Interface ZeebeClientBuilder

    • Method Detail

      • gatewayAddress

        ZeebeClientBuilder gatewayAddress​(String gatewayAddress)
        gatewayAddress - the IP socket address of a gateway that the client can initially connect to. Must be in format host:port. The default value is .
      • numJobWorkerExecutionThreads

        ZeebeClientBuilder numJobWorkerExecutionThreads​(int numThreads)
        numThreads - The number of threads for invocation of job workers. Setting this value to 0 effectively disables subscriptions and workers. Default value is 1.
      • defaultJobWorkerName

        ZeebeClientBuilder defaultJobWorkerName​(String workerName)
        The name of the worker which is used when none is set for a job worker. Default is 'default'.
      • defaultJobTimeout

        ZeebeClientBuilder defaultJobTimeout​(Duration timeout)
        The timeout which is used when none is provided for a job worker. Default is 5 minutes.
      • defaultJobPollInterval

        ZeebeClientBuilder defaultJobPollInterval​(Duration pollInterval)
        The interval which a job worker is periodically polling for new jobs. Default is 100 milliseconds.
      • defaultMessageTimeToLive

        ZeebeClientBuilder defaultMessageTimeToLive​(Duration timeToLive)
        The time-to-live which is used when none is provided for a message. Default is 1 hour.
      • defaultRequestTimeout

        ZeebeClientBuilder defaultRequestTimeout​(Duration requestTimeout)
        The request timeout used if not overridden by the command. Default is 20 seconds.
      • usePlaintext

        ZeebeClientBuilder usePlaintext()
        Use a plaintext connection between the client and the gateway.
      • caCertificatePath

        ZeebeClientBuilder caCertificatePath​(String certificatePath)
        Path to a root CA certificate to be used instead of the certificate in the default default store.
      • keepAlive

        ZeebeClientBuilder keepAlive​(Duration keepAlive)
        Time interval between keep alive messages sent to the gateway. The default is 45 seconds.
      • withInterceptors

        ZeebeClientBuilder withInterceptors​(io.grpc.ClientInterceptor... interceptor)