Interface BpmnElementContext

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface BpmnElementContext
Process instance-related data of the element that is executed.
  • Method Details

    • getElementInstanceKey

      long getElementInstanceKey()
    • getFlowScopeKey

      long getFlowScopeKey()
    • getProcessInstanceKey

      long getProcessInstanceKey()
    • getParentProcessInstanceKey

      long getParentProcessInstanceKey()
    • getParentElementInstanceKey

      long getParentElementInstanceKey()
    • getProcessDefinitionKey

      long getProcessDefinitionKey()
    • getProcessVersion

      int getProcessVersion()
    • getBpmnProcessId

      org.agrona.DirectBuffer getBpmnProcessId()
    • getElementId

      org.agrona.DirectBuffer getElementId()
    • getBpmnElementType

      BpmnElementType getBpmnElementType()
    • getRecordValue

      ProcessInstanceRecord getRecordValue()
      Caution! Don't modify the value to avoid unexpected side-effects.
      the value of the record that is currently processed
    • getIntent

    • getTenantId

      String getTenantId()
    • copy

      BpmnElementContext copy(long elementInstanceKey, ProcessInstanceRecord recordValue, ProcessInstanceIntent intent)