Class DdlChanges

    • Constructor Detail

      • DdlChanges

        public DdlChanges()
        Create a new changes object with ';' as the terminator token.
      • DdlChanges

        public DdlChanges​(String terminator)
        Create a new changes object with the designated terminator token.
        terminator - the token used to terminate each statement; may be null
    • Method Detail

      • reset

        public DdlChanges reset()
        Clear all accumulated changes.
        this object for method chaining; never null
      • groupStatementStringsByDatabase

        public void groupStatementStringsByDatabase​(DdlChanges.DatabaseStatementStringConsumer consumer)
        Consume the events in the same order they were recorded, but grouped by database name. Multiple sequential statements that were applied to the same database are grouped together.
        consumer - the consumer
      • groupStatementsByDatabase

        public void groupStatementsByDatabase​(DdlChanges.DatabaseStatementConsumer consumer)
        Consume the events in the same order they were recorded, but grouped by database name. Multiple sequential statements that were applied to the same database are grouped together.
        consumer - the consumer
      • groupEventsByDatabase

        public void groupEventsByDatabase​(DdlChanges.DatabaseEventConsumer consumer)
        Consume the events in the same order they were recorded, but grouped by database name. Multiple sequential statements that were applied to the same database are grouped together.
        consumer - the consumer
      • getEventsByDatabase

        public void getEventsByDatabase​(DdlChanges.DatabaseEventConsumer consumer)
        Consume the events in the same order they were recorded, but grouped by database name. Multiple sequential statements that were applied to the same database are grouped together.
        consumer - the consumer
      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
      • applyToMoreDatabasesThan

        public boolean applyToMoreDatabasesThan​(String name)
      • anyMatch

        public boolean anyMatch​(Predicate<String> databaseFilter,
                                Predicate<TableId> tableFilter)
        true if any event stored is one of
        • database-wide events and affects included/excluded database
        • table related events and the table is included
        • events that set a variable and either affects included database or is a system-wide variable
        • anyMatch

          public boolean anyMatch​(RelationalTableFilters filters)
          true if any event stored is one of
          • database-wide events and affects included/excluded database
          • table related events and the table is included
          • events that set a variable and either affects included database or is a system-wide variable