Class Offsets<P extends Partition,​O extends OffsetContext>

    • Constructor Detail

      • Offsets

        private Offsets​(Map<P,​O> offsets)
    • Method Detail

      • resetOffset

        public void resetOffset​(P partition)
      • getPartitions

        public Set<P> getPartitions()
      • getOffsets

        public Map<P,​O> getOffsets()
      • getTheOnlyPartition

        public P getTheOnlyPartition()
        Returns the offset of the only partition that the task is configured to use. This method is meant to be used only by the connectors that do not implement handling multiple partitions per task.
      • getTheOnlyOffset

        public O getTheOnlyOffset()
        Returns the offset of the only offset that the task is configured to use. This method is meant to be used only by the connectors that do not implement handling multiple partitions per task.