Class SnapshotReader

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SnapshotReader
    extends AbstractReader
    A component that performs a snapshot of a MySQL server, and records the schema changes in MySqlSchema.
    Randall Hauch
    • Constructor Detail

      • SnapshotReader

        public SnapshotReader​(String name,
                              MySqlTaskContext context)
        Create a snapshot reader.
        name - the name of this reader; may not be null
        context - the task context in which this reader is running; may not be null
      • SnapshotReader

        SnapshotReader​(String name,
                       MySqlTaskContext context,
                       boolean useGlobalLock)
        Create a snapshot reader that can use global locking only optionally. Used mostly for testing.
        name - the name of this reader; may not be null
        context - the task context in which this reader is running; may not be null
        useGlobalLock - false to simulate cloud (Amazon RDS) restrictions