Interface PNCounter

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Count, GCount, GCounter, PNCount
    All Known Subinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    StateBasedPNCounter, StateBasedPNDeltaCounter

    public interface PNCounter
    extends PNCount, GCounter
    A simple counter that maintains a single changing value by separately tracking the positive and negative changes. It is inspired by the conflict-free replicated data type (CRDT) P-N Counter. The semantics ensure the value converges toward the global number of increments minus the number of decrements. The global total can be calculated by merging all the replicated instances, without regard to order of merging.
    • Method Detail

      • increment

        PNCounter increment()
        Increment the counter and get the result.
        Specified by:
        increment in interface GCounter
        this instance so methods can be chained together; never null
      • decrement

        PNCounter decrement()
        Decrement the counter and get the result.
        this instance so methods can be chained together; never null
      • decrementAndGet

        long decrementAndGet()
        Decrement the counter and get the result.
        the current result after decrementing
      • getAndDecrement

        long getAndDecrement()
        Decrement the counter and get the result.
        the current result before decrementing
      • merge

        PNCounter merge​(Count other)
        Merge the supplied counter into this counter.
        Specified by:
        merge in interface GCounter
        other - the other counter to merge into this one; may be null
        this counter so that methods can be chained