Interface ChangeEventSourceFactory<P extends Partition,​O extends OffsetContext>

    • Method Detail

      • getStreamingChangeEventSource

        StreamingChangeEventSource<P,​O> getStreamingChangeEventSource()
        Returns a streaming change event source that starts streaming at the given offset.
      • getIncrementalSnapshotChangeEventSource

        default Optional<IncrementalSnapshotChangeEventSource<? extends DataCollectionId>> getIncrementalSnapshotChangeEventSource​(O offsetContext,
                                                                                                                                   SnapshotProgressListener snapshotProgressListener,
                                                                                                                                   DataChangeEventListener dataChangeEventListener)
        Returns and incremental snapshot change event source that can run in parallel with streaming and read and send data collection content in chunk.
        offsetContext - A context representing a restored offset from an earlier run of this connector. May be null.
        snapshotProgressListener - A listener called for changes in the state of snapshot. May be null.
        An incremental snapshot change event source