(default: () -> Validated<E, A>): Validated<E, A>

Return this if it is Valid, or else fall back to the given default. The functionality is similar to that of findValid except for failure accumulation, where here only the error on the right is preserved and the error on the left is ignored.

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fun <E, A> Validated<E, A>.orNone(): Option<A>
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fun <E, A> Validated<E, A>.orNull(): A?

Return the Valid value, or null if Invalid

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inline fun <E, A, B> Validated<E, A>.redeem(fe: (E) -> B, fa: (A) -> B): Validated<E, B>
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fun <E, A> Validated<E, A>.replicate(SE: Semigroup<E>, n: Int): Validated<E, List<A>>
fun <E, A> Validated<E, A>.replicate(SE: Semigroup<E>, n: Int, MA: Monoid<A>): Validated<E, A>
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fun <E, A> Validated<E, A>.toIor(): Ior<E, A>

Converts the value to an Ior

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inline fun <E, A> Validated<E, A>.valueOr(f: (E) -> A): A

Return the Valid value, or the result of f if Invalid

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fun <E, B, A : B> Validated<E, A>.widen(): Validated<E, B>

Given A is a sub type of B, re-type this value from Validated to Validated

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fun <E, A, B> Validated<E, A>.zip(SE: Semigroup<E>, fb: Validated<E, B>): Validated<E, Pair<A, B>>
inline fun <E, A, B, Z> Validated<E, A>.zip(SE: Semigroup<E>, b: Validated<E, B>, f: (A, B) -> Z): Validated<E, Z>
inline fun <E, A, B, C, Z> Validated<E, A>.zip(SE: Semigroup<E>, b: Validated<E, B>, c: Validated<E, C>, f: (A, B, C) -> Z): Validated<E, Z>
inline fun <E, A, B, C, D, Z> Validated<E, A>.zip(SE: Semigroup<E>, b: Validated<E, B>, c: Validated<E, C>, d: Validated<E, D>, f: (A, B, C, D) -> Z): Validated<E, Z>
inline fun <E, A, B, C, D, EE, Z> Validated<E, A>.zip(SE: Semigroup<E>, b: Validated<E, B>, c: Validated<E, C>, d: Validated<E, D>, e: Validated<E, EE>, f: (A, B, C, D, EE) -> Z): Validated<E, Z>
inline fun <E, A, B, C, D, EE, FF, Z> Validated<E, A>.zip(SE: Semigroup<E>, b: Validated<E, B>, c: Validated<E, C>, d: Validated<E, D>, e: Validated<E, EE>, ff: Validated<E, FF>, f: (A, B, C, D, EE, FF) -> Z): Validated<E, Z>
inline fun <E, A, B, C, D, EE, F, G, Z> Validated<E, A>.zip(SE: Semigroup<E>, b: Validated<E, B>, c: Validated<E, C>, d: Validated<E, D>, e: Validated<E, EE>, ff: Validated<E, F>, g: Validated<E, G>, f: (A, B, C, D, EE, F, G) -> Z): Validated<E, Z>
inline fun <E, A, B, C, D, EE, F, G, H, Z> Validated<E, A>.zip(SE: Semigroup<E>, b: Validated<E, B>, c: Validated<E, C>, d: Validated<E, D>, e: Validated<E, EE>, ff: Validated<E, F>, g: Validated<E, G>, h: Validated<E, H>, f: (A, B, C, D, EE, F, G, H) -> Z): Validated<E, Z>
inline fun <E, A, B, C, D, EE, F, G, H, I, Z> Validated<E, A>.zip(SE: Semigroup<E>, b: Validated<E, B>, c: Validated<E, C>, d: Validated<E, D>, e: Validated<E, EE>, ff: Validated<E, F>, g: Validated<E, G>, h: Validated<E, H>, i: Validated<E, I>, f: (A, B, C, D, EE, F, G, H, I) -> Z): Validated<E, Z>
inline fun <E, A, B, C, D, EE, F, G, H, I, J, Z> Validated<E, A>.zip(SE: Semigroup<E>, b: Validated<E, B>, c: Validated<E, C>, d: Validated<E, D>, e: Validated<E, EE>, ff: Validated<E, F>, g: Validated<E, G>, h: Validated<E, H>, i: Validated<E, I>, j: Validated<E, J>, f: (A, B, C, D, EE, F, G, H, I, J) -> Z): Validated<E, Z>
inline fun <E, A, B, Z> ValidatedNel<E, A>.zip(b: ValidatedNel<E, B>, f: (A, B) -> Z): ValidatedNel<E, Z>
inline fun <E, A, B, C, Z> ValidatedNel<E, A>.zip(b: ValidatedNel<E, B>, c: ValidatedNel<E, C>, f: (A, B, C) -> Z): ValidatedNel<E, Z>
inline fun <E, A, B, C, D, Z> ValidatedNel<E, A>.zip(b: ValidatedNel<E, B>, c: ValidatedNel<E, C>, d: ValidatedNel<E, D>, f: (A, B, C, D) -> Z): ValidatedNel<E, Z>
inline fun <E, A, B, C, D, EE, Z> ValidatedNel<E, A>.zip(b: ValidatedNel<E, B>, c: ValidatedNel<E, C>, d: ValidatedNel<E, D>, e: ValidatedNel<E, EE>, f: (A, B, C, D, EE) -> Z): ValidatedNel<E, Z>
inline fun <E, A, B, C, D, EE, FF, Z> ValidatedNel<E, A>.zip(b: ValidatedNel<E, B>, c: ValidatedNel<E, C>, d: ValidatedNel<E, D>, e: ValidatedNel<E, EE>, ff: ValidatedNel<E, FF>, f: (A, B, C, D, EE, FF) -> Z): ValidatedNel<E, Z>
inline fun <E, A, B, C, D, EE, F, G, Z> ValidatedNel<E, A>.zip(b: ValidatedNel<E, B>, c: ValidatedNel<E, C>, d: ValidatedNel<E, D>, e: ValidatedNel<E, EE>, ff: ValidatedNel<E, F>, g: ValidatedNel<E, G>, f: (A, B, C, D, EE, F, G) -> Z): ValidatedNel<E, Z>
inline fun <E, A, B, C, D, EE, F, G, H, Z> ValidatedNel<E, A>.zip(b: ValidatedNel<E, B>, c: ValidatedNel<E, C>, d: ValidatedNel<E, D>, e: ValidatedNel<E, EE>, ff: ValidatedNel<E, F>, g: ValidatedNel<E, G>, h: ValidatedNel<E, H>, f: (A, B, C, D, EE, F, G, H) -> Z): ValidatedNel<E, Z>
inline fun <E, A, B, C, D, EE, F, G, H, I, Z> ValidatedNel<E, A>.zip(b: ValidatedNel<E, B>, c: ValidatedNel<E, C>, d: ValidatedNel<E, D>, e: ValidatedNel<E, EE>, ff: ValidatedNel<E, F>, g: ValidatedNel<E, G>, h: ValidatedNel<E, H>, i: ValidatedNel<E, I>, f: (A, B, C, D, EE, F, G, H, I) -> Z): ValidatedNel<E, Z>
inline fun <E, A, B, C, D, EE, F, G, H, I, J, Z> ValidatedNel<E, A>.zip(b: ValidatedNel<E, B>, c: ValidatedNel<E, C>, d: ValidatedNel<E, D>, e: ValidatedNel<E, EE>, ff: ValidatedNel<E, F>, g: ValidatedNel<E, G>, h: ValidatedNel<E, H>, i: ValidatedNel<E, I>, j: ValidatedNel<E, J>, f: (A, B, C, D, EE, F, G, H, I, J) -> Z): ValidatedNel<E, Z>