Class MySqlOffsetContext

    • Field Detail

      • sourceInfoSchema

        private final sourceInfoSchema
      • snapshotCompleted

        private boolean snapshotCompleted
      • restartGtidSet

        private String restartGtidSet
      • currentGtidSet

        private String currentGtidSet
      • restartBinlogFilename

        private String restartBinlogFilename
      • restartBinlogPosition

        private long restartBinlogPosition
      • restartRowsToSkip

        private int restartRowsToSkip
      • restartEventsToSkip

        private long restartEventsToSkip
      • currentEventLengthInBytes

        private long currentEventLengthInBytes
      • inTransaction

        private boolean inTransaction
      • transactionId

        private String transactionId
    • Method Detail

      • offsetUsingPosition

        private Map<String,​Object> offsetUsingPosition​(long rowsToSkip)
      • getSourceInfo

        public getSourceInfo()
        Specified by:
        getSourceInfo in interface OffsetContext
      • isSnapshotCompleted

        public boolean isSnapshotCompleted()
      • setTransactionId

        private void setTransactionId()
      • resetTransactionId

        private void resetTransactionId()
      • getTransactionId

        public String getTransactionId()
      • setInitialSkips

        public void setInitialSkips​(long restartEventsToSkip,
                                    int restartRowsToSkip)
      • databaseEvent

        public void databaseEvent​(String database,
                                  Instant timestamp)
      • setBinlogStartPoint

        public void setBinlogStartPoint​(String binlogFilename,
                                        long positionOfFirstEvent)
        Set the position in the MySQL binlog where we will start reading.
        binlogFilename - the name of the binary log file; may not be null
        positionOfFirstEvent - the position in the binary log file to begin processing
      • setCompletedGtidSet

        public void setCompletedGtidSet​(String gtidSet)
        Set the GTID set that captures all of the GTID transactions that have been completely processed.
        gtidSet - the string representation of the GTID set; may not be null, but may be an empty string if no GTIDs have been previously processed
      • gtidSet

        public String gtidSet()
        Get the string representation of the GTID range for the MySQL binary log file.
        the string representation of the binlog GTID ranges; may be null
      • startGtid

        public void startGtid​(String gtid,
                              String gtidSet)
        Record that a new GTID transaction has been started and has been included in the set of GTIDs known to the MySQL server.
        gtid - the string representation of a specific GTID that has been begun; may not be null
        gtidSet - the string representation of GTID set that includes the newly begun GTID; may not be null
      • startNextTransaction

        public void startNextTransaction()
      • commitTransaction

        public void commitTransaction()
      • completeEvent

        public void completeEvent()
        Capture that we're starting a new event.
      • setEventPosition

        public void setEventPosition​(long positionOfCurrentEvent,
                                     long eventSizeInBytes)
        Set the position within the MySQL binary log file of the current event.
        positionOfCurrentEvent - the position within the binary log file of the current event
        eventSizeInBytes - the size in bytes of this event
      • setQuery

        public void setQuery​(String query)
        Set the original SQL query.
        query - the original SQL query that generated the event.
      • changeEventCompleted

        public void changeEventCompleted()
      • eventsToSkipUponRestart

        public long eventsToSkipUponRestart()
        Get the number of events after the last transaction BEGIN that we've already processed.
        the number of events in the transaction that have been processed completely
        See Also:
        completeEvent(), startNextTransaction()
      • rowsToSkipUponRestart

        public int rowsToSkipUponRestart()
        Get the number of rows beyond the last completely processed event to be skipped upon restart.
        the number of rows to be skipped
      • setRowNumber

        public void setRowNumber​(int eventRowNumber,
                                 int totalNumberOfRows)
        Given the row number within a binlog event and the total number of rows in that event, compute the Kafka Connect offset that is be included in the produced change event describing the row.

        This method should always be called before #struct().

        eventRowNumber - the 0-based row number within the event for which the offset is to be produced
        totalNumberOfRows - the total number of rows within the event being processed
        See Also:
      • setBinlogServerId

        public void setBinlogServerId​(long serverId)
      • setBinlogThread

        public void setBinlogThread​(long threadId)