
trait Visitor[+A]

Used for internally parsing results from the Redis server with minimal overhead (i.e. to avoid materializing intermediate data structures).

See Reader[A] for reading BulkStrings to user-level data types.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
object NoopVisitor.type
object RespBuilder.type
trait SimpleVisitor[A]
class AttrVisitor[A]
object LongVisitor.type
trait Reader[A]
object ArrVisitor.type
object StringVisitor.type

Value members

Abstract methods

def visitArray(length: Int): ArrayVisitor[A]

Note: an implementation MUST visit exactly length elements, lest the client's state be corrupted.

Note: an implementation MUST visit exactly length elements, lest the client's state be corrupted.

def visitBulkString(length: Long, data: InputStream): A

Note: an implementation MUST consume exactly length bytes (except if the stream is closed), lest the client's state be corrupted.

Note: an implementation MUST consume exactly length bytes (except if the stream is closed), lest the client's state be corrupted.

def visitNull(): A
def visitNum(value: Long): A
def visitSimpleString(data: StringBuilder): A