
Object BranchLogger

    • Method Detail

      • e

         final static Unit e(String message)
        <p>Creates a <b>Error</b> message in the debugger. If debugging is disabled, this will fail silently.</p>
        message - A {@link String} value containing the debug message to record.
      • w

         final static Unit w(String message)
        <p>Creates a <b>Warning</b> message in the debugger. If debugging is disabled, this will fail silently.</p>
        message - A {@link String} value containing the debug message to record.
      • i

         final static Unit i(String message)
        <p>Creates a <b>Info</b> message in the debugger. If debugging is disabled, this will fail silently.</p>
        message - A {@link String} value containing the debug message to record.
      • d

         final static Unit d(String message)
        <p>Creates a <b>Debug</b> message in the debugger. If debugging is disabled, this will fail silently.</p>
        message - A {@link String} value containing the debug message to record.
      • v

         final static Unit v(String message)
        <p>Creates a <b>Verbose</b> message in the debugger. If debugging is disabled, this will fail silently.</p>
        message - A {@link String} value containing the debug message to record.