


package cmdr

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. cmdr
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package macros
  2. package parsing

Type Members

  1. type ArgumentParser = cmdr.parsing.ArgumentParser
  2. macro class main extends Annotation with StaticAnnotation

    Annotate this to a method to be used as the program's entrypoint.

    Annotate this to a method to be used as the program's entrypoint.

    This generates a synthetic main method, converting command line arguments to values which are then be passed to the function.


    object Main {
      @cmdr.main("appname", "version")
      def entrypoint(
        host: String = "localhost",
        port: Int = 8080,
        authToken: String = "",
        to: java.nio.file.Path,
        files: Seq[java.nio.file.Path]
      ) = ???

    Will lead to an executable program with the following usage line:

    appname [--host=] [--port=] [--auth-token=] to [files...]

    In other words, it allows overriding host, port and authToken with named arguments (using the default value if absent), requires the user to specify to, and allows multiple repeating arguments for files.

    Environment variable overrides are also available: APPNAME_HOST, APPNAME_PORT and APPNAME_AUTH_TOKEN will be used if they are defined and no corresponding argument is passed.

    Mapping Rules

    Function parameters are mapped to command-line parameters according to the following rules (in order of precedence):

    1. A function parameter *with a default value* is associated to a named, optional command line argument and environment variable.

    • The command line name is given as the --kebab-case transformation of the function parameter name.
    • The environment variable name is given as the UPPER_SNAKE_CASE transformation, with the program's name prepended.

    2. A parameter *without a default value* is associated a positional, required parameter.

    3. A parameter without a default value *and of type Seq[_]* is associated all extranous positional parameters.

    How It Works

    A synthetic main function is appended after the annottee. This main function defines a command line parser according to the above listed rules, and then calls the annottee.

    E.g. the above example will lead to a synthetic main similar to the following:

    def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
      val parser = _root_.cmdr.ArgumentParser("appname", "version");
      val p$macro$1 = parser.param[String]("--host", "localhost", "APPNAME_HOST"));
      val p$macro$2 = parser.param[Int]("--port", 8080, "APPNAME_PORT"));
      val p$macro$3 = parser.param[String]("--auth-token", "", "APPNAME_AUTH_TOKEN"));
      val p$macro$4 = parser.requiredParam[java.nio.file.Path]("to");
      val p$macro$5 = parser.repeatedParam[java.nio.file.Path]("files");
      entrypoint(p$macro$1.get, p$macro$2.get, p$macro$3.get, p$macro$4.get, p$macro$5.get)
    @compileTimeOnly("this program must be compiled with -Ymacro-annotations enabled")
    See also


Value Members

  1. val ArgumentParser: cmdr.parsing.ArgumentParser.type
  2. val argsv: Array[String]

    Get the system arguments eagerly, this allows using them in a constructor, outside of main().

    Get the system arguments eagerly, this allows using them in a constructor, outside of main().

    This may be somewhat of a hack.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
