
@implicitNotFound("Cannot find implicit value for RedisCtx[${F}]. \nIf you are trying to build a ({ type M[A] = Redis[F, A] })#M, make sure a Concurrent[F] is in scope,\nother instances are also present such as RedisTransaction.\nIf you are leveraging a custom context not provided by rediculous,\nplease consult your library documentation.\n")
trait RedisCtx[F[_]]

RedisCtx is the Context in Which RedisOperations operate.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def keyedBV[A : RedisResult](key: ByteVector, command: NonEmptyList[ByteVector]): F[A]
def unkeyedBV[A : RedisResult](command: NonEmptyList[ByteVector]): F[A]