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AAID - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
abortBroadcast() - function in android.content.SharingBroadcastReceiver
ACHIEVE_LEVEL - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.BRANCH_STANDARD_EVENT
ADD_PAYMENT_INFO - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.BRANCH_STANDARD_EVENT
ADD_TO_CART - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.BRANCH_STANDARD_EVENT
ADD_TO_WISHLIST - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.BRANCH_STANDARD_EVENT
addContentItems(Array) - function in io.branch.referral.util.BranchEvent
Use this method to add any BranchUniversalObject associated with this event.
addContentItems(List) - function in io.branch.referral.util.BranchEvent
Use this method to add any BranchUniversalObject associated with this event.
addContentMetadata(HashMap) - function in io.branch.indexing.BranchUniversalObject
addContentMetadata(String,String) - function in io.branch.indexing.BranchUniversalObject
addContentView(View,ViewGroup.LayoutParams) - function in android.app.AnimatedDialog
addControlParameter(String,String) - function in io.branch.referral.util.LinkProperties
Adds any control params that control the behaviour of the link.
addCustomDataProperty(String,String) - function in io.branch.referral.util.BranchEvent
Adds a custom data property associated with this Branch Event
addCustomMetadata(String,String) - function in io.branch.referral.util.ContentMetadata
Adds any custom metadata associated with the qualifying content item
addExtraInstrumentationData(HashMap) - function in io.branch.referral.ServerRequestQueue
Update the extra instrumentation data provided to Branch
addExtraInstrumentationData(String,String) - function in io.branch.referral.ServerRequestQueue
Update the extra instrumentation data provided to Branch
addFacebookPartnerParameterWithName(String,String) - function in io.branch.referral.Branch
Add a Partner Parameter for Facebook.Once set, this parameter is attached to installs, opens and events until cleared or the app restarts.
addImageCaptions(Array) - function in io.branch.referral.util.ContentMetadata
Adds any image captions associated with the qualifying content item
addInstallMetadata(String,String) - function in io.branch.referral.Branch
This API allows to tag the install with custom attribute.
addKeyWord(String) - function in io.branch.indexing.BranchUniversalObject
Add a keyword associated with the content referred
addKeyWords(ArrayList) - function in io.branch.indexing.BranchUniversalObject
Adds any keywords associated with the content referred
addParam(String,String) - function in io.branch.referral.BranchShareSheetBuilder
Add the given key value to the deep link parameters
addParameters(String,Object) - function in io.branch.referral.BranchShortLinkBuilder
Adds the the given key value pair to the parameters associated with this link.
addPreferredSharingOption(SharingHelper.SHARE_WITH) - function in io.branch.referral.BranchShareSheetBuilder
Adds application to the preferred list of applications which are shown on share dialog.Only these options will be visible when the application selector dialog launches.
addPreferredSharingOption(SharingHelper.SHARE_WITH) - function in io.branch.referral.util.ShareSheetStyle
Adds application to the preferred list of applications which are shown on share dialog.Only these options will be visible when the application selector dialog launches.
addPreferredSharingOptions(ArrayList) - function in io.branch.referral.BranchShareSheetBuilder
Adds application to the preferred list of applications which are shown on share dialog.Only these options will be visible when the application selector dialog launches.
addProcessWaitLock(ServerRequest.PROCESS_WAIT_LOCK) - function in io.branch.referral.ServerRequest
Set the specified process wait lock for this request.
addProcessWaitLock(ServerRequest.PROCESS_WAIT_LOCK) - function in io.branch.referral.ServerRequestLogEvent
Set the specified process wait lock for this request.
addProcessWaitLock(ServerRequest.PROCESS_WAIT_LOCK) - function in io.branch.referral.ServerRequestGetLATD
Set the specified process wait lock for this request.
addProcessWaitLock(ServerRequest.PROCESS_WAIT_LOCK) - function in io.branch.referral.ServerRequestCreateQRCode
Set the specified process wait lock for this request.
addProduct(Product) - function in io.branch.referral.util.CommerceEvent
addQRCodeToCache(JSONObject,Array) - function in io.branch.referral.BranchQRCodeCache
AddressCity - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
AddressCountry - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
AddressPostalCode - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
AddressRegion - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
AddressStreet - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
addSnapPartnerParameterWithName(String,String) - function in io.branch.referral.Branch
Add a Partner Parameter for Snap.Once set, this parameter is attached to installs, opens and events until cleared or the app restarts.
addSuppressed(Throwable) - function in java.lang.BranchRemoteInterface.BranchRemoteException
addTag(String) - function in io.branch.referral.BranchShareSheetBuilder
Adds the given tag an iterable Collection of String tags associated with a deeplink.
addTag(String) - function in io.branch.referral.BranchShortLinkBuilder
Adds a tag to the iterable collection of name associated with a deep link.
addTag(String) - function in io.branch.referral.util.LinkProperties
Adds a tag to the iterable collection of name associated with a deep link.
addTags(ArrayList) - function in io.branch.referral.BranchShareSheetBuilder
Adds the given tag an iterable Collection of String tags associated with a deeplink.
addTags(List) - function in io.branch.referral.BranchShortLinkBuilder
Adds a tag to the iterable collection of name associated with a deep link.
addUriHostsToSkip(String) - function in io.branch.referral.Branch
Branch collect the URLs in the incoming intent for better attribution.
addWhiteListedScheme(String) - function in io.branch.referral.Branch
Branch collect the URLs in the incoming intent for better attribution.
AdType - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
AdType - class in io.branch.referral.util
Ad Types
AdvertisingIDs - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
AdvertisingIdsKt - class in io.branch.coroutines
AED - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.CurrencyType
Affiliation - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
AFN - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.CurrencyType
Alias - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.LinkParam
ALL - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.CurrencyType
AMD - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.CurrencyType
Amount - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
AndroidAppLinkURL - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
AndroidDeepLinkPath - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
AndroidID - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
AndroidPushIdentifier - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
AndroidPushNotificationKey - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
ANG - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.CurrencyType
ANIMALS_AND_PET_SUPPLIES - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.ProductCategory
AnimatedDialog - class in io.branch.referral
Class for creating a Dialog which open and closes with an animation to the content view
AnonID - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
AOA - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.CurrencyType
APILevel - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
apiUrl - enum entry in io.branch.referral.BranchJsonConfig.BranchJsonKey
App_Store - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
APPAREL_AND_ACCESSORIES - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.ProductCategory
AppIdentifier - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
AppLinks - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
AppStoreReferrer - class in io.branch.referral
Abstract class for Store Referrers
AppVersion - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
areEqual(Object,Object) - function in io.branch.referral.BranchQRCodeCache
ARS - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.CurrencyType
ARTS_AND_ENTERTAINMENT - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.ProductCategory
AUD - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.CurrencyType
AutoDeepLinked - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.IntentKeys
AWG - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.CurrencyType
AZN - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.CurrencyType
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