Class AbstractSourceInfo

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class AbstractSourceInfo
    extends Object
    Common information provided by all connectors in either source field or offsets
    Jiri Pechanec
    • Method Detail

      • schema

        public schema()
        Returns the schema of specific sub-types. Implementations should call #schemaBuilder() to add all shared fields to their schema.
      • timestamp

        protected abstract Instant timestamp()
        timestamp of the event
      • snapshot

        protected abstract SnapshotRecord snapshot()
        status whether the record is from snapshot or streaming phase
      • database

        protected abstract String database()
        name of the database
      • serverName

        protected String serverName()
        logical name of the server
      • struct

        public struct()
        Returns the source struct representing this source info.
      • sequence

        protected String sequence()
        Returns extra sequencing metadata about a change event formatted as a stringified JSON array. The metadata contained in a sequence must be ordered sequentially in order to be understood and compared. Note: if a source's sequence metadata contains any string values, those strings must be correctly escaped before being included in the stringified JSON array.