Interface DdlParser

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface DdlParser
    A parser interface for DDL statements.
    Roman Kuchár .
    • Method Detail

      • parse

        void parse​(String ddlContent,
                   Tables databaseTables)
        Examine the supplied string containing DDL statements, and apply those statements to the specified database table definitions.
        ddlContent - the stream of tokens containing the DDL statements; may not be null
        databaseTables - the database's table definitions, which should be used by this method to create, change, or remove tables as defined in the DDL content; may not be null
        ParsingException - if there is a problem parsing the supplied content
      • setCurrentDatabase

        void setCurrentDatabase​(String databaseName)
      • setCurrentSchema

        void setCurrentSchema​(String schemaName)
        Set the name of the current schema.
        schemaName - the name of the current schema; may be null
      • terminator

        String terminator()
        The token used to terminate a DDL statement.
        the terminating token; never null