Class ColumnId

    • Field Detail


        private static final Pattern IDENTIFIER_SEPARATOR_PATTERN
      • tableId

        private final TableId tableId
      • columnName

        private final String columnName
    • Constructor Detail

      • ColumnId

        public ColumnId​(TableId tableId,
                        String columnName)
        Create a new column identifier.
        tableId - the identifier of the table; may not be null
        columnName - the name of the column; may not be null
      • ColumnId

        public ColumnId​(String catalogName,
                        String schemaName,
                        String tableName,
                        String columnName)
        Create a new column identifier.
        catalogName - the name of the database catalog that contains the table; may be null if the JDBC driver does not show a schema for this table
        schemaName - the name of the database schema that contains the table; may be null if the JDBC driver does not show a schema for this table
        tableName - the name of the table; may not be null
        columnName - the name of the column; may not be null
    • Method Detail

      • filter

        public static Map<TableId,​Predicate<Column>> filter​(String columnExcludeList)
        Create the map of predicate functions that specify which columns are to be included.

        Qualified column names are comma-separated strings that are each parsed into ColumnId objects.

        columnExcludeList - the comma-separated string listing the qualified names of the columns to be explicitly disallowed; may be null
        the predicate function; never null
      • parse

        public static ColumnId parse​(String str)
        Parse the supplied string delimited with a period (.) character, extracting the last segment into a column name and the prior segments into the TableID.
        str - the input string
        the column ID, or null if it could not be parsed
      • parse

        private static ColumnId parse​(String str,
                                      boolean useCatalogBeforeSchema)
        Parse the supplied string delimited with the specified delimiter character, extracting the last segment into a column name and the prior segments into the TableID.
        str - the input string
        useCatalogBeforeSchema - true if the parsed string contains only 2 items and the first should be used as the catalog and the second as the table name, or false if the first should be used as the schema and the second as the table name
        the column ID, or null if it could not be parsed
      • tableId

        public TableId tableId()
        Get the identifier for the table that owns this column.
        the table identifier; never null
      • catalog

        public String catalog()
        Get the name of the JDBC catalog.
        the catalog name, or null if the table does not belong to a catalog
      • schema

        public String schema()
        Get the name of the JDBC schema.
        the JDBC schema name, or null if the table does not belong to a JDBC schema
      • table

        public String table()
        Get the name of the table.
        the table name; never null
      • columnName

        public String columnName()
        Get the name of the table.
        the table name; never null
      • compareToIgnoreCase

        public int compareToIgnoreCase​(ColumnId that)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object