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d(String) - function in io.branch.referral.BranchLogger
<p>Creates a <b>Debug</b> message in the debugger.
Data - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
Data - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.LinkParam
databaseList() - function in android.content.BranchApp
Debug - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
DEBUG - enum entry in io.branch.referral.BranchLogger.BranchLogLevel
decodeResourceId(Context,int) - function in io.branch.referral.BranchUtil
DeepLinkPath - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
DeepLinkRoutingValidator - class in io.branch.referral.validators
DefaultBucket - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
deferInitForPluginRuntime - enum entry in io.branch.referral.BranchJsonConfig.BranchJsonKey
Defines - class in io.branch.referral
Defines all Json keys associated with branch request parameters.
Defines.HeaderKey - class in io.branch.referral.Defines
Defines Branch header keys
Defines.IntentKeys - class in io.branch.referral.Defines
Defines module name keys
Defines.Jsonkey - class in io.branch.referral.Defines
Defines.LinkParam - class in io.branch.referral.Defines
Defines link parameter keys
Defines.PreinstallKey - class in io.branch.referral.Defines
Defines preinstall parameter keys
Defines.RequestPath - class in io.branch.referral.Defines
Defines all server path for the requests
deleteDatabase(String) - function in android.content.BranchApp
deleteFile(String) - function in android.content.BranchApp
deleteSharedPreferences(String) - function in android.content.BranchApp
DependencyUtilsKt - class in io.branch.referral.util
describeContents() - function in io.branch.referral.util.ContentMetadata
describeContents() - function in android.os.ContentMetadata
describeContents() - function in io.branch.referral.util.LinkProperties
describeContents() - function in android.os.LinkProperties
describeContents() - function in io.branch.indexing.BranchUniversalObject
describeContents() - function in android.os.BranchUniversalObject
Description - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
DeveloperIdentity - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
DeviceBuildId - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
DeviceCarrier - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
deviceDescription() - function in io.branch.referral.BranchPluginSupport
DeviceSignalsKt - class in io.branch.coroutines
Direction - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
DisableAdNetworkCallouts - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
disableAdNetworkCallouts(boolean) - function in io.branch.referral.Branch
Disable (or re-enable) ad network callouts.
disableAppList() - function in io.branch.referral.Branch
disableDeviceIDFetch(Boolean) - function in io.branch.referral.Branch
Method to control reading Android ID from device.
disableForcedSession() - function in io.branch.referral.Branch
disableInstantDeepLinking(boolean) - function in io.branch.referral.Branch
Disables or enables the instant deep link functionality.
disableLogging() - function in io.branch.referral.Branch
Disable Logging, independent of Debug Mode.
disableTestMode() - function in io.branch.referral.Branch
Disables the test mode for the SDK.
disableTracking(boolean,Branch.TrackingStateCallback) - function in io.branch.referral.Branch
Toggles the tracking state of the SDK.
disableTracking(boolean) - function in io.branch.referral.Branch
dismiss() - function in android.app.AnimatedDialog
dispatchGenericMotionEvent(MotionEvent) - function in android.app.AnimatedDialog
dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent) - function in android.app.AnimatedDialog
dispatchKeyShortcutEvent(KeyEvent) - function in android.app.AnimatedDialog
dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent) - function in android.app.AnimatedDialog
dispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent) - function in android.app.AnimatedDialog
dispatchTrackballEvent(MotionEvent) - function in android.app.AnimatedDialog
DJF - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.CurrencyType
DKK - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.CurrencyType
DMA_Ad_Personalization - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
DMA_Ad_User_Data - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
DMA_EEA - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.Jsonkey
DOP - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.CurrencyType
doRestfulGet(String) - function in io.branch.referral.network.BranchRemoteInterfaceUrlConnection
Abstract method to implement the network layer to do a RESTful GET to Branch servers.This method is called whenever Branch SDK want to make a GET request to Branch servers.Please note that this methods always called on the background thread and no need for thread switching for the network operations.
doRestfulGet(String) - function in io.branch.referral.network.BranchRemoteInterface
Abstract method to implement the network layer to do a RESTful GET to Branch servers.This method is called whenever Branch SDK want to make a GET request to Branch servers.Please note that this methods always called on the background thread and no need for thread switching for the network operations.
doRestfulPost(String,JSONObject) - function in io.branch.referral.network.BranchRemoteInterfaceUrlConnection
Abstract method to implement the network layer to do a RESTful GET to Branch servers.This method is called whenever Branch SDK want to make a GET request to Branch servers.Please note that this methods always called on the background thread and no need for thread switching to execute network operations.
doRestfulPost(String,JSONObject) - function in io.branch.referral.network.BranchRemoteInterface
Abstract method to implement the network layer to do a RESTful GET to Branch servers.This method is called whenever Branch SDK want to make a GET request to Branch servers.Please note that this methods always called on the background thread and no need for thread switching to execute network operations.
dpToPx(Context,int) - function in io.branch.referral.BranchUtil
Duration - enum entry in io.branch.referral.Defines.LinkParam
DZD - enum entry in io.branch.referral.util.CurrencyType
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