Interface StreamJobsCommandStep1.StreamJobsCommandStep3

All Superinterfaces:
CommandWithOneOrMoreTenantsStep<StreamJobsCommandStep1.StreamJobsCommandStep3>, CommandWithTenantStep<StreamJobsCommandStep1.StreamJobsCommandStep3>, FinalCommandStep<StreamJobsResponse>
All Known Implementing Classes:
Enclosing interface:

public static interface StreamJobsCommandStep1.StreamJobsCommandStep3 extends CommandWithOneOrMoreTenantsStep<StreamJobsCommandStep1.StreamJobsCommandStep3>, FinalCommandStep<StreamJobsResponse>
  • Method Details

    • timeout

      Set the time for how long a job is exclusively assigned for this subscription.

      In this time, the job can not be assigned by other subscriptions to ensure that only one subscription work on the job. When the time is over then the job can be assigned again by this or other subscription if it's not completed yet.

      If no time is set then the default is used from the configuration.

      timeout - the time as duration (e.g. "Duration.ofMinutes(5)")
      the builder for this command. Call FinalCommandStep.send() to complete the command and send it to the broker.
    • workerName

      Set the name of the job worker.

      This name is used to identify the worker which activated the jobs. Its main purpose is for monitoring and auditing. Commands on activated jobs do not check the worker name, i.e. complete or fail job.

      If no name is set then the default is used from the configuration.

      workerName - the name of the worker (e.g. "payment-service")
      the builder for this command. Call FinalCommandStep.send() to complete the command and send it to the broker.
    • fetchVariables

      Set a list of variable names which should be fetch on job activation.

      The jobs which are activated by this command will only contain variables from this list.

      This can be used to limit the number of variables of the activated jobs.

      fetchVariables - list of variables names to fetch on activation
      the builder for this command. Call FinalCommandStep.send() to complete the command and send it to the broker.
    • fetchVariables

      StreamJobsCommandStep1.StreamJobsCommandStep3 fetchVariables(String... fetchVariables)
      Set a list of variable names which should be fetched on job activation.

      The jobs which are activated by this command will only contain variables from this list.

      This can be used to limit the number of variables of the activated jobs.

      fetchVariables - list of variables names to fetch on activation
      the builder for this command. Call FinalCommandStep.send() to complete the command and send it to the broker.