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CAD - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.CurrencyType
CalculationType - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
CAMERAS_AND_OPTICS - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.ProductCategory
Campaign - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.LinkParam
campaign - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.PreinstallKey
cancel() - function in io.branch.referral.AnimatedDialog
Cancels the dialog with an animation to the content View.
cancel() - function in android.app.AnimatedDialog
cancel(boolean) - function in android.os.BranchAsyncTask
cancelShareLinkDialog(boolean) - function in io.branch.referral.Branch
Cancel current share link operation and Application selector dialog.
canClearInitData() - function in io.branch.referral.ServerRequestQueue
CanonicalIdentifier - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
CanonicalUrl - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
CDF - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.CurrencyType
CenterLogo - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
Channel - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.LinkParam
CHE - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.CurrencyType
checkCallingOrSelfPermission(String) - function in android.content.BranchApp
checkCallingOrSelfUriPermission(Uri,int) - function in android.content.BranchApp
checkCallingOrSelfUriPermissions(List,int) - function in android.content.BranchApp
checkCallingPermission(String) - function in android.content.BranchApp
checkCallingUriPermission(Uri,int) - function in android.content.BranchApp
checkCallingUriPermissions(List,int) - function in android.content.BranchApp
checkPermission(String,int,int) - function in android.content.BranchApp
checkQRCodeCache(JSONObject) - function in io.branch.referral.BranchQRCodeCache
checkSelfPermission(String) - function in android.content.BranchApp
checkUriPermission(Uri,int,int,int) - function in android.content.BranchApp
checkUriPermissions(List,int,int,int) - function in android.content.BranchApp
CHF - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.CurrencyType
CHW - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.CurrencyType
classExists(String) - function in io.branch.referral.util.DependencyUtilsKt
clearAbortBroadcast() - function in android.content.SharingBroadcastReceiver
clearCallbacks() - function in io.branch.referral.ServerRequest
Clears the callbacks associated to this request.
clearCallbacks() - function in io.branch.referral.ServerRequestLogEvent
Clears the callbacks associated to this request.
clearCallbacks() - function in io.branch.referral.ServerRequestGetLATD
Clears the callbacks associated to this request.
clearCallbacks() - function in io.branch.referral.QRCode.ServerRequestCreateQRCode
Clears the callbacks associated to this request.
clearGclid() - function in io.branch.referral.PrefHelper
clearPartnerParameters() - function in io.branch.referral.Branch
Clears all Partner Parameters
clearSystemReadStatus() - function in io.branch.referral.PrefHelper
Resets the time that the system was last read.
clearUserValues() - function in io.branch.referral.PrefHelper
Resets the user-related values that have been stored in preferences.
clearWallpaper() - function in android.content.BranchApp
CLF - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.CurrencyType
CLICK_AD - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.BRANCH_STANDARD_EVENT
Clicked_Branch_Link - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
ClickedReferrerTimeStamp - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
closeOptionsMenu() - function in android.app.AnimatedDialog
CLP - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.CurrencyType
CNY - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.CurrencyType
CodeColor - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
COMMERCE_AUCTION - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.BranchContentSchema
COMMERCE_BUSINESS - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.BranchContentSchema
COMMERCE_OTHER - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.BranchContentSchema
COMMERCE_PRODUCT - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.BranchContentSchema
COMMERCE_RESTAURANT - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.BranchContentSchema
COMMERCE_SERVICE - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.BranchContentSchema
COMMERCE_TRAVEL_FLIGHT - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.BranchContentSchema
COMMERCE_TRAVEL_HOTEL - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.BranchContentSchema
COMMERCE_TRAVEL_OTHER - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.BranchContentSchema
CommerceData - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
CommerceEvent - class in io.branch.referral.util
Created by Evan Groth on 12/21/16.
COMPLETE_REGISTRATION - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.BRANCH_STANDARD_EVENT
COMPLETE_STREAM - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.BRANCH_STANDARD_EVENT
COMPLETE_TUTORIAL - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.BRANCH_STANDARD_EVENT
Condition - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
ConnectionType - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
ContentActionView - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
ContentAnalyticsMode - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
ContentData - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
ContentDesc - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
ContentEvent - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.RequestPath
ContentEvents - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
ContentExpiryTime - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
ContentImgUrl - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
ContentItems - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
ContentKeyWords - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
ContentMetadata - class in io.branch.referral.util
Created by sojanpr on 7/25/17.
ContentMetadata.CONDITION - class in io.branch.referral.util.ContentMetadata
ContentNavPath - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
ContentPath - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
ContentSchema - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
ContentTitle - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
ContentType - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
convertToJson() - function in io.branch.referral.util.ContentMetadata
convertToJson() - function in io.branch.indexing.BranchUniversalObject
Convert the BUO to corresponding Json representation
COP - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.CurrencyType
COU - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.CurrencyType
Country - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
Coupon - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
CPUType - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
CRC - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.CurrencyType
create() - function in android.app.AnimatedDialog
createAndLogEventForPurchase(Context,Purchase,List,CurrencyType,Double,String) - function in io.branch.referral.BillingGooglePlay
createAttributionContext(String) - function in android.content.BranchApp
createConfigurationContext(Configuration) - function in android.content.BranchApp
createContext(ContextParams) - function in android.content.BranchApp
createContextForSplit(String) - function in android.content.BranchApp
createDeviceContext(int) - function in android.content.BranchApp
createDeviceProtectedStorageContext() - function in android.content.BranchApp
createDisplayContext(Display) - function in android.content.BranchApp
createFromJson(BranchUtil.JsonReader) - function in io.branch.referral.util.ContentMetadata
createInstance(JSONObject) - function in io.branch.indexing.BranchUniversalObject
Creates a new BranchUniversalObject with the data provided by JSONObject.
createPackageContext(String,int) - function in android.content.BranchApp
createWindowContext(int,Bundle) - function in android.content.BranchApp
CreationSource - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
CreationTimestamp - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
CUC - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.CurrencyType
CUP - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.CurrencyType
Currency - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
CurrencyType - class in io.branch.referral.util
Created by sojanpr on 8/31/16.
CustomData - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
CustomerEventAlias - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
CVE - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.CurrencyType
CZK - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.CurrencyType
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