Class Field.EnumRecommender<T extends Enum<T>>

    • Field Detail

      • validValues

        private final List<Object> validValues
      • literals

        private final Set<String> literals
      • literalsStr

        private final String literalsStr
    • Constructor Detail

      • EnumRecommender

        public EnumRecommender​(Class<T> enumType)
    • Method Detail

      • validValues

        public List<Object> validValues​(Field field,
                                        Configuration config)
        Description copied from interface: Field.Recommender
        Return a set of recommended (and valid) values for the field given the current configuration values.
        Specified by:
        validValues in interface Field.Recommender
        field - the field for which the recommended values are to be found; may not be null
        config - the configuration; may not be null
        the list of valid values
      • visible

        public boolean visible​(Field field,
                               Configuration config)
        Description copied from interface: Field.Recommender
        Set the visibility of the field given the current configuration values.
        Specified by:
        visible in interface Field.Recommender
        field - the field; may not be null
        config - the configuration; may not be null
        true if the field is to be visible, or false otherwise
      • validate

        public int validate​(Configuration config,
                            Field field,
                            Field.ValidationOutput problems)
        Description copied from interface: Field.Validator
        Validate the supplied value for the field, and report any problems to the designated consumer.
        Specified by:
        validate in interface Field.Validator
        config - the configuration containing the field to be validated; may not be null
        field - the Field being validated; never null
        problems - the consumer to be called with each problem; never null
        the number of problems that were found, or 0 if the value is valid