Class Selectors.DatabaseSelectionPredicateBuilder

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class Selectors.DatabaseSelectionPredicateBuilder
    extends Object
    A builder of a database predicate.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DatabaseSelectionPredicateBuilder

        public DatabaseSelectionPredicateBuilder()
    • Method Detail

      • includeDatabases

        public Selectors.DatabaseSelectionPredicateBuilder includeDatabases​(String databaseNames)
        Specify the names of the databases that should be included. This method will override previously included and excluded databases.
        databaseNames - the comma-separated list of database names to include; may be null or empty
        this builder so that methods can be chained together; never null
      • excludeDatabases

        public Selectors.DatabaseSelectionPredicateBuilder excludeDatabases​(String databaseNames)
        Specify the names of the databases that should be excluded. This method will override previously excluded databases, although including databases overrides exclusions.
        databaseNames - the comma-separated list of database names to exclude; may be null or empty
        this builder so that methods can be chained together; never null