Class Selectors.TableSelectionPredicateBuilder

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class Selectors.TableSelectionPredicateBuilder
    extends Object
    A builder of a table predicate.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TableSelectionPredicateBuilder

        public TableSelectionPredicateBuilder()
    • Method Detail

      • includeDatabases

        public Selectors.TableSelectionPredicateBuilder includeDatabases​(String databaseNames)
        Specify the names of the databases that should be included. This method will override previously included and excluded databases.
        databaseNames - the comma-separated list of database names to include; may be null or empty
        this builder so that methods can be chained together; never null
      • excludeDatabases

        public Selectors.TableSelectionPredicateBuilder excludeDatabases​(String databaseNames)
        Specify the names of the databases that should be excluded. This method will override previously excluded databases, although including databases overrides exclusions.
        databaseNames - the comma-separated list of database names to exclude; may be null or empty
        this builder so that methods can be chained together; never null
      • includeSchemas

        public Selectors.TableSelectionPredicateBuilder includeSchemas​(String schemaNames)
        Specify the names of the schemas that should be included. This method will override previously included and excluded schemas.
        schemaNames - the comma-separated list of schema names to include; may be null or empty
        this builder so that methods can be chained together; never null
      • excludeSchemas

        public Selectors.TableSelectionPredicateBuilder excludeSchemas​(String schemaNames)
        Specify the names of the schemas that should be excluded. This method will override previously excluded schemas, although includeSchemas(String) including schemas} overrides exclusions.
        schemaNames - the comma-separated list of schema names to exclude; may be null or empty
        this builder so that methods can be chained together; never null
      • includeTables

        public Selectors.TableSelectionPredicateBuilder includeTables​(String fullyQualifiedTableNames,
                                                                      Selectors.TableIdToStringMapper tableIdMapper)
        Specify the names of the tables that should be included. This method will override previously included and excluded table names.

        Note that any specified tables that are in an excluded database will not be included.

        fullyQualifiedTableNames - the comma-separated list of fully-qualified table names to include; may be null or empty
        tableIdMapper - an arbitrary converter used to convert TableId into String for pattern matching. Usually used to remove a component from tableId to simplify patterns.
        this builder so that methods can be chained together; never null
      • includeTables

        public Selectors.TableSelectionPredicateBuilder includeTables​(String fullyQualifiedTableNames)
        Specify the names of the tables that should be included. This method will override previously included and excluded table names.

        Note that any specified tables that are in an excluded database will not be included.

        fullyQualifiedTableNames - the comma-separated list of fully-qualified table names to include; may be null or empty
        this builder so that methods can be chained together; never null
      • excludeTables

        public Selectors.TableSelectionPredicateBuilder excludeTables​(String fullyQualifiedTableNames,
                                                                      Selectors.TableIdToStringMapper tableIdMapper)
        Specify the names of the tables that should be excluded. This method will override previously excluded tables, although including tables overrides exclusions.

        Note that any specified tables that are in an excluded database will not be included.

        fullyQualifiedTableNames - the comma-separated list of fully-qualified table names to exclude; may be null or empty
        tableIdMapper - an arbitrary converter used to convert TableId into String for pattern matching. Usually used to remove a component from tableId to simplify patterns.
        this builder so that methods can be chained together; never null
      • excludeTables

        public Selectors.TableSelectionPredicateBuilder excludeTables​(String fullyQualifiedTableNames)
        Specify the names of the tables that should be excluded. This method will override previously excluded tables, although including tables overrides exclusions.

        Note that any specified tables that are in an excluded database will not be included.

        fullyQualifiedTableNames - the comma-separated list of fully-qualified table names to exclude; may be null or empty
        this builder so that methods can be chained together; never null