Class TableSchema

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class TableSchema
    extends Object
    implements DataCollectionSchema
    Defines the Kafka Connect Schema functionality associated with a given table definition, and which can be used to send rows of data that match the table definition to Kafka Connect.

    Given a Table definition, creating and using a TableSchema is straightforward:

     Table table = ...
     TableSchema tableSchema = new TableSchemaBuilder().create(table);
    or use a subclass of TableSchemaBuilder for the particular DBMS. Then, for each row of data:
     Object[] data = ...
     Object key = tableSchema.keyFromColumnData(data);
     Struct value = tableSchema.valueFromColumnData(data);
     Schema keySchema = tableSchema.keySchema();
     Schema valueSchema = tableSchema.valueSchema();
    all of which can be handed to Kafka Connect to create a new record.

    When the table structure changes, simply obtain a new or updated Table definition (e.g., via an editor), rebuild the TableSchema for that Table, and use the new TableSchema instance for subsequent records.

    Randall Hauch
    See Also:
    • Field Detail

      • LOGGER

        private static final org.slf4j.Logger LOGGER
      • keySchema

        private final keySchema
      • envelopeSchema

        private final Envelope envelopeSchema
      • valueSchema

        private final valueSchema
    • Constructor Detail

      • TableSchema

        public TableSchema​(TableId id,
                           StructGenerator keyGenerator,
                           Envelope envelopeSchema,
                           StructGenerator valueGenerator)
        Create an instance with the specified Schemas for the keys and values, and the functions that generate the key and value for a given row of data.
        id - the id of the table corresponding to this schema
        keySchema - the schema for the primary key; may be null
        keyGenerator - the function that converts a row into a single key object for Kafka Connect; may not be null but may return nulls
        valueSchema - the schema for the values; may be null
        valueGenerator - the function that converts a row into a single value object for Kafka Connect; may not be null but may return nulls
    • Method Detail

      • valueSchema

        public valueSchema()
        Get the Schema that represents the table's columns, excluding those that make up the keySchema().
        the Schema describing the columns in the table; never null
      • keySchema

        public keySchema()
        Get the Schema that represents the table's primary key.
        Specified by:
        keySchema in interface DataCollectionSchema
        the Schema describing the column's that make up the primary key; null if there is no primary key
      • getEnvelopeSchema

        public Envelope getEnvelopeSchema()
        Get the Schema that represents the entire value of messages for the table, i.e. including before/after state and source info.
        Specified by:
        getEnvelopeSchema in interface DataCollectionSchema
        the table's envelope schema
      • keyFromColumnData

        public keyFromColumnData​(Object[] columnData)
        Convert the specified row of values into a Kafka Connect key. The row is expected to conform to the structured defined by the table.
        columnData - the column values for the table
        the key, or null if the columnData
      • valueFromColumnData

        public valueFromColumnData​(Object[] columnData)
        Convert the specified row of values into a Kafka Connect value. The row is expected to conform to the structured defined by the table.
        columnData - the column values for the table
        the value, or null if the columnData
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object