Interface ParallelStreamProcessor<K,V>

All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, Closeable, DrainingCloseable, ParallelConsumer<K,V>
All Known Implementing Classes:
JStreamParallelEoSStreamProcessor, ParallelEoSStreamProcessor

public interface ParallelStreamProcessor<K,V> extends ParallelConsumer<K,V>, DrainingCloseable
Parallel message consumer which also can optionally produce 0 or many ProducerRecord results to be published back to Kafka.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • createEosStreamProcessor

      static <KK, VV> ParallelStreamProcessor<KK,VV> createEosStreamProcessor(ParallelConsumerOptions<KK,VV> options)
    • poll

      void poll(Consumer<PollContext<K,V>> usersVoidConsumptionFunction)
      Register a function to be applied in parallel to each received message
      usersVoidConsumptionFunction - the function
    • pollAndProduceMany

      void pollAndProduceMany(Function<PollContext<K,V>,List<org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord<K,V>>> userFunction, Consumer<ParallelStreamProcessor.ConsumeProduceResult<K,V,K,V>> callback)
      Register a function to be applied in parallel to each received message, which in turn returns one or more ProducerRecords to be sent back to the broker.
      callback - applied after the produced message is acknowledged by kafka
    • pollAndProduceMany

      void pollAndProduceMany(Function<PollContext<K,V>,List<org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord<K,V>>> userFunction)
      Register a function to be applied in parallel to each received message, which in turn returns one or many ProducerRecords to be sent back to the broker.
    • pollAndProduce

      void pollAndProduce(Function<PollContext<K,V>,org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord<K,V>> userFunction)
      Register a function to be applied in parallel to each received message, which in turn returns a ProducerRecord to be sent back to the broker.
    • pollAndProduce

      void pollAndProduce(Function<PollContext<K,V>,org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord<K,V>> userFunction, Consumer<ParallelStreamProcessor.ConsumeProduceResult<K,V,K,V>> callback)
      Register a function to be applied in parallel to each received message, which in turn returns a ProducerRecord to be sent back to the broker.
      callback - applied after the produced message is acknowledged by kafka