Interface Path

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Interface Description
      static interface  Path.Segments  
    • Method Detail

      • root

        static Path root()
        Get the zero-length path.
        the shared root path; never null
      • optionalRoot

        static Optional<Path> optionalRoot()
        Get an Optional reference to the root path. The resulting Optional will always be present.
        the shared optional root path; never null
      • parse

        static Path parse​(String path)
        Parse a JSON Path expression. Segments are separated by a single forward slash ('/'); any '~' or '/ ' literals must be escaped. Trailing slashes are ignored.
        path - the path as a string; may not be null, but may be an empty string or "/" for a root path
        the path object; never null
      • parse

        static Path parse​(String path,
                          boolean resolveJsonPointerEscapes)
        Parse a JSON Path expression. Segments are separated by a single forward slash ('/'); any '~' or '/ ' literals must be escaped. Trailing slashes are ignored.
        path - the path as a string; may not be null, but may be an empty string or "/" for a root path
        resolveJsonPointerEscapes - true if '~' and '/ ' literals are to be escaped as '~0' and '~1', respectively, or false if they are not to be escaped
        the path object; never null
      • isRoot

        default boolean isRoot()
        Return whether this path is the root path with no segments. This method is equivalent to size() == 0.
        true if this path contains exactly one segment, or false otherwise
      • isSingle

        default boolean isSingle()
        Return whether this path has a single segment. This method is equivalent to size() == 1.
        true if this path contains exactly one segment, or false otherwise
      • isMultiple

        default boolean isMultiple()
        Return whether this path has more than one segment. This method is equivalent to size() > 1.
        true if this path contains exactly one segment, or false otherwise
      • size

        int size()
        Get the number of segments in the path.
        the size of the path; never negative
      • parent

        Optional<Path> parent()
        Get the optional parent path.
        an optional containing the parent (if this is not the root path), or an empty optional if this is the root path.
      • lastSegment

        Optional<String> lastSegment()
        Get the last segment, if there is one.
        an optional containing the last segment of this path (if this is not the root path), or an empty optional if this is the root path.
      • subpath

        Path subpath​(int length)
        Get a portion of this path that has a specified number of segments.
        length - the number of segments
        the subpath, or this path if the supplied length is equal to this.size()
      • segment

        String segment​(int index)
        Get the segment at the given index.
        index - the index of the segment
        the segment
        IllegalArgumentException - if the index value is equal to or greater than #size()
      • append

        default Path append​(String relPath)
        Create a new path consisting of this path with one or more additional segments given by the relative path.
        relPath - the relative path to be appended to this path; may not be null
        the new path
      • append

        Path append​(Path relPath)
        Create a new path consisting of this path appended with the given path that will be treated as a relative path.
        relPath - the relative path to be appended to this path; may not be null
        the new path
      • toRelativePath

        String toRelativePath()
        Obtain the representation of this path as a relative path without the leading '/'.
        the relative path; never null but may be empty
      • fromRoot

        default void fromRoot​(Consumer<Path> consumer)
        Call the consumer with the path of every ancestor (except root) down to this path.
        consumer - the function to call on each path segment