


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
object akkaHttp.type

Members list

Type members


type CborDecodingSetup = Api[DecodingConfig]
type CborEncodingSetup = Api[EncodingConfig]
type JsonDecodingSetup = Api[DecodingConfig]
type JsonEncodingSetup = Api[EncodingConfig]

Value members

Concrete methods

final def borerCborMarshaller[T : Encoder](cborContentType: ContentType, configureCbor: CborEncodingSetup => CborEncodingSetup): ToEntityMarshaller[T]

Provides a ToEntityMarshaller for T given an implicit borer Encoder for T. Supports only CBOR with the given MediaType.

Provides a ToEntityMarshaller for T given an implicit borer Encoder for T. Supports only CBOR with the given MediaType.


final def borerCborUnmarshaller[T : Decoder](cborMediaType: MediaType, configureCbor: CborDecodingSetup => CborDecodingSetup): FromEntityUnmarshaller[T]

Provides a FromEntityUnmarshaller for T given an implicit borer Decoder for T. Supports only CBOR with the given MediaType.

Provides a FromEntityUnmarshaller for T given an implicit borer Decoder for T. Supports only CBOR with the given MediaType.


final def borerJsonMarshaller[T : Encoder](jsonContentType: ContentType, configureJson: JsonEncodingSetup => JsonEncodingSetup): ToEntityMarshaller[T]

Provides a ToEntityMarshaller for T given an implicit borer Encoder for T. Supports only JSON with the given MediaType.

Provides a ToEntityMarshaller for T given an implicit borer Encoder for T. Supports only JSON with the given MediaType.


final def borerJsonUnmarshaller[T : Decoder](jsonMediaType: MediaType, configureJson: JsonDecodingSetup => JsonDecodingSetup): FromEntityUnmarshaller[T]

Provides a FromEntityUnmarshaller for T given an implicit borer Decoder for T. Supports only JSON with the given MediaType.

Provides a FromEntityUnmarshaller for T given an implicit borer Decoder for T. Supports only JSON with the given MediaType.


final def borerMarshaller[T : Encoder](cborContentType: ContentType, jsonContentType: ContentType, configureCbor: CborEncodingSetup => CborEncodingSetup, configureJson: JsonEncodingSetup => JsonEncodingSetup, prefer: Target): ToEntityMarshaller[T]

Provides a ToEntityMarshaller for T given an implicit borer Encoder for T. Supports both CBOR and JSON with the given MediaTypes. Content negotiation will determine, whether CBOR or JSON is produced. If the client accepts both formats with equal q-value the marshaller will produce whatever the prefer parameter specifies.

Provides a ToEntityMarshaller for T given an implicit borer Encoder for T. Supports both CBOR and JSON with the given MediaTypes. Content negotiation will determine, whether CBOR or JSON is produced. If the client accepts both formats with equal q-value the marshaller will produce whatever the prefer parameter specifies.


final def borerStreamMarshaller[T](ess: EntityStreamingSupport)(implicit marshaller: ToEntityMarshaller[T], classTag: ClassTag[T]): ToEntityMarshaller[Source[T, NotUsed]]

Provides a ToEntityMarshaller for streams of T given an implicit borer Encoder for T. Supports JSON or CSV, depending on the given EntityStreamingSupport.

Provides a ToEntityMarshaller for streams of T given an implicit borer Encoder for T. Supports JSON or CSV, depending on the given EntityStreamingSupport.


final def borerStreamUnmarshaller[T : Decoder](ess: EntityStreamingSupport): FromEntityUnmarshaller[Source[T, NotUsed]]

Provides a FromEntityUnmarshaller which produces streams of T given an implicit borer Decoder for T. Supports JSON or CSV, depending on the given EntityStreamingSupport.

Provides a FromEntityUnmarshaller which produces streams of T given an implicit borer Decoder for T. Supports JSON or CSV, depending on the given EntityStreamingSupport.


See also
final def borerUnmarshaller[T : Decoder](cborMediaType: MediaType, jsonMediaType: MediaType, configureCbor: CborDecodingSetup => CborDecodingSetup, configureJson: JsonDecodingSetup => JsonDecodingSetup): FromEntityUnmarshaller[T]

Provides a FromEntityUnmarshaller for T given an implicit borer Decoder for T. Supports both CBOR and JSON with the given MediaTypes.

Provides a FromEntityUnmarshaller for T given an implicit borer Decoder for T. Supports both CBOR and JSON with the given MediaTypes.




implicit def borerFromEntityUnmarshaller[T : Decoder]: FromEntityUnmarshaller[T]

Override with a parameterized call to the borerUnmarshaller method to apply a custom configuration.

Override with a parameterized call to the borerUnmarshaller method to apply a custom configuration.


final implicit def borerFromMessageUnmarshaller[T : Decoder]: FromMessageUnmarshaller[T]
implicit def borerJsonStreamFromEntityUnmarshaller[T : Decoder]: FromEntityUnmarshaller[Source[T, NotUsed]]

Override with a parameterized call to the borerStreamUnmarshaller method to apply a custom configuration.

Override with a parameterized call to the borerStreamUnmarshaller method to apply a custom configuration.


final implicit def borerJsonStreamFromMessageUnmarshaller[T : Decoder]: FromMessageUnmarshaller[Source[T, NotUsed]]
implicit def borerJsonStreamToEntityMarshaller[T : ClassTag]: ToEntityMarshaller[Source[T, NotUsed]]

Override with a parameterized call to the borerStreamMarshaller method to apply a custom configuration.

Override with a parameterized call to the borerStreamMarshaller method to apply a custom configuration.


final implicit def borerJsonStreamToResponseMarshaller[T : ClassTag]: ToResponseMarshaller[Source[T, NotUsed]]
implicit def borerToEntityMarshaller[T : Encoder]: ToEntityMarshaller[T]

Override with a parameterized call to the borerMarshaller method to apply a custom configuration.

Override with a parameterized call to the borerMarshaller method to apply a custom configuration.


final implicit def borerToResponseMarshaller[T : Encoder]: ToResponseMarshaller[T]